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Relational Leadership


Submitted By kumaran95
Words 2379
Pages 10
History of leadership

Intro to health leadership and importance of proactiveness in health care context

Situation leadership

Situational leadership theory was derived by Professor Paul Heresy and Ken Blanchard in the mid 1970s. The main pricnciple of the theory is that there is not one single best style of leadership. However, effective leadership is about adapting according to goup or individiucal and the task. That is to influence the surbodinets to achieve the particular goals. Equally important is the task that needs to be completed; the type of leadership also has to be tailored according to this to be effective.

For Hersey and Blanchard is divided leadership styles and maturity. The leadership style can be further divided in to 2 arms of ‘Relationship Behaviour’ and ‘Task behaviour’. The diagram below show the leadership style according to whether high or low in each arm.

Leaders using this model has to be flexible and use alternative leadership styles according to the needs. Maturity comes from adapting to the subordinate(s). The maturity of the subordinates varies according to their ‘readiness’ to carry out a given task. The readiness is due to the subordinate’s ability and confidence.

If the maturity is high, this model favours ‘delegating’ style. This is often describe as having minimal leadership intervention but giving the decision making to the subordinates who possess high task readiness. This as described earlier is based o confidence, willingness and ability.

By contrast ‘telling’ style is employed when the subordinates maturity is low. That is their capability is low and are insecure or unwilling regarding the task. The emphasis is on task directed behaviour with a high level of instructions and structure to the task in hand.

When the situation is low to moderate readiness then ‘participating’ style is recommended. In this

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