...Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we live. Unfortunately, many children who have these gifts don’t receive much reinforcement for them in school. Many of these kids, in fact, end up being labeled "learning disabled," "ADD (attention deficit disorder," or simply underachievers, when their unique ways of thinking and learning aren’t addressed by a heavily linguistic or logical-mathematical classroom. The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation in the way our schools are run. It suggests that teachers be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, and much more (see Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom). The good news is that the theory of multiple intelligences has grabbed the attention of many educators around the country, and hundreds of schools are currently using its philosophy to redesign the way it educates children. The bad news is that there are thousands of schools still out there that teach in the same old dull...
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...Relationship Between Logical and Linguistic Subject: the relationship between logical and linguistic intelligence Research question: is there any significant relation between logical and linguistic intelligence among English literature students of Khayyam University? Hypothesis: students with high logical intelligence are more successful in learning second language and have powerful linguistic intelligence. Introduction: Because my major at high school was mathematic and at university I chose English literature, so I like to know if there is any relationship between this two course or not. And after consult with my instructor I choose this subject. I want to know the effects of these two intelligences on each other. Annotated bibliography: 1. Gardner, Howard. Multiple intelligence, new horizons Google book. This book expresses the meaning of all kinds of intelligences that can help us to understand the exact concept of logical and linguistic intelligences. 2. Razmjooo, Seyyed Ayatollah. On the relationship between multiple intelligences and language proficiency. The reading matrix vol. 8, No. 2, September 2008 This article is about relationship between multiple intelligences that consist of logical and linguistic intelligences. This article shows the relationship between proficiency and intelligence. 3. www.homeeddirectory.com 12.06.2012 This site introduces logical learners and speaks about the ways that a teacher can teach logical/mathematical...
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...1: briefly discuss each intelligence 2 Linguistic 2 Logical-Mathematical 2 Spatial 3 Music/Rhythmic 3 Physical/kinaesthetic 3 Interpersonal 3 Intra-personal 4 Naturalistic 4 Part 2: Explain how you will apply any four of intelligence in 4 classroom Lesson plan 4 Learning outcome 4 Assessment Standard 5 Assessments: Informal 5 Formal 5 - Assessment tools 5 rubric grid checklist Homework 6 Conclusion 6 Biography 7 -2- QUESTION 3: Introduction: This is a biopsychological potential for processing information. It varies in degrees of strength, skill and limitation. When you hear the word Intelligence the concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind. Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential, something that we are born with, something that can be measured and a capacity that is difficult to change Multiple Intelligence is embedded in us all, but there is a specific intelligence that is more powerful in us than the other intelligences. There are 8 Multiple Intelligence that will be discussed about and enlightened more on how it will be applied in the classroom. PART 1: Briefly Discuss each of the Intelligence Linguistic/verbal Intelligence: Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand...
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...Multiple Intelligences Theory: alvin almonte "It's not how smart you are that matters, what really counts is how you are smart." ~ Howard Gardner Have you ever sat in a class where you thought to yourself how much more you would get out of it if the teacher would incorporate something visual along with his/her lecture? Is the instructor aware that you may learn more effectively by looking at visuals rather than simply listening to him/her lecture for an hour? Or maybe it would help if you could physically create something in order to understand the subject that was being discussed? What is your primary intelligence? Let's find out: (click here). How can the knowledge of your personal learning style help you to become more knowledgeable? Can you utilize this knowledge both in and out of the classroom? Whatever your personal learning style is, chances are that it is part of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory. Howard Gardner, Ph.D is the founding father of the Multiple Intelligences Theory. Formerly a Senior Co-Director of Harvard University's Project Zero, Howard Gardner's proposed his theory of multiple intelligences in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind. Project Zero, established at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education in 1967, continues to "help create communities of reflective, self-directed learners, to encourage the pursuit of deep understanding within and across disciplines, and to promote critical and creative thinking" (9). Gardner's...
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...of Multiple Intelligences It is the first day of school at H.G. Elementary School. At recess, Bobby organizes a game of tag, while Suzy stands awkwardly against the wall; but come Sunday morning, Suzy is the star of the dance recital. Sarah can ace her spelling test if she creates a rhythmic pattern to each word but just cannot seem to solve story-problems in math. Jayden never needs a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, or divide but hates music because he just cannot seem to stay with the beat. Maribeth excels in history, and absorbs what she reads like a sponge, while Jessica prefers art and has pieces in the up-coming exhibit. Spencer takes care of the classroom’s terrarium and is a whiz with keeping the environment just right for the frogs, turtle, and lizards. Reed is a bit quiet and keeps to himself, which is no wonder since he is always thinking about the meaning of life and really enjoys reading about the great philosophers. While these examples seem completely normal for everyday life, they actually illustrate Howard Gardner’s theory on multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner developed his theory on multiple intelligences which differentiated intelligence into eight areas rather than a singular, all-or-nothing intelligence. That is to say that to be considered intelligent, one could excel in any of the eight areas and no one area would be superior to another. Gardner’s eight types of intelligence are: musical, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical...
