...common factors that affect the study of BEED-2ND year students and their academic performance. These factors are the problem of the 2nd year BEED students in their studies. It has been an interplay of so many factors on gender, IQ, study habits, age, year level, parents educational attainment, social status, numbers of sibling and etc. This research focuses on the factors that affect the studies of BEED-2nd year students and their academic performance. These factors can help students on how to face these problems in their studies. This study also can help the parents and the teachers understand the problem of their students. Furthermore, this research helps us as a future teacher because if we know the problem of our students we can understand them clearly especially on financial aspect. Theoretical Framework One of the problems that besets our educational system is poor study habits several studies found this problem challenging and therefore, efforts have to be exerted in order to determine the root cause. According to Lass and Wilson(1965), students fails not because they do not have intelligence to understand why they are studying, not because their lesson are too difficult for them but because they do not know how to study or understand what study means. Students failure in his academic subject may not be to lack of intellectual capacity, but perhaps it may be due to negative attitude towards school or study or his not able to posses good and efficient study habits...
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...Factors Influencing Students Academic Performance in Nigeria Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Students Academic Performance in Nigeria Some Explanation from a Local Survey Nigeria like any other developing nations has witnessed series of political instability, with obvious effects on educational policies at federal, state and local government levels. This gradually laid the foundation of fallen standard in education at the primary and secondary school levels, which caused differential academic performance of students. In the quest of finding survival feet, the nation has evolved series of socio-economic and educational measures but these have not improved the social-economic status of families in the country. It is within this milieu that this study examines socio-economic factors influencing students' academic performance in Nigeria, with some explanations from Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State. The time frame of the study covers the period of 2004 to 2007. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) copies of questionnaire were administered to respondents. The study revealed that insufficient parental income, family type and lack of funding by governments are factors influencing students' academic performance. Based on these findings, certain recommendations are made towards improving student academic performance. Prominent of these include proper funding of education by government, sensitization of parents towards their children education and the support of NGOs to eradicate...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BACHELOR OF SECONDARY EDUCATION MAJOR IN MATHEMATICS STUDENTS OF PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY An Action Research Presented to the Teacher Education Department Pangasinan State University Sta. Maria Campus In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Action Research in Mathematics AILENE P. CASTULO PRIMROSE E. PASCUA OCTOBER 2014 Table of Contents TITLE PAGE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES iv ABSTRACT v CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Importance of the Study 5 Definition of Terms 6 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Related Literature 7 Related Studies 8 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY Research Design 12 Population and Locale of the Study 13 Data Gathering Tools and Procedure 13 Statistical Treatment 14 CHAPTER IV. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Self 16 Friends 17 Family 19 Teacher 20 All Factors 21 CHAPTER V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Summary of Finding 22 Conclusions 23 Recommendation 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY 25 Survey Questionnaire 28 Letter of Request to Conduct 30 CURRICULUM VITAE 31 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Self Factors 16 Table 2 Friends Factors 17 Table 3 Family Factors 18 Table 4 Teacher Factors...
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...of Instructors: Its Correlation to the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Students MELROSE A. SALI-OT melrosesaliot@yahoo.com J.H.Cerilles State College Dumingag Campus Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur Philippines Date Submitted: May 14, 2011 Final Revision Accepted: May 18, 2011 Abstract - The study determined the competencies of instructors and its correlation to the factors affecting the academic performance of students in Western Mindanao State University- External Studies Units, Western Mindanao, Philippines. The descriptive research method was employed in the conduct of the study. The respondents were randomly selected with the used of stratified sampling. A questionnairechecklist was the main instrument in collecting data from the respondents. Weighted mean, ranking, and coefficient of correlation by Spearman’s formula were used to analyze the data gathered. The instructors are much competent in the five indicators of the teaching competencies. The students’ performance was sometimes affected with the predetermined factors. The two groups of respondents have the same responsesas to the teachers’ competencies and the factors affecting the academic performance. The 31 National Peer Reviewed Journal JPAIR: Multidisciplinary Journal most prevailing competency was communication with the learners, and the least prevailing is learner reinforcement- involvement. The most prevailing factor was intellectual, and the least prevailing...
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...CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Student jobs have become a sort of trend among students around the world, who wants to be a working while they are studying. In short, the term that suits this trend is ‘Earn and Learn ‘ policy. Other reasons why student jobs are popular among students are they help to cope up with the constant increase in tuition fees, and a way to afford further educations. The problem has been developed with the question as to how the corresponding workloads and required working hours of working students affect their academic performance at EARIST. As a researcher, the main purpose of the study is to know the factors that affect the academic performance of working students. In addition, this paper aims to provide encouragement and motivation to all students especially to those who are financially distressed to pursue and finish a college degree in order to competitive in the future and be able to realize their goals and aspirations. It may also provide learning experiences and information to other students who are not working. In order to accomplish our objectives, we adopted several methodologies in obtaining data and information such as conducting surveys by providing questionnaires to our subjects, getting information in the internet and conducting interviews personally and honestly with our target subjects to get assurance that our data, information and values gathered were correct and accurate...
