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Refugees In The Arab-Israeli War

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Refugees in the Arab-Israeli War There are about 6.5 million Palestinian refugees in the world. This is horrific and caused by the Arab-Israeli conflict. Palestinians have become refugees and it is only getting worse. Refugees are living horribly and it has to change. Being a Palestinian refugee is terrible for many reasons. Mainly because people are left homeless with nowhere to live, every day they live in horror under the Israeli military, and they are left behind in the world’s development.
One reason for why being a refuge is horrible is refugees are left homeless with nowhere to live, unable to return home. In the law of human rights, it is stated that refugees have the right to return home, but according to the Seattle Middle East …show more content…
Because of this, all Palestinian refugees stay in the countries they escaped to such as, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. PressTV claims that United Nations relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the near east (UNWRA) states that over 1.5 million refugees –almost one third of the Palestinian refugees- are stranded in over 58 refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and in the harassed parts of Gaza and the West bank. The Arabs in the Gaza Strip live in horrible conditions. As Gaza has all borders sealed off and surrounded, it is known as the world’s largest open prison. Gaza has illegal blockage and the Arabs are unable to leave. They do not have a chance to live a normal life as they receive repetitive punishments, over 250,000 children did not attend school in August, and Palestinians are blocked from the chances of interacting with the outside world. On page 54 in the memoir Tasting the Sky, by Ibtisam Barakat, Ibtisam is a Palestinian who talks about how horrible it …show more content…
The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of health ( created a study showing how much food and how well the health is for the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon households. They surveyed around 2493 households. The study showed that 38% of all households were food secure, meaning that they had a well amount of food, 41% were not stable but did have some food, and 20% were highly food insecure, meaning they had a very poor amount of dietary. The study explained that 58.7% in the country were considered poor and 72% of the people surveyed that were food insecure were poor. Every month the food income would be poor and money income as well. This is evident because money has a large impact on the small amount of food Palestinian refugees consume. The six month study also described that houses with poor amounts of food led to the families having a poor and issued health. According to the survey, 75.7% of the households with poor food income would have at least one member with an illness and 16.9% with a disease. This study is evident because it shows how Palestinian refugees are left short on food and their health is not on the top level. The shortage of nutrition plays an enormous part in the Palestinian’s health. According to the Huffington Post, Commissioner Pierre Krähenbühl at the United Nations relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the near east

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