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Redwood Tree Research Paper

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Consider the redwood tree for a long moment. The tree that holds an ancient background. Dating back to same time as the dinosaurs. The humongous coniferous tree lined with reddish brown bark that is defiant to pests, rot, and fire. Its breathtaking beauty defines the concept of time. All of which started from a seedling no bigger than the size of your pinky fingernail. Growing an impressive 2-5 feet per year and their large canopy of leaves towering over you, making you feel the size of an ant. The redwood tree typically lives to be thousands of years old. If it was possible to guarantee a human at least 100 years on earth, you would have to spend 10 to 20 lifetimes on earth in order to compare to just one lifetime of the redwood tree. Imagining …show more content…
The extensive root system plays a major role in maintaining these factors. One single root can spread out to 150 feet in diameter. Imagine the intricate tunnels of which an ant colony lives. Winding and expanding every which direction going on for miles. This is what the underground of a redwood forest might look like. Each root is composed of threadlike fibers acting as tube to transport nutrients to the trees base. Such a delicate system for the massive weights of the tree above ground. The need for nutrients are vital to the trees health, otherwise, the tree becomes stressed. When a tree becomes stressed, it dies a lengthy death, starving for any kind of food source that just isn't …show more content…
Not just any old farm house. A two story house painted white with a wrap around porch accompanied by wooden rocking chairs looking out over their land. was built up by the bare hands of a newlywed couple in the 1940s. The couple established their family and began making children who made more children. Every generation growing up in the same Southern farm home creating their family’s roots. A home filled with love, laughter, hard work, good manners, homestyle cooking, and a household full of responsibilities. With each generation comes new obstacles and hardships. Individuals are faced with new opportunities directing them away from home. They must make the decision best suited for themselves. But that is okay. While others may leave the nest, some choose to stay. They choose to take on the family home and continue to flourish and grow upon their name. The southern farm house that holds an infinite amount of memories that will continue until fate gets to decide that it is enough. As the redwood tree grows, so does its roots. Constantly having to support the unbearable weight of the enormous tree. Nevertheless, the roots know that it needs to support or else the tree will perish. The roots everlasting job is to continue the life of the redwood so it can reproduce by sending their seeds to nearby nurseries to later be germinated. The same concept follows with the southern farm home. Its strong foundation is providing endless support for the

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