...MGT435 – AMY ADAMS 1.7 Group: Comprehensive Recruitment Plan What environmental factors – internal and external – could impact recruitment, selection, and retention of this position? How can you set your organization apart from others in the marketplace, thus attracting the best candidates? * Hiring and promoting from within the organization can impact recruitment, selection, and retention of this position. This would allow current colleagues to continue to grow, which will allow for better morale within the organization. * It’s important not to over burden our colleagues. If the company is expecting to start high and continue to grow, it may be necessary and important to outsource some of the work initially to allow for the colleagues within our new organization/position to learn their jobs without feeling too overwhelmed. * Analyze the competition in the area to find out what their selling points are. In order to be competitive and attract the best candidates, we will need to ensure that we are able to provide not only similar benefits, but better benefits. * Do a marketplace analysis on the compensation to ensure that our colleagues are receiving fair compensation based on the market and the competition. * Continued education and training so that colleagues can continue to grow and learn in their positions will help attract the best candidates. We do not want colleagues working for us who want to remain stagnant. We want colleagues...
Words: 383 - Pages: 2
...Volunteer turnover and retention Organisations that promote diversity will be able to attract and retain the best staff. Workforces that are representative of the constituents they serve will also be more successful in expanding their constituent- and customer- base and will be poised to capture new markets (Pynes 2004). A supportive environment in which staff can contribute and achieve their fullest potential is essential and all managers and supervisors should be held accountable for promoting such an environment (Pynes 2004). Staff who are encouraged and well treated tend to be more productive. Energy is not wasted on feeling anxious, angry, frustrated or fearful. Mistreated staff tend to have greater rates of absenteeism and are more...
Words: 1212 - Pages: 5
...Student details | Name | Kristy-Anne Rix | Student Number | S2839420 | Course | Communication Media | Unit details | Unit code | Com16 | Unit name | Developing research and analytical skills | Unit tutor | Guy | Assessment Item details | | Due date | | Word count | 2162 | Extension granted | □ No □ Yes | Extension date | | Is this a resubmission? | □ No □ Yes | Resubmission date | | ACADEMIC INTEGRITY DECLARATION Breaches of academic integrity (cheating, plagiarism, falsification of data, collusion) seriously compromise student learning, as well as the University’s assessment of the effectiveness of that learning and the academic quality of the University’s awards. All breaches of academic integrity are taken seriously and could result in penalties including failure in the course and exclusion from the University. Students should be aware that the University uses text-matching software to safeguard the quality of student learning and that your assignment will be checked using this software. I acknowledge and agree that the examiner of this assessment item may, for the purpose of marking this assessment item: 1 reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another Griffith staff member; and/ 2 submit this assessment item to a text-matching service. This web-based service will retain a copy of this assessment item for checking the work of other students, but will not reproduce it in any form. Examiners will only award...
Words: 2881 - Pages: 12
...QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES Name: Institution: Introduction Recruiting is the procedures involved in finding as well as employ a well-qualified individual. The recruitment progression involves scrutinizing the necessities of a job, hiring, assimilating the novel workers to the organization as well as choosing the applicants (Rouse, 2015). Consequently, this research paper on human resource management shall attempt to explain more concerning recruiting and retaining qualified employees. One of the most basic as well as extremely significant functions when it comes to administering the human resource is recruitment. By recruiting the precise candidate for the job offers one with the right blend of fresh ideas. So as to conduct effectual recruiting studies done by “Pavitra Menon” showed that. It is vital to employ reliable etiquettes that all managers comprised in the recruitment process are in accord with. The job depiction should be revisited as well as amended as essential before recruitment activity starts. All people implicated in the recruitment procedure need to recognizable with what is invariable for a candidate to have to be triumphant in the position. The employer needs to augment their candidate pool. It is good for the employer not to discount home trained candidates other identified guidelines to engage in efficient recruiting comprise...
Words: 1544 - Pages: 7
...Police Chiefs Desk Reference 14 Recruitment & Retention of Qualified Police Personnel A Best Practices Guide 14. Recruitment & Retention Best Practices Guide International Association of Chiefs of Police Services, Support and Technical Assitance for Smaller Police Departments Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Police Personnel by Chief Jack McKeever & Lt. April Kranda (Ret.) This project supported by a grant from: BJ A Bureau of Justice Assistance Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Police Chiefs Desk Reference Best Practices Guide for Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Police Personnel By Chief Jack McKeever, Lindenhurst, Illinois Police Department and Lt. April Kranda (Ret.) Fairfax County Police Department The IACP is working with the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, to provide Services, Support and Technical Assistance to Smaller Police Departments. The project Advisory Group, comprised of chiefs from smaller police departments around the country, identified Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Police Personnel as one of the most challenging issues facing smaller police departments. This document contains suggested best practices provided by our authors and by the many chiefs form smaller departments who have attended our symposiums. Introduction One of the greatest challenges facing law enforcement organizations today is the successful recruitment and retention of highly qualified employees. Community safety can...
