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說明: 1.整個統計表以「置中」的方式放在內文的中間。 2.而標題在表的正中央上方(標題不懸空,亦即標題和表之間不空行) ,標題的標號以 國字呈現,如「表一」「表二」…。標號和標題的文字之間空一個全型格。 、 3.表內沒有直線,只有橫線。最上和最下的線用 1 1/2 的粗線,其間的橫線用 1/2 的細 線。 4.表中的數字一律用半型,小數點上下對齊,個位數亦上下對齊。 5.表中的數值除了「p 值」列出小數到第 3 位以外,其餘四捨五入到小數第 2 位。 「p 值」的小數前面不加「0」 ,其餘的數值若不到整數,在小數點之前加上「0」 。 6.若統計考驗達顯著水準,在表中的「F 值」或「t 值」等統計考驗值右方標註「*」 , 並在統計摘要表左下方(和標線的左端切齊)標示「*p< .05」 。 表一 各組學習成就的變異數分析摘要表 變異來源 教室氣氛(A) 教學方法(B) A × B 誤 差 項 全 *p< .05 體 SS 4.80 101.40 42.20 97.60 246.00 df 1 2 2 24 29 MS 4.80 50.70 21.10 4.07 F值 1.18 12.47* 5.19* p值 .288 .001 .013

統計圖的呈現有多種方式,較常用的有多邊圖(折線圖) 、直方圖(長條圖)及圓 形比例圖等三種。下圖即是慢速壘球活動參與動機量表得分的次數分配直方圖:


次 數 ︵ 人 ︶

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

參與動機分數( 分)

圖一 受試者參與動機分數的次數分配直方圖 統計圖的呈現應該遵循下列幾項原則: 1.統計圖的標題要放在圖的下方。 2.縱軸和橫軸的比率是 3:5(黃金分割) 。 3.縱軸和橫軸有小標題。 4.縱軸標示出單位和刻度,橫軸若是以連續變數來分組亦標示單位和刻度(如圖一) 。 但橫軸若是以名義變數來分組,則無標示單位和刻度,只標示出各組的名稱。 5.縱軸的單位由下而上依次增大,而橫軸的單位由左而右依次增大。 6.縱軸和橫軸若不是由原點開始,則標示缺口。

(一)採用新式標點符號。 「」用於平常引號, 》用於書名, 〉用於論文及篇名。 《 〈 古籍之書名與篇名連用時,可省略篇名符號,如《史記.封禪》 。 (二)第一次提及的帝王或年號請附加公元紀年。例如:昭帝元鳳三年(前 78) ,唐 大曆(766─779)年間。干支及其他中外非公曆紀年,亦請括注公曆。外國人 名第一次提及時,請附原名。正文中的中日韓帝王或年號,請用中文數字紀年; 其餘之紀年,請用阿拉伯數字表示。

(三)正文每段第一行空兩格,正文中之夾角引文請使用引號「」 ;超過 3 行之引文請 採用獨立引文方式撰寫,每行低三格;不必加引號。 (四)正文用細明體,獨立引文與註腳用標楷體,英文用 Times New Roman。 (五)請採取插入式注腳格式,並一律置於當頁下緣,注腳編號請用阿拉伯數字之上 標字型(右上方) 8、18。該編號應置於標點符號之後。並請勿使用“同上”、 ,如 “同前引書”、“同前書”、“同前揭書”、“同注幾引書”等。 (六)注腳得作說明或引申,若為引用專書或論文,請採用後附「注腳與引用書目撰 寫格式範例」 書寫,其他未規定之格式,請依各該學術領域之慣例或規範書寫, 但惟須尊重他人智慧財產權以及方便讀者查閱(證)之原則。訪談或口述文稿 請注明姓名、時間與地點,如有必要,得予匿名或以代號替代真實姓名。

本引用書目請按文獻史料(檔案、原典、考古報告等) 、近人著作(中日韓在前、 西文在後)之次序分類列出。近人著作請按出版時間先後順序排列(年代早者在前) 。 其撰寫格式請採用後附「注腳與引用書目撰寫格式範例」書寫。

