...ISSN: 0264-0414 (Print) 1466-447X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsp20 Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect? Nicolas Delorme To cite this article: Nicolas Delorme (2014) Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect?, Journal of Sports Sciences, 32:1, 16-21, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 Published online: 24 Jul 2013. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 342 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 5 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rjsp20 Download by: [Universiteit Leiden / LUMC] Date: 31 May 2016, At: 04:05 Journal of Sports Sciences, 2014 Vol. 32, No. 1, 16–21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect? NICOLAS DELORME University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire Cultures, Education, Sociétés, Bordeaux, France Downloaded by [Universiteit Leiden / LUMC] at 04:05 31 May 2016 (Accepted 24 May 2013) Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate whether weight categories prevent young athletes from being exposed to a relative age effect. The dates of birth of all French female (n = 727) and male (n = 5440) amateur boxers who participated in the 2010–2011 season were collected from...
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...Gavrilova∗ Abstract Studies of centenarians are useful in identifying factors leading to long life and avoidance of fatal diseases. In this article we consider several approaches to study effects of early-life and midlife conditions on survival to advanced ages: use of non-biological relatives as controls, the within-family analysis, as well as a sampling of controls from the same population universe as centenarians. These approaches are illustrated using data on American centenarians, their relatives and unrelated shorterlived controls obtained from the online genealogies. The within-family analysis revealed that young maternal age at person’s birth is associated with higher chances of exceptional longevity. Comparison of centenarians and their shorter-lived peers (died at age 65 and sampled from the same pool of online genealogies) confirmed that birth timing in the second half of the calendar year predicts survival to age 100. Parental longevity as well as some childhood and midlife characteristics also proved to be significant predictors of exceptional longevity. 1 Introduction Studies of centenarians (people living to 100 and older) could be useful in identifying factors leading to long life and avoidance of fatal diseases. Even if some individual characteristics have a moderate protective effect on the risk of death, people with this trait/condition should be accumulated among long-lived individuals, because of cumulative survival advantage. Thus, studying centenarians may be...
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...living below a certain income threshold or the number of households unable to afford certain basic goods and services. Whereas, Relative poverty measures the extent to which a household's financial resources falls below an average income threshold for the economy. Although living standards and real incomes have grown because of higher employment and sustained economic growth over recent years, the gains in income and wealth have been unevenly distributed across the population. Poverty is caused by both a low real national income relative to a to a countries total population size and by inequalities in the distributions of income and wealth. The former leads to absolute poverty for most of a countries inhabitants, whereas the latter causes relative poverty. Discussions surrounding poverty in the United Kingdom tend to be of relative poverty rather than absolute poverty. The poverty trap affects people on low incomes. It creates a disincentive to look for work or work longer hours because of the effects of the tax and benefits system. For example, a worker might be given the opportunity to earn an extra 50 a week by working ten additional hours. This boost to his/her gross income is reduced by an increase in income tax and national insurance contributions. The individual may also lose some income-related state benefits. The combined effects of this might be to take away over 70% of a rise in income, leaving little in the way of extra net or disposable income. Disparities...
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...solely by their poverty. We find that orphans are less likely to be enrolled than are nonorphans with whom they live. Consistent with Hamilton’s rule, the theory that the closeness of biological ties governs altruistic behavior, outcomes for orphans depend on the relatedness of orphans to their household heads. The lower enrollment of orphans is largely explained by the greater tendency of orphans to live with distant relatives or unrelated caregivers. I n a follow-up to the 2001 noted that nearlyGeneral Assembly Specialare suffering HIV/ United Nations Session on AIDS, UNAIDS researchers 40% of the countries that from a generalized AIDS epidemic lack a national policy to support children “orphaned or made vulnerable by AIDS” (Joint United Nations Programme 2003:12). This is an important issue in sub-Saharan Africa, where the death of prime-aged adults from HIV/AIDS has led to pronounced concentrations of orphans. Recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) have indicated that in Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, nearly 15% of all children under age 15 have lost one or both parents, and more than 20% of 15-year-old children in these countries are orphans. Are orphans more vulnerable than other poor children in sub-Saharan Africa? Understanding the risks that orphans face is important for policy: if extended families insure each other, then governmental policies may not need to target orphans specifically. Households could be singled out for help on...
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...to 49 Years of Age: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Vincenza Snow, MD; Katherine Sherif, MD; Mark Aronson, MD; Kevin B. Weiss, MD, MPH; and Douglas K. Owens, MD, MS, for the Clinical Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the American College of Physicians* Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of death for women in their 40s in the United States. Individualized risk assessment plays an important role when making decisions about screening mammography, especially for women 49 years of age or younger. The purpose of this guideline is to present the available evidence for screening mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age and to increase clinicians’ understanding of the benefits and risks of screening mammography. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146:511-515. For author affiliations, see end of text. www.annals.org RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1: In women 40 to 49 years of age, clinicians should periodically perform individualized assessment of risk for breast cancer to help guide decisions about screening mammography. A careful assessment of a woman’s risk for breast cancer is important. The 5-year breast cancer risk can vary from 0.4% for a woman age 40 years with no risk factors to 6.0% for a woman age 49 years with several risk factors (1). Factors that increase the risk for breast cancer include older age, family history of breast cancer, older age at the time of first birth, younger age at menarche, and...