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...CACERES City of Naga High School Department Negative Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of High School Students Dave Arthur A. Nobleza 10 Diamond S/Y 2015 - 2016 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. Education began in the earliest prehistory, as adults trained the young in the knowledge and skills deemed necessary in their society. Education is said to be the key to our future, because education can help a person to succeed in life. You have to study hard, pursue and pass the exams for you to get the diploma that you’ve been waiting for. This kind of view is only for college students, not for high school students. Why? Because being a high school student is very different, they are not so focused on their studies because of the fact that they are still young so they think there still a lot of time for that kind of things. There are a lot of things why being a high school student is different, there are so many reasons why high school students don’t get high grades, and there are several negative factors affecting the academic performance of high school students. This observation prompted the researcher to create a study that will help students, teachers, parents and the DepEd in the field of education...
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...HOW DOES THE ALLOWANCE OF THE STUDENT AFFECT HIS/HER ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE A RESEARCH PAPER Presented to DR. THERESITA POBLETE Department of Community Development College of Public Affairs Mindanao State University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course CD 160 (Techniques and Methods of Social Investigation) Second Semester, 2013- 2014 By COSARY B. PANGILAMUN March 2014 I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE The students’ intellectual capacity and improvement varies from their Academic Performance is said to be one of the crucial areas of the learner’s life since it serves as an output of what the student learned and a reflection of what kind of students they are. Some learners may not be bothered whether they progress or not, however, in the flip of the other side, their parents are left with great distress if their children do not perform well. But, judgments of the students’ academic performance can’t be measured hundred percent for there are multiple factors that arise when it comes to studies. These facets need or should be considered for a better understanding of the students’ performances in school. Researchers have found out that determinant “of learners’ performance has been the subject of ongoing debate among educators, academic and policy makers. Various factors affect students in many ways under different circumstances. These factors take in socio-economic, psychological, emotional, and environmental aspects...
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...BATANGAS FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS In partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for Methods of Reasearch by Carandang, Castillo, Gonda, Santos, I. Introduction Engineers nowadays are in demand to lots of companies here and abroad. In fact, thousands of engineering graduates and board passers work mostly in other countries. This is the reason why lots of students took engineering courses. Engineering has always been considered as a very difficult course by most of the students. It’s almost always the last thing that will come to the minds of the students when it comes to choosing their course or program. Engineering, as a program has a lot of difficulties within its name. There are lots of math and science subjects and instructional activities that students will really find it difficult to pass. It requires a great responsibility in achieving the title “Engineer”. Some students who are already taking up engineering doesn’t know the hardships that they are still about to face, that’s why a large number of students tend to have a low academic performances. The field of engineering has become so diverse in recent years that a definition is not easy to come by. Engineers still build skyscrapers, design machinery, and oversee public works. They also address society's needs and problems on a number of other scales with a unique blend of technology and science. At the macro level, environmental engineers are quantifying...
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...Academy “Academic Factors affecting the RLE Performance of selected 4th Year Nursing Students of University of La Sallete” Submitted by: Jerry Lemuel C. Lawagan Submitted To Jonaed C. Ambulan Second Year Ephesians English Teacher Submitted On: March 6, 2013 Introduction This study examined and identified the academic factor that affects the RLE performance of the nursing students for school year 2012-2013. It also explored and correlated those variables to the academic factors that affect it. A questionnaire on what type of academic factors and how it affects their performance during hospital duty hours were given to the 50, 4rth nursing students as the respondents. Additionally, a photocopied grade given by their clinical instructors and coordinators were also collected to serve as our data. The result showed that there’s a significant relationship between the academic factor and the RLE performance of the students. There was also a significant difference between the performance of the students during their Lecture class hours and during their hospital duty hours. The increasing demand of nurses all over the world greatly affects the decisions of the people. Though the news about the nurse’s jobs is getting scarce, they still take the nursing course. In addition, in order to become competitive among the millions of nursing students, one must...
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...Chapter I The Problem and Its Background Introduction Students spend one third of their 24 hours to study. A high school student spends 8 hours to school. For college students, sometimes they need longer time because of library research and extracurricular activities. (Molmisa, 2011) If the students spend more time in school than at home they should learn much from school. But why does some student get failing grade and some get passing grade? The student’s performance or academic achievement plays an important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and manpower for the country’s economic and social development. (Ali et.al, 2009) This research will be conducted to find out what affects student’s academic performance. The focus of this research is how student’s performance is affected by factors. Student’s performance is affected due to social, psychological, economic, environmental and personal factors. These factors strongly influence on the student performance, but these factors vary from person to person and country to country. Theoretical Framework This chapter presents the relevant theories about Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Bachelor of Science in Immaculate Conception International College of Arts and Technology in Sta. Maria, Bulacan. The factors affecting academic performance of a student has many reason why it is happening. Thinking skills will affect student’s learning facilities if they will not learn what...
