...Referencing - The Harvard System Introduction As a student, it is important that you identify in your assessment when you are using the words or ideas of another author. The most accepted way of acknowledging the work of another author is to use a referencing system. Within the Business School you are required to use the Harvard referencing system. This guide therefore describes the Harvard referencing style, which uses an ‘alphabetical-by-author’ approach. What is referencing? It is a method used to demonstrate to your readers that you have conducted a thorough and appropriate literature search, and carried out appropriate reading. Equally, referencing is an acknowledgement that you have used the ideas and written material belonging to other authors in your own work. There are many styles that can be used to reference. Why you should use a referencing system As a part of an academic community, it is important that you show the reader where you have used someone else’s ideas or words. Failure to properly reference using the Harvard system may make the reader think that you are cheating by claiming someone else’s work as your own. In the academic environment, we call this plagiarism and it is seen as a very serious offence. Please remember that plagiarism is not just when you directly copy words from another student’s or expert’s work. Plagiarism also occurs when you re-word someone else’s ideas in your own work and you do not give credit to the original source...
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...Harvard Referencing Style BOOKS IN-TEXT EXAMPLE REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLE NOTES Single author whose name occurs naturally in the sentence In a popular study, Kadolph (2007) explained how different fibres react when approaching a flame. OR Kadolph, S.J. (2007) Textiles, 10th edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Two books by the same author in the same year 2 authors As Kadolph (2007: 34) states, ‘During a burn test, cotton does not fuse or shrink from the flame’. According to Napier (1993b), a surprising number of sailors are unable to swim. Swales and Feak (2004) explore the types of essay organisation and characteristic functions. Napier, A. (1993a) Fatal storm, Sydney: Allen and Unwin. Napier, A. (1993b) Survival at sea, Sydney: Allen and Unwin. Swales, J. and Feak, C. (2004) Academic Writing for Graduate Students. 2nd edition, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press Fisher, R., Ury, W. and Patton, B. (1991) Getting to yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in, 2nd edition, London: Century Business. 3 authors Fisher, Ury and Patton (1994: 36) suggest that when emotional issues cloud negotiation, ‘some thoughts are best left unsaid.’ OR ‘When anger and misperception are high, some thoughts are best left said.’ (Fisher, Ury and Patton, 1991: 36). Reference list: state the edition if not the first. In-text: put the page number for a direct quotation. Single inverted commas ‘’ are now preferred. Note the letters a and b to differentiate in-text...
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...MLA Style Citations, 7th ed. (Modern Languages Association) This guide provides basic guidelines and examples for citing sources using the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (2009). MLA citation style requires that credit be given to sources in the text of an essay with parenthetical references. General guidelines for parenthetical references appear on the last page of this guide. While the following examples are single-spaced, the Works Cited page should be double-spaced throughout. Format: Author Last, First. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Publication. Print. Book: One Author Sample Citation: Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT, 1999. Print. Format: Author Last, First, and First Last. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub. Print. Book: Two Authors Sample Citation: Lunsford, Andrea, and Lisa Ede. Singular Texts/Plural Authors: Perspectives on Collaborative Writing. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990. Print. Format: Author Last, First, Author First Last, and Author First Last. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub. Print. [Note: If a source has more than three authors, only the first author should be listed, with the Latin phrase “et al.” (meaning “and others”) following their name.] Book: Multiple Authors Sample Citation: Patten, Michael A., Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt. Birds of the Salton Sea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology. Berkeley:...
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...What is Referenc ing? Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignment in a way that uniquely identifies their source. Direct quotations, facts and figures, as well as ideas and theories, from bot h published and unpublished works, must be referenced. Why Reference? Referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations, and to enable readers to follow - up and read more full y the cited author’s arguments. Steps Involved in Referencing 1. Collecting Bibliographic Details Note down the full bibliographic details of the source from wh ich the information is taken, including the relevant page number(s). This information is the basis of a citation or reference . In the case of a book , ‘bibliogra phical details’ refers to: author/editor, year of publication, title, edition, volume number, place of publication and publisher as found on the front and back of the title page. (Not all of these details will necessarily be applicable). In the case of a journal article the details required include: author of the article, year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, volume and issue number of the journal, and page numbers. For all electronic information , in addition to the above you sh ould note the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if one exists, and if one does not exist, the web address (URL) of the database you found the article in. Fo r more...