一、中日韓文專書:作者, 《書名》 (出版地:出版者,公元年分) ,頁碼。
注腳: 吳文忠, 《中國近百年體育史》 (臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1967) ,38-45。 再引: 吳文忠, 《中國近百年體育史》 ,38-45。 書目: 吳文忠, 《中國近百年體育史》 ,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1967。

二、引用原版或影印版古籍,請注明版本與卷頁,若屬新版,請加注現代 出版項。
注腳: 王結, 《文忠集.善俗要義》 (臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986,景印文淵閣《四庫全書》 , 集部 5,1206/261) ,6/23。 再引: 王結, 《文忠集.善俗要義》 ,6/23。 書目: 王結, 《文忠集.善俗要義》 ,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1986,景印文淵閣《四庫全書》 。

三、中日韓文論文:作者, 〈篇名〉《期刊或論文集》 , ,卷期(出版地,公

元年月) :頁碼。
注腳: 許義雄, 〈我國近代體育目標的檢討及對策〉《國民體育季刊》 , ,5.3(臺北,1975.12) : 8-14。 再引: 許義雄, 〈我國近代體育目標的檢討及對策〉《國民體育季刊》 , ,5.3:8-14。 書目: 許義雄, 〈我國近代體育目標的檢討及對策〉《國民體育季刊》 , ,5.3(臺北,1975.12) : 8-14。

四、中日韓文學位論文:作者, 〈論文名〉 (地點:學校單位學位別,西元 年分) ,頁碼。
注腳: 楊榮豐, 〈先秦儒家踐禮之身體觀〉 (桃園:國立體育學院體育研究所碩士論文,2000) , 59-60。 再引: 楊榮豐, 〈先秦儒家踐禮之身體觀〉 ,59-60。 書目: 楊榮豐, 〈先秦儒家踐禮之身體觀〉 ,桃園:國立體育學院體育研究所碩士論文,2000。

五、翻譯作品:原著者 (中英對照為佳) 置前,譯者置原著書名或篇名 (中 英對照為佳)之後,餘再引與書目之原則同前述。
專書注腳: 古特曼(Allen Guttman)著, 《現代奧運史(The Olympics: A History of the Modern Games)》 (徐元民譯) (臺北:師大書苑,2001) ,53-78。 論文注腳: Cyril Raceqirdle 著, 〈奧運會的夢想家—布魯克醫師〉 (王緒之譯)《奧林匹克季刊》 , , 18(臺北,1992.06) :47-49。

六、西文專書:作者,書名(出版地:出版者,出版年分) ,頁碼。
注腳: Earle F. Zeigler, History of Physical Education and Sport (Illinois: Stipes Publishing Company, 1988), 57-71. 再引: Earle F. Zeigler, History of Physical Education and Sport, 57-71. 書目:

Earle F. Zeigler, History of Physical Education and Sport, Illinois: Stipes Publishing Company, 1988.

七、西文論文:作者,”篇名”,期刊或論文集,卷期(出版地,年月) : 頁碼。
注腳: Hugh Dauncey, “French Cycling Heroes of the Tour: Winners and Losers”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 20.2 (London, June, 2003): 175-202. 再引: Hugh Dauncey, “French Cycling Heroes of the Tour: Winners and Losers”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 20.2: 175-202. 書目: Hugh Dauncey, “French Cycling Heroes of the Tour: Winners and Losers”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 20.2 (London, June, 2003): 175-202.



