...important elements of early childcare and education. As a practitioner, I now understand the importance of quality interactions between practitioner and child, as they help build strong relationships especially when the activity is meaningful and enjoyable (DCCC, 2012). Interactions in Happy Days Playschool are warm, nurturing and respectful, but through the Aistear-Síolta (2015) self-evaluations, I discovered that at times my interactions were often superficial or directive, which was denying me the opportunity to fully tune into the child’s learning and to build secure relationships with the child. Síolta (2006) acknowledge that the role of the practitioner in terms of ensuring constructive interactions with children is demanding, but through reflective practice, I was able to ‘slow down’ my every day interactions, particularly the technique of scaffolding in order to enhance children’s learning outcomes. Vygotsky (1962) stated that we learn through our interactions and communications with others. Vygotsky proposed that social interaction proceeds development and children learn tasks and abilities through...
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...Their age ranged from 19 to 23 years. All participants have taken the course entitled ‘Nursing History and Deontology’ which include 14 hours ethical content. Students were asked to describe moral problems that they observed or encountered during their clinical practice. Ethical problems at clinical practice were reported as physical maltreatment of patients (28%), inappropriate approaches toward patients which cause psychological distress (24%), violation of privacy (21%), providing inadequate information (16%) and discrimination based on the social and economical status (16%). The reasons of these ethical problems were stated by students as the unprofessional conduct of physicians (34%) and nurses (44%), and ineffective hospital management (9%). The most striking finding of this study was that 75% of nurses were not involved in decision making process of resolving these problems. Students suggested that nurses at clinics should be much more informed about the patient rights, ethical problems, and professional conduct. Since nurses are the role models for nursing students at practice, the results of this study demonstrate the importance of an in-service education for nurses...
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...Functional Job Analysis Paramedic Characteristics The Paramedic must be a confident leader who can accept the challenge and high degree of responsibility entailed in the position. The Paramedic must have excellent judgement and be able to prioritize decisions and act quickly in the best interest of the patient, must be self disciplined, able to develop patient rapport, interview hostile patients, maintain safe distance, and recognize and utilize communication unique to diverse multicultural groups and ages within those groups. Must be able to function independently at optimum level in a non-structured environment that is constantly changing. Even though the Paramedic is generally part of a two- person team generally working with a lower skill and knowledge level Basic EMT, it is the Paramedic who is held responsible for safe and therapeutic administration of drugs including narcotics. Therefore, the Paramedic must not only be knowledge about medications but must be able to apply this knowledge in a practical sense. Knowledge and practical application of medications include thoroughly knowing and understanding the general properties of all types of drugs including analgesics, anesthetics, anti-anxiety drugs, sedatives and hypnotics, anti-convulsants, central nervous stimulants, psychotherapeutics which include antidepressants, and other anti-psychotics, anticholerginics, cholergenics, muscle relaxants, anti-dysrythmics, anti-hypertensives, anticoagulants...
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...Teachers as Curriculum Leaders Introduction: For the purpose of this assignment, the syllabus under consideration is the mathematics syllabus and the outcome that is to be discussed shall be the level 3 outcome for topic N 3.2. This outcome shall take in consideration the students’ ability to add and subtract numbers that are either whole or in fraction. This is related to a problem solving scenario where the students are not just given the numbers to work on but they are given a word problem that they would have to interpret and then solve in order to understand how the rules of addition and subtraction would work in the real life situations. This paper shall take a look at this outcome in terms of the various conceptions of the curriculum that Eisner and Vallance have laid out in their paper entitled “Five Conceptions of Curriculum: Their Roots and Implications for Curriculum Planning.” Keeping this in mind, it is vital for us to understand that even though it is the children that present us with the outcome of a curriculum, it is the teachers’ job to lead them to it. It is thus very important for the teachers to be professional and that they undergo specific professional development programs. Conceptions of Curriculum 1. The cognitive process approach to curriculum: a. Pedagogy In this regard, the teachers would need to focus on ‘how’ to teach the students instead of what they are teaching. With respect to our outcome, it is imperative that the teacher teaches...
