...Frankenstein Ethical Debate Reflection The only thing that is perfect is the word perfect, well at least it used to be. With all of the new technological advances and medical research, a person can change themselves into anything they want, a more symmetrical face and perfectly pointy nose is only one phone call and doctor’s appointment away. The new technological advances in the physical appearance of human beings is putting too much pressure of humans to be perfect, which is not a real or attainable thing which is causing the standards for humans to be set too high. Because of all of the physical changes that are now possible with plastic surgery, people are changing themselves from the way that they were made; people are no longer content with their natural beauty. The new surgeries and treatments that are now available for people are causing so much more pressure to fit in in society. How are people supposed to fit in if we keep making advances that make people feel like they need to change themselves even more. In my opinion each and every person is made differently and that is what makes the world the diverse place that it is, if everyone want to look the same and look “perfect” there will be no diversity at all. Before all of the medical advances were made true beauty was what people had, not silicone beauty. When people aren’t considered “beautiful” they are often looked over and not noticed, possibly even socially out casted. And now with all of the cosmetic surgeries...
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...Thomas Reyes ENG 1A – Literary Analysis Ms. Lyn Schrader 04 March 2015 The classic novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, written by Mary Shelley, tells a story of dangerous pursuits of knowledge, abandonment, human cruelty towards the unknown and different, and the consequences of such actions. Much like the story’s antagonist, simply and quite aptly named the Monster, who was made out of stitched-up body parts and organs, the novel is a patchwork of various voices and perspectives that enables the readers to delve into the thoughts of the characters and have a more personal understanding of each. This paper aims to dissect the novel based on my personal reflections as an avid learner and as a homosexual, and analysis of the gender-bias issues apparent in the novel. The Creator I have always been a keen reader. I have been reading since I was three years old. When I was a young boy, I was always holed up in our family’s library, going through every single book that I can reach. My favorite ones were the several sets of encyclopedia. Usually, I would grab one book based on which letter I thought extra interesting that particular day, and just read through pages and pages of diverse topics until I fell asleep. I also enjoyed reading the newspaper on Sunday mornings with my grandfather. I found myself personally relating to Victor in this regard. He was an accomplished reader, going through the works of scientists, philosophers, alchemists, and sorcerers. He...
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...Description: The title of my work is “Monster Insides”. This artwork is an example of surrealism, which is art inspired by the unconscious mind. It is made up of different images put together into one work. It includes images like a photo of me in the middle staring at a mirror which reflects back a monster/demon like creature. It also includes the stormy sky at the window, a noose hanging from the ceiling, a person looking through one of the cupboards and a slightly visible demon like creature in the bottom left corner. Analysis: Non-traditional principles like editing were used in this artwork. Editing was clearly used to add, change, resize, etc. images into this artwork to create the piece. Other elements that were used were colour, space and value. Firstly, colour was demonstrated by primary colours like red and secondary colours like purple in this work. It was also demonstrated due to the different hues different objects had, for example images/objects that were more in the light had a lighter hue compared to images/objects that were in darker areas of the image. Secondly, space was shown by the contrast of negative and positive space of each object/image in...
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...Without a human presence the creature is in isolation from the start. This builds up his feelings that lead to later events. The creature when originally created lacks speech which isolates him more because he is unable to communicate his thoughts. Author of the article “monstrosity of representation” Christian Bok says that “Frankenstein recounts the linguistic initiation of the Monster” (Bok 1). Although the creature is presented to be educated later in the book, when he is first created he is only able to mutter a few sounds. This terrifies Victor even more. Not being able to speak is an obstacle the creature must pass. After the first abandonment the creature is able to find Victor… where he is abandoned yet again, Victors neglect is permanently embedded in the creature's mind. Victor says “But I escaped and rushed down the stairs” (Shelley 44). Victor “escaping” is ridiculous. It is easy to see that the creature merely wanted compassion rather than violence. Victor assumed the creatures hostility based on its looks and actions. Another encounter gone wrong is with the old man in the hovel. “Perceiving me, shrieked loudly and, quitting the hut”(Shelley 93). The creature who was oblivious to the reason of Victors fleeing, starts to get a sense of his appearance. With two humans fleeing in terror from him, the creatures feeling of isolation is unimaginable. The creature throughout the story evokes the true characteristics of Victor and his morals. Victor’s rasch behavior towards...
