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Relationship Problems


Submitted By alsusanna
Words 462
Pages 2
Relationship Problems
Relationships are a necessary part of healthy living. A great relationship is not luck and does not happen overnight. Forming a positive and fulfilling relationship requires effort, care, unselfishness and time. However, no relationship is perfect, ever; no one runs smoothly all of the time. Most relationship problems, big or small, can occur because of poor communication, lack of trust and selfishness.
First of all, many relationship problems are often caused by either lack of communication, or doing it ineffectively. As William Paisley states, “Communication is the fuel that keeps the fire of your relationship burning, without it, your relationship goes cold.” With busy schedules people often forget to relax and enjoy each other’s company and they do not keep the communication flowing. If partners stop talking and sharing to each other their problems, as well hopes and dreams, an invisible wall goes up between them and they start becoming emotionally distant with each other.
Lack of trust serious ruins everything from serious relationships to friendships. Trust is a crucial component in a relationship. When you trust your partner that means you have placed your confidence and faith in your partner and you expect honesty, integrity, loyalty, responsibility and respect to be at the center of your relationship. You feel safe with him or her physically and emotionally. There is a saying that trust is like a mirror, once it is broken, you might get hurt trying to put it back, and when you get it back, you can never look at it the same way again. Trust is a very delicate, profound and essential thing to have in a companionship. That is why when trust is gone, the only way for the relationship to go is down.
Another significant problem in relationship is selfishness. In a healthy relationship both parties are giving and receiving. No one person should hold the power in a relationship, but no one should be powerless either. What happens when one of the partners shows his selfish side? He simply denies the feelings of his partner and has trouble believing that his needs and wants may not be the same as his partner’s. Person who allows his own selfish desires to overtake his relationship is at greater risk because in this case the relationship will be filled with manipulation and controlling behaviors. Selfishness in relationships can cause significant pain for the partner and seriously ruin the friendship.
All relationships have their ups and downs. But some patterns and behaviors can create more permanent damage. Poor communication, lack of trust and selfish behavior in any relationship, from acquaintances to serious partnership, can lead to very unhappy endings.

Works Cited 1. “1,000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently.” Mark Chernoff and Angel Chernoff. May, 2013

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