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...Referencing In-text: All students will use the Harvard System of referencing. References are indicated in the text as either “Recent work (Smith 1970)” or “Recently Smith (1970) has found.” Where a direct quotation is used the page number should be noted e.g. (Smith 1970 pg. 17). All such references should then be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in accordance with the following conventions: 1. Books surname, forename and/or initials, (year of publication), title, place of publication: publisher, e.g. Baker, Michael J. and Hart, Susan J. (1989), Marketing and Competitive Success, Hemel Hempstead: Philip Allen. 2. Journal Articles surname, forename and/or initials, (year) “title”, journal name, vol, issue, pages, e.g. O’Malley, L. and Tynan, C. (1999), “The Utility of the Relationship Metaphor in Consumer Markets: A Critical Evaluation”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 587-602. 3. Contributions in books, proceedings, etc. surname, forename and/or initials, (year), “title”, ‘In:’, editor’s surname and/or initials, book title, place of publication: publisher, pages, e.g. Doyle, Peter (1990), “Managing the Marketing Mix”. In: Baker, Michael J, ed., The Marketing Book 2nd Edition, London: Heinemann Ltd., pp. 227-267. 4. Websites / Online resources. Author/Editor surname, forename and/or initials, (year), “title”[online], place of publication: publisher. Available at: URL, [accessed date] e.g. Baker, Michael J. (1998), “Individual...
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...Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) network. The set title was ‘What is the point of referencing?’, and there was a maximum word limit of 1,500 words. There is a tutor commentary on the points made by the student to the left of the essay. The introduction to an essay is very important. Here the student immediately addresses the question. | What is the point of referencing?The reasons why accurate referencing is essential for academic work are not immediately apparent, particularly for students new to higher education. This essay will, therefore, examine why referencing is an essential part of academic writing and in the process address the question: ‘what is the point of referencing?’ | The student introduces the main reasons for referencing. | There are three main reasons for referencing. Firstly, referencing helps student writers to construct, structure, support and communicate arguments. Secondly, references link the writer’s work to the existing body of knowledge. Thirdly, only through referencing can academic work gain credibility. | Summarises the structure of the essay. | This essay will discuss these three aspects of referencing in detail, examine their validity, identify how referencing affects a writer’s writing style, and show how referencing helps students to present their own ideas and opinions in assignments. | Engages with the first of the reasons for referencing: construction of arguments. The student draws on the work of a published writer (Becker)...
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...DEPARTMENT of LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION THE BUSINESS SCHOOL HANDBOOK FOR REFERENCING 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF REFERENCING There are three main reasons why accurate referencing is important: * it provides relevant background information, illustrations of ideas or theories, or evidence for an argument that you are making in your essay or report. Your ideas need to be based on prior reading, and referencing is a way of showing that you have done this and are familiar with the field. * it enables readers to find any source of information mentioned in the text, if they want to follow up on a point or examine a theory more closely. In other words, if you refer to someone's work in an essay or report, you have to give enough information to allow readers to find it for themselves, if they find it interesting or relevant. * it gives due credit to the person(s) from whom you acquired the information. Using those ideas and/or words as if they were your own, or without acknowledging where they came from, is equivalent to 'stealing' someone else's ideas and counts as an academic offence in Britain known as plagiarism. 2. FORMATTING STYLES: HARVARD REFERENCING There are many different formatting styles for referencing, and each journal uses a specific style. So in that sense, there is no single, correct way in which to format your references. Nevertheless, it is inappropriate...
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...Harvard referencing: a guide for SoM students Introduction Academic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism. You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct. There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks. What sources of information should I be reading? Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academic journals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise! How do I put a citation in my text? To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This...
