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Redshirting In Outliers

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Many parents make it their mission to do the best for their kids; finding what is best for them can be difficult. In Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success, he discusses the underappreciation of kids who decided not to redshirt, and the unfairness of redshirting. Many people do not know what redshirting is. Redshirting is to join kindergarten a year later than a child deadline suggests. Parents may enforce this on their children if they are young for their grade, and to ensure they have more time to grow physically and mentally. Redshirting should not be allowed in the American education system due to its unfairness, and it can lead to bad things for a child. Redshirting should not be allowed in the American education system due …show more content…
Furthermore, the appreciation of redshirting is unfair. Players are rewarded for being held back and playing against kids not nearly as good as them. In other words, it is not fair, and it can be unsportsmanlike to be redshirted. Younger students will not get as much appreciation if older, smarter kids do better in school. It is also unhealthy to redshirt a child. Redshirting causes kids to become lazy, and “It is better for kids to be in kindergarten than at home parked in front of a TV” (Chen). Moreover, redshirting a child could lead them to sit at the TV, causing them to not grow their brain in any way. This can be very unhealthy for a child because their brain is developing. Mindlessly watching TV is not going to support a child's growth. All in all, the practice of redshirting is not fair due to normal students being underrepresented, it can also be very unhealthy since they are not learning anything in the skipped year. Redshirting should not be allowed in the American education system because of its injustice towards normal, unredshirted students. Why is the topic of redshirting

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