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...Before we knew, it we were suddenly in the town of Heidelberg. We rushed out of the bus like gushing water being released from a dam. The feeling of being on German soil was exhilarating and extravagant. The first thing a small group of friends and I did was go to a grocery store, and we each bought different things to make sandwiches. We bought all these strange breads and cheeses that had intense flavors, like the intense flavor a gushers fruit flavors, or the power packed taste of Sunny D. We sat around an old fountain statue and eating our sandwiches and watching people go about their day. We looked inside the bottom of the fountain and saw a shimmering pool of glistening golden light from all the Euros people had thrown in. The statue was littered in pigeons. The pigeons were insanely pretty. Their feathers were a vast sea of color, changing with the reflection from the sun. I befriended one of the pigeons and named him Star Fox. I fed Star Fox one of my scrumptious, deluxe sandwiches and I knew we were bonded for life. We were going to be inseparable like how Star Fox and I are...
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...bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.” 2. Gagege The doctors told the amputee he might experience a phantom limb from time to time. Nobody prepared him for the moments though, when he felt cold fingers brush across his phantom hand. 3. Graboid27 I can’t move, breathe, speak or hear and it’s so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead. 4. AnarchistWaffles Don’t be scared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates being seen. 5. therealhatman I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I though it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again. 6. KnowsGooderThanYou They celebrated the first successful cryogenic freezing. He had no way of letting them know he was still conscious. 7. pgan91 She wondered why she was casting two shadows. Afterall, there was only a single lightbulb. 8. Horseseverywhere It sat on my shelf, with thoughtless porcelain eyes and the prettiest pink doll dress I could find. Why did she have to be born still? 9. bentreflection The grinning face stared at me from the darkness beyond my bedroom window. I live on the 14th floor. 10. guztaluz There was a picture in my phone of me sleeping. I live...
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...A wise woman wishes to be no one's enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone's victim. -Maya Angelou For all the years that I have developed a consciousness like mine, I was constantly slapped in the face by the incandescent standards of the universe and its littlest portion on how women should be. A woman is always portrayed as a gift from the skies, pretty and elegant, or a royalty in distress saved by a hero who makes her swoon, or an evil witch behind every man's failure. But a woman is not a gift, she is not a possession, she is not an asset. A woman is not someone to be saved, if she is to be protected, then from what? And yes, this paragraph is always present on my feminist articles. The most tiring thing about being a woman is the fact that we should still have to battle for our image as individuals, which is an inflection of how I came into the idea that the purpose of human kind is to breakout from the chains of the stereotypical. Humans try to debunk and destroy what exists, from beliefs to lifestyles and even to the right color of pants to match your socks. This urge to be free is the reason why Jose was shot in a park, why Romeo and Juliet died, and why all the revolutions and wars occurred. Grace Ogot or Grace Emily Akinyi, the Kenyan writer who happens to be the author of the story 'The Rain Came' and many other stories, presented the "Breaking-out" moment through the characters' struggle against the binding chains of traditions and culture. Many of her stories...
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...We're a society so fast to detect imperfections in each other that we feel the need to modify our appearances simply to conform to the unrealistic expectations of 'the perfect appearance'. Ladies and gentleman, One of the most fascinating aspects of Brave New World for me is that it epitomises the pursuit of physical perfection and treatment of the notion of female beauty. In my opinion, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World conditions people into the ‘perfect human’ leading then to the ‘ideal society’ that Brave New World is about. This is a precise reflection of today’s society and our so called ‘obsession for physical perfection’. You see, in Brave New world, humans never have to think of dieting, plastic surgery,...
