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Promote Staff Turnover

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Volunteer turnover and retention
Organisations that promote diversity will be able to attract and retain the best staff. Workforces that are representative of the constituents they serve will also be more successful in expanding their constituent- and customer- base and will be poised to capture new markets (Pynes 2004). A supportive environment in which staff can contribute and achieve their fullest potential is essential and all managers and supervisors should be held accountable for promoting such an environment (Pynes 2004).
Staff who are encouraged and well treated tend to be more productive. Energy is not wasted on feeling anxious, angry, frustrated or fearful. Mistreated staff tend to have greater rates of absenteeism and are more …show more content…
Hager and Brudney (2004) state that investing in recognising staff, providing training and professional development, can help charities to increase their staff retention. In addition, the screening and matching of staff to organisational tasks, providing a welcome culture and allocating appropriate and sufficient resources for appropriate support are important factors in this …show more content…
Drucker (1990) suggests three musts of a successful mission starting off with that one should evaluate the strengths and performance and if one is doing the right thing then one should better what you already are doing well. Secondly look at the opportunities and needs what one could do with the limited resources one may have, which could for instance concern people and competence when talking about non-profit organisations. Thirdly, it is crucial that a mission is something that one truly believes in, to create personal commitment.
The key for motivating and retaining NPO’s staff is finding the best employee - position match. Dailey (1986) notes that job satisfaction plays a critical role in understanding the commitment to volunteer. It is necessary to design volunteer tasks so they are enriching. He found that work autonomy, job involvement, and feedback from the work itself were strong predictors of organisational commitment. Jamison (2003) found that staff turnover is reduced when staff receive pre-service and in - service training and are assigned challenging

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