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Word Reference Tool

...Word’s References Tool MS Word 2007, 2010, and 2013 have a fairly simple tool that will create properly formatted citations and references. The “References” tool is accessed through the “References” tab above the Ribbon (the section with all of the buttons across the top of the screen). As you find each source of information that you will be using in your writing, input the information about the source (author, name of the book, article, Web page, etc.) into Word’s References tool. These instructions will be using a journal article as the example, but they will also inform you how to use other sources such as books, Web sites, and more. Now that you have a journal article in hand follow these steps: 1. Click on the “References” tab near above the ribbon at the top of your screen. 2. In the References ribbon that opens, select your writing style. In our example we will be using “APA 5th Edition” even though the most current APA manual edition is the 6th edition. 3. Next select “Manage Sources.” 4. In the window that will open, select “New.” 5. In the next window, click in the box in the lower left corner that is labeled, “Show all Bibliography Fields.” 6. Now open the drop down arrow in the “Type of Source” window and select your type of source. In this example we are using a Journal Article. 7. At this point, start entering the information about your source. First, enter the author’s name. Start by clicking the “Edit” button. 8. ...

Words: 477 - Pages: 2

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How to Ask a Reference Letter

...------------------------------------------------- 如何问人要推荐信?How to Ask for a Reference Letter? 来源: 颜示硼的日志 原作者:Jodi Glickman Brown is a speaker, author and entrepreneur. She is the founder of communication consulting firm Great on the Job. You can follow Jodi on Twitter at @greatonthejob or on her blog at In the 2009 film "Up in the Air," Natalie Keener decides she can no longer stomach being part of a corporate firing squad and quits her firm. Her mentor, played by George Clooney, behaves as the magnanimous gent we all know him to be: he writes a glowing reference letter on her behalf, addressed simply "to whom it may concern." In the real world, getting a reference letter is far more difficult and often a source of much anxiety. Whom to ask, how to ask, what to say? But getting an outstanding reference letter is entirely within your control and easier than you think, even if you don't have a benevolent benefactor at your back. Here are three tips to ensure your mentor, former boss, or academic counselor writes you a rave review: 1. Highlight their qualifications 2. Provide a template 3. Offer a "no questions asked" policy Let's look at each of these individually: Highlight their Qualifications When reaching out to ask for a letter of reference, explain up front and center why it is that you value that person's opinion and respect their professional expertise enough so that you chose them (of all people) to vouch for you in your...

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Reference Groups

...A reference group is any person or group that serves as a point of comparison or reference for an individual consumer in establishing certain values, attitudes and behavior patterns. There is usually a strong relationship between reference group influence and the type of product being bought. Reference groups form part of group dynamic. There are different types of reference groups that can be described using basic descriptors such as formality, importance, association and affiliation. Under formality there are formal and informal reference groups. A formal reference group has a clearly defined structure, rules and membership affiliation, on the other hand, informal reference groups have no formal rules that members have to adhere to although they also have their own unique interactions. Under importance there are primary and secondary reference groups. An example of a primary reference group would have to be student in the same class that have daily contact with each other while a secondary reference groups don’t interact with each other on a daily basis which means the importance of their interaction would be less important than that of a primary reference group. Under association there are aspirational and dissociative reference groups. Aspirational reference groups are groups’ people aspire to belong to while dissociative reference groups, on the other hand, are groups that are avoided or rejected. Lastly, under affiliation there are members and non-members of reference...

Words: 295 - Pages: 2

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Apa Reference Examples

...Using APA: Creating a Reference Page (Updated October 2012—APA 6th Edition) General Guidelines for Formatting a Reference Page Your reference list provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the essay. Each source you cite in the essay must appear in your reference list (except for personal communications); each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text.  Start the reference list on a new page. Type the word References in upper and lowercase letters, centered, at the top of the page on the first line below the page header; do not underline, and do not put it in quotation marks. Your reference list must be in alphabetical order according to author’s last name; if no author is given for a particular source, alphabetize by the title of the piece and use a shortened version of the title for parenthetical citations. If you have more than one work by a particular author, order them by publication date, oldest to newest. Provide first initial (and not first name) and middle initial (if provided) for all authors of a particular work. Capitalize only the first word of a title or subtitle of a work unless it is a proper noun. Italicize titles of books and journals—note that the italics extend to include the volume number of a periodical as well as the period at the end of a book title. Use “&” instead of “and” when listing multiple authors of a single work. The first line of each entry in your Reference list should be at your...