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...Flaws in Pakistan’s Education System Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences; Vo. 4 No.1 Flaws in Pakistan’s Educational System Hina Rehman* Dr. Nushad Khan† Abstract The paper aims to identify prevalent problems in the Pakistani educational system with a view to find out their solution. Education system of any country is meant to equip and facilitate the nation to pursue national goals and strengthen its ideological foundations. Presumably the existing education system of the country has failed to deliver matching response to the call of our national objectives and aspirations. Introduction Education plays an important role in political stability, economic development and social progress of a nation. It brings political stability by realizing the people their national rights and duties and thus through awareness of their rights and duties, a very good environment is created for better implementation of the policies and good participation and cooperation of the people. Education brings economic development because it enhances the productivity and efficiency of the people, and provides them necessary skills which enable the people to play their role in supporting the sustainable economic growth of the country. Education shapes the personality of the people, seeks them moral obligations and duties, so they can play their part in the society. Today Pakistan is facing a number of problems i.e. poverty, insecurity, terrorism, sectarianism and many more and base provided to all...
Words: 5524 - Pages: 23
...International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2013, 3(9):1952-1961 International Journal of Asian Social Science Special Issue: International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Education, 2013 journal homepage: http://www.aessweb.com/journal-detail.php?id=5007 INNOVATIONS IN ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AUDIT (APA) TO EMPOWER TEACHING & LEARNING: THE UNITEN EXPERIENCE Zainal Ariffin Ahmad Graduate Business School, College of Graduate Studies, UNITEN, Kajang Malaysia Norsalwati Binti Mohd Razalli Quality Management Centre,UNITEN, Kajang Malaysia ABSTRACT Institutional audit is an integral part of the quality assurance process in the Malaysian higher education to determine whether the institution is achieving its mission and goals, to identify strengths and areas of concern, and to enhance quality. One form of institutional audit is the periodic academic performance audit to determine the continuation or maintenance of programme accreditation status. In 2011, UNITEN conducted an institutional audit (Academic Performance Audit) exercise to prepare for SETARA 2012 or the Rating System for Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia. UNITEN was conferred SETARA Tier 5 - Excellent in 2012 compared to Tier 4 in 2009. Based on action science approach, this paper discusses the lessons learned during the Academic Performance Audit (APA) conducted in 2011 and how they empowered the teachinglearning environment at UNITEN. It will also highlight the three innovations introduced...
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...students' aptitude for mathematics and science declines as they get older. Conducted in 1995, TIMSS tested student abilities in general mathematics, general science, advanced mathematics, and physics. In general mathematics and general science the Netherlands and Sweden took top honors, while the United States ranked 19th and 16th, respectively, in a field of 21 nations. Top-level U.S. students fared even worse, finishing 15th out of 16 countries in advanced mathematics and placing 16th—dead last—in physics. France and Norway, respectively, finished first in those disciplines. Asian nations scored highest in earlier TIMSS studies of fourth and eighth graders, but chose not to participate in the high school study. United States Secretary of Education Richard Riley called the results “entirely unacceptable” and said they “confirm our need to raise our standards of achievement, testing, and teaching.” Students must be encouraged to “understand the importance of math and science,” Riley said. Only 25 percent of U.S. high school students take physics and only 10 percent take calculus, Riley said. Meanwhile 28 percent of high school mathematics teachers and 55 percent of physics teachers did not specialize in those subjects during college. In the earlier TIMSS studies, U.S. students scored above the international average among fourth graders, but by the eighth grade fell behind their international peers. Riley blamed the drop-off on “low expectations and low standards” in math and science...