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...The main purpose of this study was to determine the specific learning disabilities, level of self efficacy , self esteem multiple intelligences, parent and teacher’s involvement of students at risks with learning disabilities and their relationships to academic performance of high school students at risk with learning disabilities in order to design a supportive classroom environment for these children. This study was based on the theory that academic performance of students at risk with learning disabilities is dependent on the self-efficacy, self-esteem, multiple intelligences and parents and teachers’ involvement. The self-efficacy includes general self efficacy and social self efficacy. The multiple intelligences includes the Linguistic Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence , Musical Intelligenc, Interpersonal Intelligence , Intrapersonal Intelligence , Spatial Intelligence , and Naturist Intelligence. This study hypothesized that there is significant relationship between self-efficacy, self-esteem, multiple intelligence, parents and teachers’ involvement to the academic performance of students at risk with learning disabilities. Abstract Category: Education Course / Degree: Ph.D. Mgmt Institution / University: Capitol University, Philippines Published in: 2011 The research design was descriptive using cross tabulation technique. The study was conducted at GCCNHS, Gingoog City . The respondents of the...
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...Title: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences Name: Markeesha Eckols Course: Psy 300 Due Date: 4/23/2012 Instructor: Carlton Bowden The Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Gardner’s book “Frames of Minds” he argues that all humans are born with a multiplicity of intelligences. He suggested that with these intelligences; we can or should be developed by society to achieve great individual accomplishment and fulfill greater social goals. This theory of multiple intelligences has been divided into eight different categories; Linguistic, musical, logical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalist (Gardner 1983). In Gardner’s opinion; seven kinds of intelligence would allow seven ways to teach, rather than one and powerful constraints that exist in the mind can be mobilized to introduce a particular concept (or whole system of thinking) in a way that children are most likely to learn it and least likely to distort it (Gardner 1983). Gardner was one of the first to teach us that we should not judge and develop people (especially children, young people, and people at the beginnings of their careers) according to an arbitrary and narrow definition of intelligence (Gardner 1983). We must instead rediscover and promote the vast range of capabilities that have a value in life and then set out valuing people for who they are, what they can be, and helping them to grow and fulfill their...
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...LEARNING STYLES ACTIVITY We all learn in different ways. The more we understand about our own learning styles and those of our colleagues the better equipped we will be to provide a rich and multi-sensory learning experience for the users of museums, archives and libraries. This self-perception questionnaire is based on Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences. It will help you assess the balance of your learning styles, as you perceive them at this point in time. These preferences are not fixed. Your response will vary according to your mood and the learning context, and you are likely to have 3 or 4 preferences. It is important to remember that the more that we learn to use the full range of intelligences the more effective we become as learners. Please complete the questionnaire following the instructions. On the following pages transfer your scores to the multiple intelligences listing and then total these to find out your preferred learning style. CHECK OUT YOUR OWN LEARNING STYLE PREFERENCES BASED ON GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES MODEL Score between 0 and 3 for each of these statements 0 = This does not represent me at all 3 = This statement strongly represents me 1. I am able to explain topics which are difficult and make them clear 2. I have a good sense of direction 3. Charts, diagrams, visual displays are important for my learning 4. I always do things one step at a time 5. I am sensitive to...
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...Identifying Intelligence Styles to Define Interaction Strengths Abstract My top three intelligence styles are logical, linguistic, and interpersonal. These intelligence styles help define my strengths in my interactions with my co-workers and other employees of the companies I am associated with. These intelligence styles affect how I conduct myself with others to properly coordinate with others and project my message across to them. My top three intelligence styles are logical, linguistic, and interpersonal styles. These intelligence styles help in my everyday interaction with other people in whatever tasks I conduct at my workplace. These intelligence styles define my communication style and strengthen my interaction with others. My intelligence styles help me project my message to my co-workers so I can contribute to maximize the productivity for which ever company I am associated with. My strongest intelligence style is interpersonal style, in which I have good interpretation of what other people are feeling and understanding their situations. One word with one tone can mean one thing while the same word with different tone can mean something else. What I noticed about myself is that I can interpret what the person is trying to say when he or she tells me something very brief or very little based on that...