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...Harvard Referencing There are 2 stages, these include: 1) Citing – What you do in the text of your essay e.g. highlighting words you’ve incorporated from someone else’s work 2) Referencing – All the details of the source of information you’ve used at the end of your work in a separate section For both directly copying, and changing an idea into your own words, you need to indicate the source of information in brackets at the end of your sentence. For a direct quote, these brackets must contain 3 pieces of information: * The authors name * The year their work was published * The page number i.e (Kovmi, 2009, p.5) For an indirect quote (changed into your own words), you just need to include the authors name and year of publication. The reference section at the end of your work must include all the information of the source of information. Each source of information in your reference section should always start with the same information as the citation in your essay. When writing your reference section, ensure you order it alphabetically by the author’s names. Referencing a book The order of information for referencing a book is: 1) Author/s/Editor 2) Year of publication in round brackets 3) Title in italics 4) Edition (if relevant i.e. not the first edition) 5) Place of publication: publisher 6) Series and volume number (if relevant) For example: Pears, Richard, and Shields, Graham. (2010) Cite the right: the essential referencing...
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...APA Referencing THIS IS A QUICK GUIDE TO THE APA REFERENCING STYLE (6TH EDITION) The American Psychological Association reference style uses the Author-Date format. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for more information. Check the Library Catalogue for call number and location(s). When quoting directly or indirectly from a source, the source must be acknowledged in the text by author name and year of publication. If quoting directly, a location reference such as page number(s) or paragraph number is also required. IN-TEXT Direct quotation – use quotation marks around the quote and include page numbers Samovar and Porter (1997) point out that "language involves attaching meaning to symbols" (p.188). Alternatively, “Language involves attaching meaning to symbols" (Samovar & Porter, 1997, p.188). Indirect quotation/paraphrasing – no quotation marks Attaching meaning to symbols is considered to be the origin of written language (Samovar & Porter, 1997). N.B. Page numbers are optional when paraphrasing, although it is useful to include them (Publication Manual, p. 171). Citations from a secondary source As Hall (1977) asserts, “culture also defines boundaries of different groups” (as cited in Samovar & Porter, 1997, p. 14). At the end of your assignment, you are required to provide the full bibliographic information for each source. References must be listed in alphabetical order by author. EXAMPLES OF REFERENCES BY TYPE...
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...Referencing: American Psychological Association American Psychological Association (APA) has been the common guideline in research projects and thesis. Followings are some information for referencing. Students are advised to visit: http://apastyle.apa.org for more information. Print Resources: Books * Names are listed last name, then initials. Separate names with a comma, and use & before the last author, e.g. Helfer, M. E., & Duncan, G. J. * Use Ed. for ONE editor, Eds. for MULTIPLE editors, e.g. (Ed.). / (Eds.). * Capitalize first word in TITLES and SUBTITLES, and PROPER NAMES. * Italicize the name of the TITLES. I. Books By One Author Frank, H. A. (2005). An introduction to organizational behaviour. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. II. Books By Two Or More Authors Levison, M., Ward, R. G., & Webb, J. W. (1973). The settlement of the Polynesia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. III. Books By Corporate Author Institute of Financial Education. (1982). Managing personal funds. Chicago: Midwestern. IV) Books By Corporate Author as Publisher World Bank. (2004). Gender and development in the Middle Print Resources V. Books With Editors Duncan, G. J., & Brooks, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. VI. Books With Edition Helfer, M. E., Keme, R. S., & Drugman, R. D. (1997). The battered child (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. VII. Chapter...