Words: 6293 - Pages: 26
...INDEX Index No. 1. 2. Particulars Executive Summary Objectives Research Methodology Introduction- Marketing Mix Introduction- Day Care Industry & Brainworks Day Care Centre 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Product Data Tabulation Analysis Conclusion Recommendations Limitations Bibliography 14 16 22 31 32 34 35 Page No. 3 3 3 4 10 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Brainworks is a national chain of preschools and day care centres that provide a world class learning environment and scientifically researched curriculum to maximize development of children during the early childhood years. Brainworks believes in providing a rich, stimulating environment using an eclectic approach geared to match different learning styles in children and recent research on brain development. This project identifies and analyses the various elements of marketing mix as followed by Brainworks. Later it studies the impact of these elements on the organisation. The strengths and opportunities for growth have also been identified keeping in mind the day care industry industry. The Project also makes suggestions for improvement in the marketing mix of Brainworks. OBJECTIVES 1. To identify, analyse and rank in order of priority the various elements of the marketing mix for Brainworks. 2. To study the impact of marketing mix elements on Brainworks. 3. To suggest improvements (if necessary) in the marketing mix for Brainworks. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Various research techniques were incorporated to benefit the most from...
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...International Journal for Research in Education (IJRE) Vol.1, Issue: December: 2012 ISSN: Research Paper-Education EFFECT OF YOGA EXERCISES ON ACHIEVEMENT, MEMORY AND REASONING ABILITY Nilesh Gajjar Assistant Prof. SVS Edu. College, P. G. Dept., Nagalpur, Mehsana. ABSTRECT Now, we are living in the world of 21st century which is known as the world of ‘Mental Stress’ in these circumstances, knowledge amplifies day by day. There is a Knowledge explosion in the world, hence each and every person tries to get this Knowledge by new & most recent Medias & they also use it. In this direction there is a qualitative growing up in the person for in receipt of Knowledge & its use by appreciative. In the same way, we notice the qualitative addition in the Educational organization, teachers, & the students, which are going to get Knowledge. In these circumstances, teachers & students feel a perplexity. So there is a question against us that, this growth in the education organization, teachers & in the students will have no proper direction for the Academic achievement of students. If we get an affirmative answer of this question, we must do the fundamental change in the teaching learning process of Education. In the present day, each person including the students and the teachers face anxiety, frustration, etc. Due to these factors, the students cannot keep much interest in their study, academic activity & their performance in the entire exam. Consequently, in this way it is very...
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...Women in Psychology Susan Hall University of Phoenix PSY 310 Lillian Filpot May 03, 2012 Women in Psychology Nebraska native Leta Stetter Hollingworth was an amazing woman who met the challenges of her time head-on employing intelligence, common sense, observation, and scientific method. Throughout her career the thread of continuity for her pursuits was the subject of variability (Benjamin & Shields, 1886-1993). Commencing her career with a degree in literature and a teaching certificate, Leta detoured into the fields of sociology and psychology finding the additional degrees necessary tools for change. Leta was an early 20th century feminist psychologist and advocate for women’s rights. By 1911, her determination and use of scientific method yielded proof that women were equal to men in terms of their intellectual capabilities. She sought equality for clinical psychologists doggedly determined to construct a framework of professional practice standards. Application of the standards raised the practice to a level considered suitable for inclusion in the American Psychological Association during World War 1. Leta was a gifted and prolific writer who produced her own text books, generated scores of journal articles and wrote poetry. She loved her husband, Harry, and their devotion to each other is chronicled in the biography he wrote (Hollingworth, 1943). Beginnings Leta Settor Hollingworth was born on the plains of Nebraska on May 25, 1886. The rushing of...
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...Principles of Learning and Teaching STUDENTS AS LEARNERS – 35% THEORISTS LEV VYGOTSKY http://facultyweb.cortland.edu/andersmd/VYG/ VYG.HTML JEROME BRUNER http://tip.psychology.org/bruner.ht ml JOHN DEWEY http://www.infed.org/thinkers/e t-dewey.htm Importance of CULTURE humans use of tools and symbols to learn – culture dictates what we learn and how • Higher and Lower mental functions – elementary (or lower) functions gradually transform to HMF through culture • Central ROLE OF LANGUAGE: Language is made possible because of our culture (tools and symbols). The learning of language (or signs) is brought about by social processes, and language or signs ultimately make thought possible. Three stages in the development of speech a. Social speech – speech to control the behavior of others b. Egocentric speech – three to seven year olds – talking to themselves to learn c. Inner speech – soundless speech – thinking in our head • ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT: The discrepancy between a child's mental age [indicated by the static test] and the level he reaches in solving problems with assistance is the zone of his proximal development. _________________________________ ABRAHAM MASLOW http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/m aslow.html HEIRARCY OF NEEDS • Physiological needs • Safety needs • Belonging needs • Esteem needs • Self-actualization • Principles: learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge – DISCOVERY...