Words: 5147 - Pages: 21
...Number 1, 2011 www.ijemr.org VOLUNTEER SATISFACTION AND INTENT TO REMAIN: AN ANALYSIS OF CONTRIBUTING FACTORS AMONG PROFESSIONAL GOLF EVENT VOLUNTEERS Gina Pauline Syracuse University ABSTRACT Sport events are increasingly reliant on episodic volunteers for the successful delivery of an event. As there continues to exist a surge in the organization of sporting events coupled with the demand for volunteers, event organizers must concern themselves with utilizing the appropriate recruitment and retention strategies. In an effort to do this, one must understand the points of satisfaction for volunteers as well as factors influencing their future intentions to volunteer. While there exists a plethora of research to understand the motivation of volunteers, exploring the antecedents of volunteer satisfaction as well as intent to remain has been limited. This study investigates the factors influencing volunteer satisfaction as well as intentions to remain as a volunteer for future sporting events from an elite men’s golf event on the Professional Golf Association (PGA) circuit. Results indicated that overall volunteers were satisfied with their experience and willing to return yet were concerned with the level of communication between the organization and volunteers. The present study also found that longevity of service influenced volunteer satisfaction. A MANOVA revealed significant differences between first time and returning volunteers in their intent to continue volunteering...
Words: 6383 - Pages: 26
...Contents Background Information 2 Senior Management 2 Number of employees 2 Number of Volunteers 2 Philosophy/mission and mandate of the organization 2 Person interviewed (Name, title, email address, Organizations contact info) 3 Website 3 Short form 3 Management structure 3 Recreation and community development (volunteer services) 5 Senior Management Roles and Responsibilities 5 Revenue and Grants 6 Fundraising type and frequency 6 Expenses covered through fundraising 7 Challenge / Barrier 7 Volunteer Recruitment 7 Number of Volunteers and their consistency 7 External recruitment 8 Demographics of Volunteers 8 Orientation and training process of volunteers 8 Include promotional material that they use to recruit volunteers and/or any samples of forms Example: application, evaluation, manual 8 Background Information...
Words: 828 - Pages: 4
...As a full service restaurant, where the main goal of the business is to satisfy its customers by making sure the goods produce is of good quality. In order to run an effective bus the need for employee’s productivity efficiency is required to its fullest to meet the daily operation of the restaurant. Through observation, there is a high employee turnover with in the business. An attempt to study current employees’ perception regarding to their employment experiences. According to the research result, the study could highlight some findings. Payments and benefits were considered as the most important category attributing to employees job dissatisfaction which caused the high turnover. Although many costs associated with these suggestions may seem prohibitive, as well they may be, the business must evaluate the costs of current turnover, analyze the reasons for the individual organization, and develop strategies that in the long term are less costly than continued turnover. Some of these suggestions may not be so costly in comparison. Try being fair and consistent in establishing compensation, give workers what the deserve and even more if earn it. If in any way workers show productivity and making a difference within the business promote from within. Attempt to avoid bringing new people on board at a higher rate than current employees. Policies to prevent discussion of wages simply do not work. Furthermore, such policies are in complete opposition...
Words: 1662 - Pages: 7
...operating practices of the Federation. This is particularly the case in the seven zone offices that sit at the heart of the new operating model. In the context of the 2008 to 2010 strategy, and like the years 2007 and 2008, additional financial resources will be required to support key strategic interventions that will enable the HR department to implement and then operationalise major changes that can be absorbed into the regular operating budget of the department. The Federation can only move forward on HR initiatives by building consensus amongst leaders and the HR community on priorities and approaches. Through a target audience of HR professionals in the Secretariat and National Societies, the programme above will facilitate better recruitment, retention, motivation and management of international and local staff throughout the world and, in turn, the better performance of the Federation against the Global Agenda Goals. In particular, a fundamental part of the HR development programme is to better identify and develop talent from under-represented groups at all levels in the Federation and in the Movement as a whole....
Words: 3277 - Pages: 14
...committees. Discussed but not limited to the day of event specifics, team retention and recruitment, fundraising with the teams, sponsorships, and community involvement. Recruited, trained and mentored committee members in positions of event planning, team development, sponsorship, and survivorship. Recruited (with help of event committee) and presented to teams monthly. Discussed fundraising ideas and team member recruitment. Set goal of $100 per person with an average of 15 members per team. Nearly one million gross in fundraising revenue in two years. Management Experience Manage 3 sales representatives for Louisa’s Movie House. I train employees on on high-tech consumer electronic products, sales techniques, closing the sale and post sales followup. Purchase and keep records of inventory for all products and services for Louisa’s Movie House. Perform daily product purchasing and inventory management. Set and monitor sales and promotions. Coordinated and oversaw the annual Relay For Life University. This conference is held over two days with 160 plus participants. Coordinated the speakers and presentations along with the logistics of equipment, travel, food, rooms and participant recruitment. Managed and oversaw all aspects of seven Relay For Life events with 15 plus volunteers for each event. Committee duties included fundraising, publicity, sponsorships, team recruitment, and event logistics for 250-850 people, and day of event specifics such as...