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...Asbury As the population ages, it increases the need for more healthcare service as well as the staff to administer those services. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are constantly hiring for what’s to come, making nursing one of the fastest growing occupations. Health Affairs did an article and study called The Effects of Aging and Population Growth on Health Care Costs. This study was called Data Watch and the purpose of this was to determine the link between the rising personal health care costs and the population growth as well as the aging of the population. The results were recorded from 1975 until 1990 and then projected for the years 1990 through 2005. Some of the findings were as follows: “All of the calculations described assume that the relative expense of treating each age group, observed in 1987, will remain constant over time. In fact, as noted earlier, historical data for 1977 and 1987 suggest that there have been small changes in the relative expense of the care rendered to each age group. Comparison of the relative levels of spending in each age group between 1977 and 1987 illustrates that spending on those age sixty-five and older seemed to grow more rapidly than overall health spending in both the physician and hospital sectors. Spending on those under age nineteen also appeared to grow more rapidly than total spending in the hospital sector and less rapidly than total spending in the physician sector; spending on those ages nineteen to sixty-four appeared...
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...to 49 Years of Age: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Vincenza Snow, MD; Katherine Sherif, MD; Mark Aronson, MD; Kevin B. Weiss, MD, MPH; and Douglas K. Owens, MD, MS, for the Clinical Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the American College of Physicians* Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of death for women in their 40s in the United States. Individualized risk assessment plays an important role when making decisions about screening mammography, especially for women 49 years of age or younger. The purpose of this guideline is to present the available evidence for screening mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age and to increase clinicians’ understanding of the benefits and risks of screening mammography. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146:511-515. For author affiliations, see end of text. www.annals.org RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1: In women 40 to 49 years of age, clinicians should periodically perform individualized assessment of risk for breast cancer to help guide decisions about screening mammography. A careful assessment of a woman’s risk for breast cancer is important. The 5-year breast cancer risk can vary from 0.4% for a woman age 40 years with no risk factors to 6.0% for a woman age 49 years with several risk factors (1). Factors that increase the risk for breast cancer include older age, family history of breast cancer, older age at the time of first birth, younger age at menarche, and...
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...centers, care inside or outside the home by someone who is a relative or non-relative, and daycare in a home (Hagy, 1998). Centers or preschools are usually regulated while care inside or outside of the home are usually non-regulated. Each type of child care has different effects on psychological, social, and cognitive development for children. A child care center may be a place like Head Start or a preschool that has certain criteria that is regulated by the government (Hagy, 1998). In a center staff the teachers are required to have some form of education; many require at least 12 credit hours in early childhood education. The teachers have to follow lesson plans that meet standards of the center and the government. Many child care centers are large, have more than one location, and accept government assistance or go by income of the family to adjust payment accordingly. Care inside the home or outside the home is by a relative, at the child’s home or in the relative’s home. It can also be a non-relative in the child’s home or in the non-relatives home. A relative may be a cousin, aunt, uncle, or grandparent. A non-relative can be a regular babysitter, a nanny, or come from a nanny, au pair, babysitting service. A nanny or service providing care for a child can be expensive, but convenient for the parents when coming to the home. It could also be very cheap if the person caring for the child is a relative. A home based day care is another form of non-parental child...
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...Statement of Problem What are the effects of teenage pregnancy in the community of Franklyn Town? Research Question 1. What is the level of teenage pregnancy in my community? 2. What are the causes of teenage pregnancy in my community? 3. How does teenage pregnancy impact in my community? 4. What are the appropriate solution community members and or government ,agencies can implement to reduce the level of teenage pregnancy in my community? Reason for research The community of Franklyn town is located in East Kingston, Jamaica. Franklyn Town is an inner city community with a very high teenage pregnancy rate. As a member of the community, for 16 years I realized that the prevalence of teenage pregnancy is wide spread in this community and the members of different families are facing the same problems. I made the decision to do this research in my community of Franklyn Town not only because I reside there. It is more convenient and the families in the community will benefit from the findings and solutions that will be made during this research. Based on the above, the decision was made to carry out this investigation to determine the cause of teenage pregnancy and the effect it has on the community. Method of investigation In order to collect data for the completion of the investigation questionnaires’ were issued. The use of questionnaires although challenging provided survey and vantage use in that: 1. It guarantees confidentially...