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...Summer Assignment for AA Junior English 2009-10 Welcome to next year’s AA Junior English class! The class is as rigorous as it is enriching, in that it covers more than a thousand years of British literature and culture. During the summer, you must read Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf and complete the assignments listed (including the 25 vocabulary words). Heaney’s translation is available at most bookstores, or you can order his version online (or ask a current AA Junior English student if you can buy his/her used copy). The ISBN is 0393320979. It has a black cover, with a picture of a head and shoulders covered in chain mail. No other version is acceptable! DUE: Monday, August 12, 2009. STEP #1 – Purchase and read the Beowulf version listed above (both Borders at Superstition Springs Mall and Barnes and Noble at ValVista and the 60 know you will need to purchase this book). The text on the right side (the odd numbered pages) is the modern translation. STEP #2 – Complete the Vocabulary assignment (it may actually serve you better to complete the vocabulary assignment prior to reading the text). Make sure the definitions you use match the use of the word in context. You will be responsible for knowing the definitions of these words as they are used in context in the epic. Type each word and its definition in Times New Roman font, size 12. 1. anathema (page 9) 14. whorled (127) 2. lair (11) 15. ensconced (131) 3. wassail (11) 16...
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...soon to be discarded or mistreated by their masters. One by one they leave their homes and set out together. They decide to go to Bremen, known for its freedom, to live without owners and become musicians there. On the way to Bremen, they see a lighted cottage; they look inside and see four robbers enjoying their ill-gotten gains. Standing on each others backs, they decide to perform for the men in hope of gaining food. Their 'music' has an unanticipated effect; the men run for their lives, not knowing what the strange sound is. The animals take possession of the house, eat a good meal, and settle in for the evening. Later that night, the robbers return and send one of their members in to investigate. It is dark and he sees the eyes of the Cat shining in the darkness. He reaches over to light his candle, thinking he sees the coals of the fire. Things happen in quick succession; the Cat swipes his face with her claws, the Donkey picks up his hooves and kicks him, the Dog bites him on the leg, and the Rooster crows and chases him out the door, screaming. He tells his companions that he was beset by a horrible witch who scratched him with her long fingers (the Cat), a man with a knife (the Dog), a monster who had hit him with a club (the Donkey), and worst of all, the devil who screamed from the rooftop (the Rooster). The robbers abandon the cottage to the strange creatures who have taken it, where the animals live happily for the rest of their days. The Boy Who Cried Wolf ...
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...City of Glass Story by Paul Auster Essay by Vanessa Jagna Hoff Levinsen In this essay, we will be working with Paul Auster’s novel “City of Glass”. In the story, we follow the character Daniel Quinn, whose occupation is writing literature. This novel works with different themes that are related to mental health. The first theme we will be talking about is a question of identity; who am I, and who are you? We will follow this with describing human contact’s connection with the sanity of mankind. Social life and its influence on our mentality will lead us to the question of the masks of mankind; who is the real personality among the many faces of a single human. We will also discuss the theme of deciding. What crucial decisions have lead to the life we now live, and what could have been, if our stories had taken place just a tiny bit differently. Last but not least we will go into depth with Quinn’s mental disorder and how it is related to the other characters in the novel. Can a single, presumably random incident change the entire course of our lives? We all have one or more events that changed the entire direction of our own personal tales of existence. It can be a moment of clarity, where we realised we had lived our lives wrong the entire time. It could be the moment we bumped into that special someone, and fell in love. Or maybe it was that day when you received a rather odd phone call; let us say that perhaps you got a phone call from someone who looked for a detective...
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...narrator · The primary narrator is Robert Walton, who, in his letters, quotes Victor Frankenstein’s first-person narrative at length; Victor, in turn, quotes the monster’s first-person narrative; in addition, the lesser characters Elizabeth Lavenza and Alphonse Frankenstein narrate parts of the story through their letters to Victor. climax · The murder of Elizabeth Lavenza on the night of her wedding to Victor Frankenstein in Chapter 23 protagonist · Victor Frankenstein antagonist · Frankenstein’s monster setting (time) · Eighteenth century setting (place) · Geneva; the Swiss Alps; Ingolstadt; England and Scotland; the northern ice point of view · The point of view shifts with the narration, from Robert Walton to Victor Frankenstein to Frankenstein’s monster, then back to Walton, with a few digressions in the form of letters from Elizabeth Lavenza and Alphonse Frankenstein. falling action · After the murder of Elizabeth Lavenza, when Victor Frankenstein chases the monster to the northern ice, is rescued by Robert Walton, narrates his story, and dies tense · Past foreshadowing · Ubiquitous—throughout his narrative, Victor uses words such as “fate” and “omen” to hint at the tragedy that has befallen him; additionally, he occasionally pauses in his recounting to collect himself in the face of frightening memories. tone · Gothic, Romantic, emotional, tragic, fatalistic themes · Dangerous knowledge; sublime nature; texts; secrecy; monstrosity motifs · Passive women; abortion ...
