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Inca Religion

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The Incas originate in South America, specifically Southeastern Peru. the Inca civilization began in ancient Peru between C. 1400 and 1533 CE, and their empire eventually extended across western South America from Quito in the north to Santiago in the south. They had a great agriculture, with amazing drawings and etc. As with other ancient Americas cultures, the historical origins of the Incas are difficult to free themselves from the founding myths they themselves created. The rise of the Inca empire was spectacularly quick. Inca rule was, much like their architecture, based on interlocking units. Ten kindred groups of nobles also known as Panaqa, were at the top with the ruler. The Inca capital of Cuzco was the religious and administrative …show more content…
The Incas imposed their religion on local populations by building their own temples and sacred sites, and they also commanded sacred relics from conquered peoples and held them in Cusco, Peru. Stored in the Coricancha, they were perhaps considered hostages which ensured compliance to the Inca view of the world. Inca religious rituals also involved ancestor worship as seen through the practice of mummification and making offerings to the Gods of food, drink, and precious materials. The pouring of libations, either water or chica beer, was also an important part of Inca religious ceremonies. The Incas constructed large buildings and walls using finely worked blocks, either regular or polygonal, which fitted together so precisely no mortar was needed. With an emphasis on clean lines, trapezoid shapes, and incorporating natural features into these buildings, they have easily withstood the powerful earthquakes which frequently hit the region. The distinctive sloping trapezoid form and fine masonry of Inca buildings were, besides their obvious beautiful value, also used as a recognisable symbol of Inca domination throughout the empire. Slopping lang to maximize land area for agriculture, especially for maize, was another Inca practice, which they exported

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