Words: 446 - Pages: 2
...TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION CHALLENGES FOR RURAL MARKETING Submitted to Submitted by Proff Vijaya Lakshmi R Mohan Shantha Kumar Abstract Over the years there has been a phenomenal growth in the number of social enterprises in India. This is partly a consequence of a new policy of the government to gradually withdraw from social development activities. The gap thus created is being filled by social enterprises. A social enterprise can be a ‘for-profit’ or ‘not- for-profit’ venture engaged in income-generating activities with an agenda of bringing about a positive change in the society. While social enterprises are engaged in the development of people, it is rather paradoxical that they experience a variety of problems with respect to the management of human resources within their enterprises. It is common knowledge that social enterprises perennially struggle with various critical human resource issues such as getting employees at low rates of compensation, providing growth opportunities for employees within the organization, retaining talent especially in the middle management, providing clearly defined roles and tasks to employees, etc, leading to high attrition and increasing the cost of acquiring and training new employees. It becomes critical for social enterprises to think out-of-the-box and try a variety of innovative strategies to overcome these problems. This paper discusses a few such innovative HR strategies adopted by social enterprises...
Words: 5067 - Pages: 21
...Assessing the Current Situation Capella University NPM 6108 Lisa Dennis 1605 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309-2955 (404) 870-7700 ldennisldennis@yahoo.com Instructor: Dr. Boyd Johnson Organization Overview AIDS ATLANTA, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) 3, which was incorporated in Georgia. AID Atlanta Inc. is a small organization by revenue operating in the Non-Profit & Professional Orgs. Industry. AIDS ATLANTA purpose is to provide financial and supportive services to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and to create awareness and prevention education programs in the community which has yet to overcome the challenges of stigma, discrimination and denial of the epidemic. AID Atlanta, Inc. has been saving and transforming lives since its inception in 1982. The agency was founded as a grass-roots response to the devastating and fatal impact HIV/AIDS was having on the Atlanta community. AID Atlanta quickly began expanding to offer a broader range of services, and has since grown to be the largest and most comprehensive AIDS Service Organization in the Southeast United States (www.aidatlanta.com, 2011). Role of Board of Directors Nonprofit boards generally have the duties of selecting and working with the Executive Director, amending bylaws, approving the annual budget and long-term strategic plans, and ensuring its own succession. There are 24 members on the Board of Directors, with 6 Department Heads Directors of Aid Atlanta. The Executive Director...
Words: 2485 - Pages: 10
...8405( ATLANTA, GA 30339 ( 678-468-5325 ( CHINYE_1@YAHOO.COM EDUCATION Troy University Troy, Alabama August 2010 Master’s of Public Administration Clayton State University Morrow, GA May 2006 Bachelor of Arts, Communication Core Competencies |PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT |Program Facilitation | |Student Development Theory |Recruitment, Orientation Programming | |Administrative Functions |Corporate Relation | |Media Relation |Volunteer Management | |Project Management |Public Speaking | |Leadership Development |Social Networking | |Strategic Project Development |Interpersonal Communications | Professional Experience GEORGIA PERIMETER COLLEGE Student Service...
Words: 1350 - Pages: 6
...and increasing donation collections to keep up with the demand. Based on the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats, we provided our analyses on market segmentation, market mix, and customer (donor) behaviours. Three alternatives have been presented in response to the needs of increasing donor base and new-donor retention. Social media promotion and community events are the two approaches recommended. We believe the personable promotion channels can help the organization maximize its potential. Detailed action plans are also provided in this report. Problem Statement 10 years after its creation, Canadian Blood Services (“CBS”) has regained the trust from Canadians as the organization provides safe and affordable blood and blood products. However, between 2005 and 2008, order fill rate has declined year over year at CBS due to collections and inventory issues. With the challenges faced by CBS, from both medical and operational perspectives, CBS needs to continuously put forth efforts to increase the number of new blood donors and donor retention. Situation Analysis Objectives, Background, and Forecast Objectives: The mission statement of CBS is as following: CBS operates...
Words: 3662 - Pages: 15
...I have made several evaluations in our turnover and the existing moral, measures to intensify our marketing strategy and help the University of Essex in recruiting students in the Nursing program. I have several ideas that could create a positive retention for our employees and increase employee satisfaction in the workplace. I have some ideas about how we can strengthen the number of instructors for college and increase our marketing strategy. Nursing Turnover Rate and Employee Satisfaction "Nursing is essential for health care. Nurses provide extended clinical services to patients and support the role of the doctor. Many nurses assume relatively independent responsibilities of very complex services for patients as well." (Williams 2009-03- 25, p. 118) the turnover rate of nurses is 20 percent in the last 12 months. It is a lot of loss of our staff to be recovered quickly by finding reasons nurses leave so suddenly. I have some solutions that help retain our qualified nursing staff and improve their job satisfaction and loyalty to our many facilities. First recommendation would be to create a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter that gives praise to time nurse and the nurse of the month. All results (projects, inspections, priority areas, recognition of other staff, etc.) for that particular month are indicated in each department or area of our facilities. This commitment includes patient’s congratulations to the attention of a staff member who went above and beyond to make...
Words: 792 - Pages: 4