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Recrystallization Formal Report


Submitted By hannahtco
Words 1659
Pages 7


Recrystallization is a process of dissolving the solid to be crystallized in a hot solvent or solvent mixture and then cooling the solution slowly. The purpose of this experiment is to purify crude acetanilide product by recrystallization. Crude acetanilide is produced by the acetylation of aniline. The crude acetanilide is brought to boil in water, the chosen recystallization solvent. Activated charcoal is added when there is change in color; then, filtration is done to collect the solution. Once the solution reaches the room temperature, it is placed in an ice bath. Finally, the crystals were collected through filtration and washings with water.


Only solids that can pass the vapor phase without passing through the liquid phase can be purified by sublimation. Solids that do not have this property can be purified by recrystallization. Recrystallization is the most important method for purifying solid organic compounds. It is a very efficient method of purification, and an important industrial technique still relevant in the chemical world. (Williamson and Masters, 2010).

Figure 1: process of recrystallization

A pure, crystalline organic substance has a well-defined crystal lattice, a three-dimensional array held by London forces. Most organic solids melt between the range of 22℃ and 250℃. An impure organic solid does not have a well-defined lattice and needs to undergo recrystallization, in order to remove the impurities and to allow a perfect crystal lattice to grow.

The four important concepts in the process of recrystallization are solubility, saturation level, exclusion, and nucleation (Williamson and Masters, 2010). Recrystallization is a process where in the impure organic solid will be dissolved in a hot solvent (solubility). When the solution is

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