Words: 3778 - Pages: 16

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Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Spreadsheets

...Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Spreadsheets In working with spreadsheets, you need to know about relative vs. absolute cell references. Here is the issue: when you COPY A FORMULA that contains cell references, what happens to the cell references? Usually the CELL REFERENCES will CHANGE! If you copy a formula 2 rows to the right, then the cell references in the formula will shift 2 cells to the right. If you copy a formula 3 rows down and 1 row left, then the cell references in the formula will shift 3 rows down and 1 row left. These are called "relative" cell references, since they change relative to where you copy the formula. If you do not want cell references to change when you copy a formula, then make those cell references absolute cell references. Place a "$" before the column letter if you want that to always stay the same. Place a "$" before a row number if you want that to always stay the same. For example, "$C$3" refers to cell C3, and "$C$3" will work exactly the same as "C3", expect when you copy the formula. Note: when entering formulas you can use the F4 key right after entering a cell reference to toggle among the different relative/absolute versions of that cell address. The trick in creating spreadsheets is deciding before you copy a formula what cell references in the formula you want to be relative and what you want to be absolute. If some cell references refer to input cells in the spreadsheet, you usually want those cells to be absolute. The...

Words: 849 - Pages: 4

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Frames of Reference in Conflict Management

...with an aim to resolve it. They are orientations that lead disputants to view or focus on some facets of the conflict while ignoring others. These frames can be defined as viewpoints through which the problems arising from conflict can be viewed more realistically with the aim of resolution. The frames mentioned above are listed as: i. Unitarist and Unitarism ii. Pluralist and Pluralism iii. Marxist or Radical Unitarist and Unitarism This frame of reference reveres the organization as harmonious and in agreement. This accord approach thus leaves little or no room for conflict. This frame of reference views conflict as ‘bad’ and detrimental to the augmentation of the organization. It views conflict as a psychological problem, a failure of coordination and failure by the management. This is because holders to this frame-set assume that managers can permanently change and manipulate the behaviour of the employees in conflict. Managers who subscribe to this frame of reference create a sense of...

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Enn315R Assignment 01: Frames of Reference

...Frames of Reference A gothic novel has many elements, some of which can be easily identified; the gloomy tone, the strange, mysterious events. Some of the more difficult elements to recognise may be the different layers of reality, or the way the story is told . The Turn of The Screw is a perfect example of a gothic novella; it has all the above elements, which are cleverly implemented throughout the text. One of these elements is James’ use of the frame narrative. I will be discussing the frame narrative and narrators, with particular focus on Douglas, and how it affects the governess’ story. The Turn of The Screw; a novella in which one thinks less about the literary techniques, or the writing style, but more about the story itself. One finds oneself asking; are the ghosts real? Is the governess insane? Is it a conspiracy? We, as the reader need to take a closer look at the text to identity and analyse the techniques, the words, the imagery that gives the story its mystery and intrigue. One such technique is the use of a frame narrative, we hear the story from the unnamed narrator, Douglas and then from the Governess. We know very little about any of the narrators, however, perhaps the narrator that stands out most is Douglas; he is our link to the Governess and her story. Although we are not given much information on Douglas, he is very cleverly used by James. He is the only person present who knew the governess, and the similarities between him and Miles are thought...

Words: 1002 - Pages: 5

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Inertial and Non Inertial Frame of Reference

