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Refugees Persuasive Essay

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Compassion is often considered to be a value that lies at the core of our humanity. Yet, when we are given the opportunity to apply this principle to a practical situation, society on the whole repeatedly fails to demonstrate the ability to feel compassion for the exact group of people that need it the most — child refugees. Thus, despite Australia’s profound history of acceptance and multiculturalism, as a society, many believe that we have failed not only one another but also ourselves; as we continue to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the slaughter that is happening in places around the world. In our current reality, this indifference can be attributed to the increase of globalisation, contrasting religious affiliations, a lack of …show more content…
A recent article in The Age describes the detention of refugees, particularly children, as “a deliberate regime of neglect and cruelty amounting to torture under international law.” However, the personal stories of the detained children, highlighted in various media, have failed to move Australia’s leaders to merciful action, prompting The Age to state that “half of us are too busy feasting on the good life to give two hoots, while the other half are too preoccupied with their own struggles for economic, social and emotional survival to pay attention.” A similar notion was explored in a structured interview with my mother, which allowed me to gather an understanding of how the subconscious activities of an individual’s life can impact their overall attitudes towards a particular issue. Within this interview, my mother explained that she had “little exposure to the truth surrounding refugees” and therefore relied greatly on the “little snippets of information” that she received from the media, as she merely lacked the time to conduct her own research. This meant that, like many members of society, my mother fell into the category of people who purely accept the viewpoint of those with power and influence, and consequently fail to develop a unique, informed response to the issue. Hence, it is

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