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...ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF HOSPITALITY STUDENTS OF CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY- SILANG CAMPUS Mark Anthony S. Gato Janna Gold D. Lagura An undergraduate research proposal submitted to the Faculty of Cavite State University- Silang Campus in Partial fulfilment of the requirements for graduation for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. To be prepared under the supervision of Mr. Rizalito B. Javier. INTRODUCTION Hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurant, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry (Bieber et al, 2011) The fact that some students with apparently high scholastics aptitude do very poorly in tertiary school while others with only mediocre ability do very well has presented a challenge to many educators. It has been observed that hard working students with high IQs sometimes do not perform as well as their classmates with lower IQs (Harvey, 2003) Academic performance is generally refers to how will a student can accomplishing his or her task or studies, but there quite a number of factors that determine the level and quality of students’ academic performance (Bell, 2008). According to Swagman (2011), she stated that the U.S education system stacks up against other countries on the PISA international...
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...Important but Not Urgent – Items in this category are integral to your life but do not require your immediate attention right now. Quadrant 3: Not Important but Urgent – Items in this category are not integral to your life, but they do require your immediate attention. Quadrant 4: Not Important and Not Urgent – Items in this category are not integral to your life and do not need to happen at any particular time (or not at all, for that matter), yet doing them consumes your time and energy. Dependent Variable * Grades * Interest Independent Variable * Subject * Teacher * Time * Mind set (Pessimism vs. Optimism) Figure 2. Paradigm of the Study This concept shows some factors that can affect the performance...
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...Effects of Study Habits in Academic Performance of the Students of Immaculate Conception Seminary Academy (S.Y. 2013-2014) CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its Settings Introduction The knowledge of a student does refer to the performance and his/her grade. But grade is always a primary indicator of learning. If a student earn high grade, he/she learned a lot in a lesson. Meanwhile if a student earn low grade, he/she can’t adopt a lesson. They say many factors that would get you high grades. These factors are gender, IQ, study habits, age, year level, parent’s educational attainment, social status, number of siblings, birth order, etc. Many of the students and teachers take studying for granted. Students think that they know how to study. Teachers assume that students know how to study and they leave their students to their own devices. Different persons develop individualized methods of study. Slightly different methods are appropriate for different subjects. Environmental and personal factors are of the variable of academic performances the researcher wants to know what are the factors affecting the study habits of Immaculate Conception Seminary Academy. Statement of the Problem This study to find out the factors affecting the study habits of the students of Immaculate Conception Seminary Academy education. It also aimed to answer the following questions: 1. What are the causes of study habits affecting their academic performance of the students of ICSA? ...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH OF SENIOR STUDENTS IN SPECIAL PROGRAM IN SPORTS CURRICULUM OF TAGUM CITY NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of University of Southeastern Philippines Tagum - Mabini Campus In Fulfillment of the Requirements in Education 11 (Practice Teaching) Baghucan, Fernalyn M. Ebarle, Bernadeth B. Lambojon, Carol J. March 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to acknowledge the following persons who have helped in one way or another in making this study possible: To Prof. Maricel A. Palomata, their adviser for her constant encouragement, professional guidance and constructive criticism for the enrichment of this study; To Mrs. Melquiades H. Astorga, principal of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School and Mr. Ruditho R. Mello, English teacher of the section where the researchers administered the test, for their approval, kind cooperation and support, without whom this research study would not have push through; To the selected students of SPS IV-Bonifacio of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School, for their active participation and cooperation, without whom this research study would not have been realized; To Dr. Roque Langcoy II, Prof. Jocelyn Matildo, Prof. Donna Magallanes, Prof. Unique Sajol, Prof. Kaye Pond and Prof. Richel Albite, for the time, patience, knowledge and enlightenment that they...
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...Study Habits and Academic Performance of the Selected Freshmen Education Students in Saint Peter's College of Toril Objectives: General: To determine the effectiveness of Study Habits and Academic Performance of Freshmen Education Students in Saint Peter's College of Toril. Specific: Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: a. What are the factors affecting the study habits of freshmen education students in SPCT? b. What are the factors affecting the academic performance of freshmen education students in SPCT? c.What is the relationship between the study habits and academic performance of freshmen education students? Websites: http://www.google.com.ph/search?hl=en-PH&source=hp&q=factors+definition+&gbv=2&oq=factors+definition+&gs_l=heirloom-hp.3..0l5.115155.123170.0.123355. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/develop http://www.scribd.com/doc/11822201/example-of-a-research-paper Chapter 1- The Problem A. Introduction The extent of student's learning in academics may be determined by te grades a students earns for a perios of learning has been done. It is believed that a grade is a primary indicator of such learning. If a learner earns high grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicate lesser learning. However,...
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