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Should Parents Limit Screen Time

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Should Parents Limit Screen Time for Children? Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and Fruit Ninja, sound familiar? These are all popular apps many people love on their phone, many think that these games are all fun, but there is also a bad side to them that many people don’t see. Parents need to limit screen time for children because it can cause depression and anxiety, a disconnection from nature, and puts them at risk for obesity and unhealthy eating habits. Children who have unlimited screen time or obsessive amounts of screen time are more likely to have depression and or anxiety. As stated by Michael Price, “Researchers have returned to data and looked for a correlation between screen time and depressive symptoms. They found that …show more content…
As stated by Scott Steinberg, “Studies show that a curriculum involving digital media can improve early literacy skills. Participating four and five-year-olds enjoyed boosts in letter recognition, sound association with letters, and understanding basic concepts about stories and print.” Even though technology is used in education it can still be terrible for children. If students are starting too early with technology, there is a greater risk of children getting in trouble in school with technology and with weight and unhealthy eating. “The researchers found that kids who spent more time in front of a screen -- whether it was a computer, TV or video game -- snacked more often and ate fewer healthy snacks than children who used technology less frequently. Another study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2014, concluded that the type of program also influences snacking,” (Paula). With schools using technology, many schoolchildren can become overweight or obese, even if they are only using it just for educational …show more content…
“U.S. Study Shows Widening Disconnect with Nature, and Potential Solutions.” Yale E360, 27 Apr. 2017,
Hunley, Samuel. “Does Smartphone Use Effect Your Anxiety And Depression?”, 3 Mar. 2017,
Paula, Elle. “Obesity in Children and Technology.” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group, 14 Aug. 2017,
Price, Deon. “Is Technology to Blame for Childhood Obesity?” Daily Republic, 10 Dec. 2011,
Price, Michael. “Screen Time Might Boost Depression, Suicide in Teens.” NewsCenter | SDSU, 14 Nov. 2017,
Savvy Surfer. “Is Technology To Blame?” Savvy Surfer, 2 Dec. 2015,
Steinberg, Scott. “5 Reasons That Technology Is Good for Kids.” Parade, Parade, 27 June 2016,

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