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...of Howard Gardner’s Eight Domains of Ability in His Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner is an American Developmental Psychologist who is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. Rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability, Gardner proposed that there are multiple abilities that are present in each person. He believed that even though all abilities are inherent in each individual, they are not all equally strong. Some learners are highly developed in some areas, moderately so in some and completely underdeveloped in others. The operation of the different abilities in different people is not only due to individual characteristics such as genetics but also due to environmental and cultural factors. The intelligences that Gardner distinguished are linguistic or verbal, logical-mathematic, spatial, musical, kinaesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. He later added the eighth one being naturalistic. With the appropriate stimulation and support, each of these can be developed to a satisfactory level in each person even though different ones will remain stronger in different people. Linguistic/Verbal Intelligence Linguistic or otherwise known as verbal intelligence as defined by Gardner is the ability to speak or write well. In other words this form of intelligence indicates the ability to use words effectively, orally or in writing. Verbal intelligence includes the ability to manipulate the structure, meaning and practical...
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...behavior analysis (ABA) is a science that involves using modern behavioral learning theory to modify behaviors. Behavior analysts reject the use of hypothetical constructs[1] and focus on the observable relationship of behavior to the environment. By functionally assessing the relationship between a targeted behavior and the environment, the methods of ABA can be used to change that behavior. Research in applied behavior analysis ranges from behavioral intervention methods to basic research which investigates the rules by which humans adapt and maintain behavior. A daydream is a visionary fantasy, especially one of happy, pleasant thoughts, hopes or ambitions, imagined as coming to pass, and experienced while awake.[1] There are many types of daydreams, and there is no consistent definition amongst psychologists.[1] The general public also uses the term for a broad variety of experiences. Research by Harvard psychologist Deirdre Barrett has found that people who experience vivid dream-like mental images reserve the word for these, whereas many other people refer to milder imagery, realistic future planning, review of past memories or just "spacing out"--i.e. one's mind going relatively blank—when they talk about "daydreaming."[2] Habits (or wonts) are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously.[1][2][3] Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking...
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...Explore the importance of motivation and intelligence to an individual’s success in life. Motivation comes from within each individual. Everyone wants to be successful but to achieve success you must have self–determination and self - motivation. (Don L, 2016). Achieving success can be difficult for people who are not motivation. Even motivated people will find success hard to reach as success can often take time. Therefore, obstacles and problems can come in the way of achieving specific goals and ultimately success. Motivation is needed throughout the journey to success in an individual’s life, from getting started to keeping motivated thoughout. Continued motivation leads to success in all aspects of an individual’s life, whether it is academic,...
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...abilities related to the learning style of intrapersonal and musical are the ability to understand my own thoughts and behaviors, and the ability to think and reason on higher levels. Additionally with the learning style of musical I possess the ability to understand and develop meanings of sounds and patterns. Each learning style people develop have different attributes used to develop better understanding of the world around them. For example, another learning style an individual can possess is logical-mathematical intelligence. An individual with logical-mathematical intelligence has the skills and abilities to solve problems and possess logical reasoning skills (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2007). Moreover, people who possess the logical-mathematical learning styles can indentify patterns, perform complicated computations, and recognize connections between various objects. In a group setting to effectively communicate and collaborate with individuals with logical-mathematical intelligence one should provide information with complex problems and incorporate outlines. In addition, another type of learning style people...
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...reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and intuitively, analyzing and visualizing, steadily and in fits and starts. Teaching methods also vary. Some instructors lecture, others demonstrate or lead students to self-discovery; some focus on principles and others on applications; some emphasize memory and others understanding. I have learnt that if a mismatch occurs between a student’s learning style and a teachers teaching style then boredom often occurs, sometime accompanied by frustration at not understanding, leading to poor grades, drop out and low self esteem. I feel as a teacher you should try to incorporate a variety of different teaching styles into your lessons to help engage all students and enable them to learn more effectively. Learning styles deal with receiving and processing information within a learning environment. There are many learning style models, the most relevant to this study is the Kolb’s model described by Zywono and Waalen (2002). Kolb’s (1984) Learning Style Inventory describes the method a person learns and deals with ideas and day to day situations. The model describes the Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory, which states that there are at least seven different methods of learning. I have chosen five leaning styles and will be talking about them in greater depth below. I will then decide which learning style best suits myself and devise an action plan, incorporating this style into my day to day studying and learning, thus enabling me to achieve the best...
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...used multiple intelligences (MI) since the day they were born. We have never thought about how we use them in our daily lives because they are used naturally. Gardner defines intelligence as "the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting". Using biological as well as cultural research, he formulated a list of seven intelligences. The seven intelligences include linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence. He later added two more, naturalist and existential. This paper examines Gardner’s research and its effectiveness towards adult learners. Gardner initially created a list of seven intelligences. The first two have been typically valued in schools; the next three are usually associated with the arts; and the final two are what he called 'personal intelligences' (Gardner 1993). According to Gardner (1993), Linguistic intelligence learners enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. Logical-Mathematical intelligence learners are interested in patterns, categories and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence learners process knowledge through bodily sensations. They are often athletic, dancers or good at crafts such as sewing or woodworking. Spatial intelligence learners think...
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