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...A Guide to Harvard Referencing The following is a guide to writing references in essays and reports. There are several different ways of writing references according to whether they come from a book, edited book or journal article. What is the Harvard System of Referencing? Harvard referencing is a system of in–text referencing which is used by academics and others to illustrate ideas, concepts, theories and arguments by drawing attention to supporting published evidence both in the text of any essay or report and at the end in a references section. 1 How to write references in the text of an essay/report Examples of Text: Benson, Roberts and Smith (1993) have suggested that there is a relationship between academic excellence and shoe size. They have argued that a student with large feet has the capacity to learn more in a lecture than a student with small feet. Support for this theory has come from Dawson (1976) and Franks and Miller (1991) who have found that men who wear size 8–10 shoes tend to score three points higher on Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.) tests than men with shoe size ranges from 5–7. However, research suggests that women obtain a higher I.Q. score if their shoe size ranges from 3–4 in comparison to those with shoe sizes ranging from 5–7 (Bunion and Foot 1987). Despite such gender differences, Benson et al. believe that the relationship between I.Q. and foot size only occurs in industrialised societies and so “we should consider why foot size...
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...pdf. Last accessed 25th oct 2014. Unisa. (2010). What is referencing?. Available: http://resource.unisa.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=47609. Last accessed 24th Oct 2014. ----------------------- Dear Student: Thank you for letting me know the problem you got with your study, I am fully understand your confuse about how to write your assignment.This is the advice that I want to give you. About how academic integrity officer know you are copying ,first you need to know it is wrong to copy other work,second is Turnitin.Turnitin is a checking system around the world ,which is provide plagiarism prevention service used by millions of students and faculty. It help to manage the process of submitting and tracking papers electronically.It is also a system with a large amount of database to prevent student to copy others assignment. Therefore the system can easily found out which part of writing is not come from your own. The reason that Turnitin is used in many country around the world is that Turnitin can help course instructor to identify the paper that student submitted is copied or not .which help them to check the paper efficiency.But I doesn't mean you cant copy, it means that you need to referencing after you copied. University care about the copy right , we can use the idea and information from others work but we can't copy it.To respect their work,we need to referencing,by mention where we copy and which information we used . When you writing...
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...ISY 300A: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3A (FT/PT) Communication component Assignment 2: Academic paper Total marks: 100 Weight: 10% Individual assignment. Submission date: On or Before Thursday 18 August 2011 Submission point: Cape Town: Room 2.07 Barc Building. No electronic submissions Paper title The role of effective communication in managing Information Technology projects Specific instructions Write academic paper in which you discuss the role of effective communication in managing IT projects. • The paper should be well-researched and conceptualised, drawing on arguments in published books and academic articles. • It should critically discuss the role of effective communication from a broad perspective, paying attention to the implications for team dynamics, management of conflict, dissemination of project briefs, management of meeting, collection and management of information etc. • The paper should cite at least three published books and three journal articles. These sources must be cited in-text and a complete reference list provided at the end of the paper. • It should be written in very formal academic English, with no contractions, clichés, slang, abbreviations, emotive and/or gender insensitive words. • Your arguments and/or claims must be logical and well-developed using sufficient examples and supporting data from your research. You might consider using sub-headings to enhance readability. • Paper should have an abstract of 200words...
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...Page 1 Department of Lifelong Learning: Study Skills Series Referencing - The Harvard System (Download pdf version) Introduction As a student, it is important that you identify in your assessment when you are using the words or ideas of another author. The most accepted way of acknowledging the work of another author is to use a referencing system. At the Department of Lifelong Learning you are required to use the Harvard referencing system. The following guide tells you why you need to use a referencing system, shows you how to insert references in the text of your assignments, and shows you how to compile a reference list. While there are many variations on the ‘Harvard’ system, the one presented in this guide is the most simple. It does away with most usages of ‘p’ and ‘pp’ to signify page numbers and it replaces some of the commas with colons. Also, this guide is by no means an exhaustive list of all the referencing conventions that you will require in your academic life. Why you should use a referencing system As a part of an academic community, it is important that you show the reader where you have used someone else’s ideas or words. Failure to properly reference using the Harvard system may make the reader think that you are cheating by claiming someone else’s work as your own. In the academic environment, we call this plagiarism and it is seen as a very serious offence. Please remember that plagiarism is not just when you directly copy words from another...
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