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...A Walk into the Forbidden Forest (A true story) By Jacob Conteh, Editor, Diaspora Dispatch News My heart jumped out of its cage. My greasy knees danced in disunity, my lips quivered, my mouth dried up and my hair rose to the top of the trees. My forehead dripped with sweat and my sweaty palms trembled. My eyes refused to blink, and my lips quivered. There, a few feet in front of me, sat a killer python coiled up to the size of a huge tractor tire with eyes pointing at us and tongue salivating with hunger. I motioned to my little brother Donald and pointed my fingers to the monster. We tiptoed backwards for a minutes, turned around and ran for our lives. My people, the Thaymnehs (Temnes), are a warrior tribe that reportedly emigrated from a region called Futa Jallon in present-day Guinea to Sierra Leone. My village, Patfu Mayawa, is a farming village of about 200 hundred inhabitants in central Sierra Leone. While most Thaymnehs are either Muslims or Christians, some Thaymnehs sometimes mix their religion with their traditional beliefs. Among those beliefs is that there are gods who dwell on forests and mountains. For the people of Patfu Mayawa, my hometown, they believe there are “devils” that dwell at Chainkafutu, a thick virgin forest hill that towers above the village. Before each of the many celebrations at Patfu that signaled girls’ and boys’ initiation to adulthood – the Poro for boys and Bondo for girls - the village headman would walk the half...
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...1930’s were suppressed by their husbands without him they wouldn’t have no identity, so they cooked, cleaned, and bore and raised children. Missie May didn’t have no identity other than her husbands, Joe would wake up and things would be already done for him, Joe would ask "Missie May, ain't you gonna fix me no breakfus'?". As the layers begin to unfold in the story, Missie May begins to value herself as the loving wife and nothing would stop their love from being pure and unaltered, “Ah'm a real wife, not no dress and breath. Ah might not look lak one, but if you burn me, you won't git a thing but wife ashes”. Missie May claims to be a faithful wife and truthful, not one made up with the finer things in life. However, Hurston describes “Their whitewashed house, the mock battle on Saturday, the dinner and ice cream parlor afterwards, church on Sunday nights when Missie out dressed any woman in town--all, everything, was right” Missie May wouldn’t need to compete with the town to show her worth to anyone except her husband. Missie May and Joe marriage are viewed as a couple that possess such a love that isn’t valued with a currency Joe says "You jes' say dat cause you love me, but Ah know Ah can't hold no light to Otis D. Slemmons. Ah ain't never been nowhere and Ah ain't got nothin' but you". In speaking in the sense of where counterfeit comes to play there is a fair winner and a fair loser. In this sight, Joe’s Mimicry of Slemmons and Missie May’s presentation to her community...
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...Mingzhao Lin LIN 1 Stephen Bulter Ph.D 16.11.2014 Awaken from the nightmare A photo displayed on one of James Mason’s galleries— The War in Central Bosnia. The photo was named “The Unknown” and taken on the summer of 1993. A year before this, 1992, the Serbs attacked Bosnia. The destruction of war was tremendous: buildings were split open with their wires hanging outside, villages were burnt, and rivers of people were fleeing. Inside this seemingly moving picture, lies a stillness— a coffin, an open coffin. Its white sophisticated surface was dabbed with spots of rain from the grey above, dimming its reflections. A body lied inside, as the hoary clouds grow larger, hovering moistly above the mournful land. His hand was tied with his fists on his chest, like the pharaoh of ancient Egypt, symboling the immense power and wealth; or maybe, simply, for the convenience of burying. The word “Nepoznat” was narrowly engraved on two pieces of wood that were nailed on the apex of the coffin. Later I found out, it meant “The Unknown” in Croatian. The horrified expression was now gone from the man’s face. His eyes were closed like he was sleeping. He looked peaceful and relieved. To him, the war had left, the pain was gone and the suffer wouldn't bother him anymore. But, it was only because he was dead. While the world focused on Sarajevo (the capital of Bosnia), the real fighting was going on in villages and towns. Most of the time it wasn't even fighting, but...
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