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...2010 Abstract This paper considers the role of redistribution in the light of recent research findings on self reported happiness. The analysis and empirical work reported here tries to relate this to a representative actor ‘homo realitus’ and the ‘pursuit of happiness’ rather than the traditional ‘homo economicus’. Econometrically estimating the determinants of happiness in the European Union (EU) using Eurobarometer data and the construction of an ‘Index of Happiness’ facilitates policy simulations. Such simulations find that in terms of average happiness there is little advantage to redistributing income within a country, but more from redistributing income between countries. The importance for happiness of relative income, average standard of living, marital status and age are confirmed. The theoretical rationale for redistribution is also examined. Keywords Happiness Á Income redistribution Á EU 1 Introduction Beveridge (1942) stated that: ‘‘The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of the common man’’.1 As Director of the London School of Economics he was the author of the report that inspired the extension of the UK welfare state and his prescription that government should focus on happiness is even more pertinent today with insight provided by a growing empirical literature on the determinants of happiness. The objective in this paper is to focus on some of the more robust findings in this literature (reviewed by...
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...Family & Society Instructor: Kara O’Brien February 13, 2012 Non-Parental childcare is very important for many different reasons. It helps working parents attend to their child’s needs when they themselves can’t do so. Non-Parental childcare helps teach and mold children from an early age. It also helps children learn how to become self reliant earlier rather than latter on down the road. I went to a type of non-parental daycare facility it was fun and I was excited to go. I will talk about 3 different types of non-parental child care facilities which are childcare small childcare facility with 12 kids or less, childcare in a center with 30 or more kids, unrelated childcare in the kid’s home. I will then analyze the influences that non-parental childcare has on psychological, social and cognitive development on the children. There are many ways that parents provide for the care of their children during work-times. The setting for child care is a home or a center. The home may be the child’s own home, a relative’s (grandparent, aunt, etc.) home, or the home of an unrelated person. The individual caring for the child in the child’s own home may be the parent, a relative, or an unrelated person such as a babysitter. Home care can include the simultaneous care of many children from many families. Home care is sometimes referred to as family day care, even though the family may not be the child’s own family. I went to Head Start and I loved every minute of it because...
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...positive effects in both cortex and hippocampus that may affect the course of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has a greater different in women compared with men. In women, the symptoms of schizophrenia are exacerbated when estrogen level is low, whereas the symptoms can reduce during pregnancy...
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...Javierb a,b School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines Abstract While education is universally held to enhance a child human development, policies must still contend with parental biases. Here, we investigate if school attendance of young household members aged 6-12 years old varies with their kinship ties to the household heads in the Philippines. Applying probit regression techniques on a dataset culled from the five rounds of the Annual Poverty Indicators Survey, we find that the probability of attending school of the head's own child is about 2.9-percentage points greater that that other relatives in the same age group, controlling for income and other factors. However, there are no differences in the likelihood of school attendance between the head's own grandchildren and other relatives. Thus, policies should target children under kinship care since household heads are unlikely to treat them like their own, even if they can afford to send these children to school. Running title: Parental investments in the education of children and other kin Corresponding author. Email: jjcapuno@gmail.com. The authors acknowledges...
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...Age and Crime 1. Who does Maguire say are likely to be in prison? Maguire says that there are many more males, young people, black people, poor people, and poorly educated people in the prison population relative to the general population. 2. What do official statistics and self-report studies show? Official statistics suggest a link between age and offending behaviour, with younger people, particularly males, being more likely to engage in criminal activity than older people. In 2006 for example, around 6%of all 17-year-old males in England and Wales were found guilty of, or cautioned for, serious offences. However, less than 1% of men in age groups over the age of 45 were found guilty, or cautioned for serious offences. Self-report studies suggest that the majority of young people do not engage in crime. Additionally, young people who do engage in crime tend to commit relatively minor offences. Data from the 2004 Offending, Crime and Justice Survey, for example, indicate that 74% of younger interviewees (that is around ¾ of the 5000 young people aged 10 to 25) said that they hadn’t committed any of the offences they were asked about during the previous year. Of those who said they had committed one of these offences, many had committed relatively minor offences or had only offended occasionally. 3. How do we explain these patterns? * Peer group pressure may encourage some young people to engage in criminal activity. We have seen, for example, that...
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...British Journal of Nutrition (2006), 96, Suppl. 2, S61–S67 q The Authors 2006 DOI: 10.1017/BJN20061865 Nuts and coronary heart disease: an epidemiological perspective ´ John H. Kelly Jr and Joan Sabate* Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 92350, USA The epidemiological evidence for the cardio-protective effect of nut consumption is presented and reviewed. Four large prospective epidemiological studies of primary prevention of coronary heart disease are reviewed and discussed (Adventist Health Study, Iowa Women’s Health Study, Nurses’ Health Study and the Physicians’ Health Study). Other studies of nuts and coronary heart disease risk are addressed. The combined evidence for a cardio-protective effect from nut consumption is summarized and presented graphically. The risk of coronary heart disease is 37 % lower for those consuming nuts more than four times per week compared to those who never or seldom consume nuts, with an average reduction of 8·3 % for each weekly serving of nuts. The evidence for a causal relationship between nut consumption and reduced risk of coronary heart disease is outlined using Hill’s criteria for causality and is found to support a causal cardio-protective relationship. Nuts: Cardiovascular: Coronary heart disease: Diabetes: Cohort studies: Causality: Hill’s criteria Nuts have constituted a part of mankind’s diet since pre-agricultural times (Eaton & Konner, 1985), providing a complex food...
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