Words: 7945 - Pages: 32
...and many students with disabilities experience challenges as they navigate through the school curriculum. It is critical that special education teachers know how to differentiate between typical individual differences among children without disabilities and differences that may indicate a disability that requires interventions and/or specialized designed instruction. In addition, special education teachers need to know the most common types of disabilities that students may experience and how those disabilities affect their ability to learn and their behavior in the classroom. Competency 1 thus focuses on the characteristics of typical and atypical human growth and development and the characteristics of students with various disabilities that special education teachers are likely to encounter. The test includes a wide range of multiple-choice questions that address Competency 1. * Questions on typical and atypical behaviors and abilities for children and adolescents at particular ages. * Questions on the types and characteristics of various disabilities. * Questions on the similarities and differences among students with and without disabilities. This competency encompasses the following content: ► Demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of typical and atypical human growth and development in various domains (e.g., cognitive, speech/language, social/emotional, physical): Important to this competency is recognizing when a child’s growth or development differs enough...
Words: 37727 - Pages: 151
...DEVEOPMENTAL DELAY Introduction and Definition As a child grows and develops, he learns different skills, such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, or waving goodbye. These skills are known developmental milestones. A child with a developmental delay does not reach these milestones at the same time as other children the same age. There are five main groups of skills that make up the developmental milestones. A child may have a developmental delay in one or more of these areas. • Gross motor: using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc., keeping balance, and changing positions. • Fine motor: using hands and fingers to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other things. • Language: speaking, using body language and gestures, communicating, and understanding what others say. • Cognitive: Thinking skills including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering. • Social: Interacting with others, having relationships with family, friends, and teachers, cooperating, and responding to the feelings of others. Usually, there is an age range of several months where a child is expected to learn these new skills. Some skills need to be developed before new skills can be learned. For instance, children must learn to crawl before they can walk. If the normal age range fro walking is 9 to 15 months, and a child still isn’t walking by 20 months, this would be considered a developmental delay. Growth in each area...
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...select and use different assessment tools. At the end of this chapter, Exhibit 3.1 contains information that can be used to help with the selection and use of assessments, including a directory of commonly used published tests. Meeting Institutional Assessment Needs Agencies and organizations in the workforce system use assessments to meet institutional needs in two ways-to determine a youth's eligibility for services and to document achievement of program goals by assessing the progress of program participants. The number of participants served and achievement of program goals can impact the amount of funding an organization receives. Funding for the youth programs considered in this guide may come from the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, other federal agencies, states, local governmental agencies, or a combination of these. Table 1.2 in Chapter 1 summarizes the eligibility and assessment requirements of IDEA, WIA Title I, and the Rehabilitation Act. More specific information on assessments mandated or permitted by several federal funding sources may be found in Appendix A. (Mandated assessments are those required for all applicants or participants. Permitted assessments may be provided for some applicants or participants if appropriate or under certain circumstances.) Assessing progress can be complicated, since the outcome measures required by different funding sources often vary, sometimes significantly. In order to address this problem, the...
Words: 27525 - Pages: 111
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Design Considerations and Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Program Administration and Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . 17 Appendix A: Timeline for Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Appendix B: Agencies and On-line Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Appendix C: Resources for Developing Polices/Procedures . . . . . 22 Appendix D: Classroom Equipment and Materials List . . . . . . . . 23 Appendix E: Care About Childcare Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Appendix F: Structural Rules from Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Appendix G: Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Appendix H: Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 State of Utah, Department of Workforce Services, Office of Child Care © 2012 Opening a Quality Child Care Center Introduction THE BUSINESS OF CHILD CARE Welcome to the world and work of child care! The purpose of this manual is to provide a prospective child care center owner and/or manager with an overview of the tools needed to be successful in the business. It is organized from preliminary planning steps through the child care center licensing procedure and the actual opening of the center. the acquisition of the physical property. The business plan can be written while you are in the process of locating the site on which to build or locating an existing...
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