...Name: Graceana Kai Physics: Inertial and Non- inertial frames of reference (rotating frames of reference) ICU PAGES 134 and 108 Date: 2013-06-15 What is relative motion? It is simply a way of saying that sometimes different people will say different things about the motion of the same object. Mind you this is not because one of these people is wrong but because these people have different frames of reference. Now this brings us to another interesting terminology, frame of reference, what is frame of reference, well, this is a coordinate system relative to which motion of an object can be observed or a coordinate system used to represent and measure properties of objects in motion, you can use frames of reference to measure velocity displacement etc. To break it down further for those of you who find it difficult to understand this definition we can say a frame of reference can be thought of as a spot where you are doing your measurements or observation of a moving object. The best way to see how this is possible is to look at some examples. Below is an example: Let us say that I am standing at the back of a stationary wagon and my friend Lindsey is standing on a side walk, and I am throwing stones, each stone is thrown at 15 m/s. if you ask me at what speed I am throwing the stones at, I will say 15 m/s and if you ask Lindsey who is beside me on the side walk she will also say the stones are being thrown at 15 m/s. Secondly, the Wagon starts to move forward at constant...

Words: 1739 - Pages: 7

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August 31, 2007 by Sandro Saitta Filed Under: Citation, Reference, Wikipedia If You'Re New Here, You May Want to Subscribe to My Rss Feed. Thanks for Visiting! I Recently Had in Interesting Discussion with My Director

...I recently had in interesting discussion with my director about references. The goal of references is twofold. The writer, can refer some texts positively. It is the case if he uses an existing algorithm, for example. A reference can also be used negatively. This happens when the writer want to highlight lack in the literature. He can thus justify the originality of his work. As already mentioned in an former post, some book or articles refer to Wikipedia. That’s where things go bad… Wikipedia is a huge database, an open source encyclopedia (i.e. anybody can contribute to it). The main advantage is that you get a tremendous quantity of articles in any domain. This is a good source to get fast information. But there are two main drawbacks. First, anybody can modify it. Some people may stop me and argue that articles are reviewed by the community. The problem, concerning references, is more regarding the second drawback of Wikipedia: the content changes over time! And this is really bad… When writing a data mining article, people usually refer to journals or books. The implicit assumption is that the content is fixed and will not evolve over time. If a writer refers today to a data mining algorithm on Wikipedia, he has no guarantee that it will be the same in two, three or ten years. Requirements for reliable references are that they i) cross the time without any changes and ii) that they are easily accessible. Following these ideas, writers should refer articles in this order...

Words: 320 - Pages: 2

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...(Jurevicius, 2013) References Dalavagas, I. (2015, May 11). McDonald's Corporation : A Short SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from Value Line: Jurevicius, O. (2013, February 16). SWOT analysis of McDonalds. Retrieved from Strategic Management Insight: References Dalavagas, I. (2015, May 11). McDonald's Corporation : A Short SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from Value Line: (McDonalds SWOT Analysis, n.d.) References Dalavagas, I. (2015, May 11). McDonald's Corporation : A Short SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from Value Line: Jurevicius, O. (2013, February 16). SWOT analysis of McDonalds. Retrieved from Strategic Management Insight: McDonalds SWOT Analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved from Assignment Point: (History, n.d.) References Dalavagas, I. (2015, May 11). McDonald's Corporation : A Short SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from Value Line: History. (n.d.). Retrieved from I'm lovin'...

Words: 336 - Pages: 2

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...References American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Nutrition, “Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity: Policy Statement.”Pediatrics 112, no. 2 (August 2003): 424-430. American Academy of Pediatrics, Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity, 2003 (Outside Source). Downloaded June 18, 2012. American Heart Association, “Exercise (Physical Activity) and Children.” American Heart Association, (accessed June 10, 2012). Associated Press, “State study suggests national child obesity problem.”, June 4, 2004, (accessed June 15, 2012). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preventing Obesity and Chronic Diseases Through Good Nutrition and Physical Activity (PDF; Outside Source). Accessed May 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (accessed June 8, 2012). “Community Nutrition: Obesity Prevention Program.” Duval County Health Department, May 31, 2012). Just, David R. and Brian Wansink (2009), “Better School Meals on a Budget: Using Behavioral Economics and Food Psychology to Improve Meal Selection,” Choices, 24:3, 1-6 Wansink, Brian, and David Just (2011), “Healthy Foods First: Students Take the First Lunchroom Food 11% More Often Than the Third,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 43:4S1...

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