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Red Division Research Paper

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For months, a conflict was brewing between rival gangs in New York.

The Guardians were arguably the most harmful of them and comprised two groups, the Red Division committed minor crimes regularly and the funds obtained from such offenses financed the Black Division. This group became identified with the organized crime, it operated. It additionally became common knowledge in New York that it was most advisable to adhere to the demands of the Guardians as failure to do so often resulted in death. With the motto of the Guardians being "Follow or die" this perception became increasingly believed.

The only people ready to stand up to them were the Royals, but they did so to obtain cash themselves. Red Division and the Royals may have shared committing …show more content…
Days before Long joined, The Royals humiliated the Red Division by pulling off a comprehensive strategy. They injured every member of that class in a determined manner within minutes. The Royals picked off the pockets of Red Division members to steal everything they could.

Upon the Red Division reporting to the Guardians HQ, Black Division learned what transpired that night. The whole Black Division assembled at their desks with scorn at the humiliation they experienced as they came to realize they were no longer feared. Thus the head of Black Division concluded they'd have to execute a Royal to gain credence again to get their rivals to recognize that never again were they to infringe on Guardians activities.

It would come to pass that Long was to become a victim of circumstance. Just two nights following the brawl that left the Guardians embarrassed and seen as a joke, Long was stabbed in the chest by the head of the Black Division. He fell to the ground as his attacker ran off yelling “THAT’S REVENGE,

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