...Name: Course: Institution: Date: Ethnic Studies. Humans have since time immemorial always had a deeply rooted psychological and social need to belong or identify with a community or group that provides interaction with fellow humans, protection from external dangers and gives each member a sense of belonging. Ethnicity can be defined as a group of people who see themselves as unique or distinct from others due to imagined or real mutual history, values and traditions. These things set them apart or distinguish them from their neighbouring ethnicities. Ethnicity also entails the sharing of specific ethnic traits, backgrounds, associations, allegiances or affiliations. There are therefore innumerable ethnicities all over the world which are composed of groups of people bound together by a common factor among them all, which could be racial, cultural, religion, tribal, national, ideological or linguistic. With so many differences between the various ethnicities in their cultures, values, traditions and beliefs, conflict between them is ultimately inevitable. Ethnic groups are almost always never socially homogenous nor are they ever united politically. (Cornell, 39) Several divisive factors are always present within such groups e.g. differences in ideology, social status, class, and religion. When differences between ethnicities fail to spark conflict among them, a particularly dominant ethnicity may attempt to establish hegemony in an area. When the minority ethnicities get the...
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...One of the most influential teachers and philosophers of religious beliefs in the twentieth century addresses the ideas of pluralism. John Hick, (1922-2012) wrote several books and articles concerning the Christian worldviews and ideas on Christian doctrines. Hick uses a platform of cultural and geographical ideas, as well as, the “Christian experience,” to launch his theories of pluralism. At a young age, (18) it is believed that Hick underwent a strong religious experience that may have been partly the blame for at least some of his original thoughts on religion. Hick argues that for the ordinary believer, religious knowledge is gained by experiencing God for oneself. Religious knowledge, then, is mediated through our experience of the world, in much the same way that the rest of the know- ledge we have about the world is gained…A primary and unevidenceable act of interpretation is required which, when directed toward God, has traditionally been termed “faith.” Many more philosophical ideas developed in the 90 years of Hick’s life stemming from religious language, religious epistemology, the problem of evil, Christology, and of course, religious pluralism. As pluralistic ideas have expanded throughout the world and many Universities and College campuses embrace its suggestions, Christian exclusivists find themselves in an awkward position, defending the...
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...Leading to a dramatic change in the way in which immigration functions here in the United States, and by opening “…the borders to another wave of newcomers” (Prothero 3). Before the Immigration Act of 1965 specific ethic groups mainly from Asia, were being limited in the number of immigrants that were allowed to enter the United States. So by the Immigration Act of 1965 the doors to America were once again open for immigrants from around the world no matter what race and religious background they came from (Eck 6). Since then the mass of immigrants came mostly from the Near East, Asia and Latin America, with Latin Americans contributing to the largest group (Lippy 29). “…The revolutions of the 1960’s and thereafter radically challenged traditional sources of authority and transcendent truth; sought new foundations for personal identity…looked to the authority of individual or command experience over sacred texts…,” explains Lippy (241). America’s new religious landscape is changing traditional religious attitudes due to the big variety of different religions found today. Americans now have into account the different types of spiritual practices...
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...One of the long-standing debates surrounding the Mongols is the issue regarding the Mongol practice of religious tolerance. Scholars such as David Morgan claim that the Mongols were known for a “firm policy of religious tolerance” (Morgan 37) whereas scholars like Peter Jackson assert the opposite, that the Mongols’ pluralism should not be confused with religious toleration. While both Morgan and Jackson make strong assertions regarding the religious policies of the Mongols, Jackson’s claim stands as for stronger reasoning in that I believe the Mongols were religiously tolerant, but only in a sense. I agree that Jackson is correct in saying that “religious pluralism is not to be equated with tolerance or indifference” (Jackson 273) on the basis...
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...In short, democracy is the institutionalization of freedom. The description of democracy could take up more than 10 more pages, but to simplify this, democracy is basically a system which includes: people who have sovereignty, a government based upon consent of the governed, rulership of the majority, however serving to protect the rights of minorities--whether ethnic, religious, or political, or simply the losers in the debate over a piece of controversial legislation, guarantee of basic human rights for all, free and fair elections, equality before law, constitutional limits on the power of government, social, economic, and political pluralism, and values of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation, and compromise. Although experiencing minor improvements in terms of democracy, progression of liberty for racial minorities, improvement in voting conditions, betterment in the equal distribution of town offices according to financial status of the people, Wethersflield didn´t illustrate major progression from the 1750´s to the 1780´s, with the presence of unequal distribution of land and property, and lack of religious...
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...Research Paper on the “The Contribution of Baptists in the Struggle for Religious Freedom” Submitted to Dr. Jason J. Graffagnino, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of CHHI 665 – B04 History of Baptists by Elizabeth Linz Barthelemy February 1, 2015 Contents Introduction 1 The Baptist Origin 2 The separatists/puritans 2-3 The First Baptists Believers 4-5 The American Baptist Contribution to “religious liberty ideal”...............................................6 Rhode Island, Plymouth, and Pennsylvania Colonies......................................................7-8 The South Colonies and Their Struggle for “Religious Liberty” 9-11 Conclusion 12 Bibliography.............................................................................................................................13-15 Introduction “Religious Liberty” is a good and perfect gift from above. Contrary to populace belief “the separation of church and state,” did not originate with the ACLU but for the most part, it originated with the first British Baptists that arrived in Colonial America they were defenders of true “religious liberty.” Moreover, the distinction between religious liberty and tolerance of religion is significant. “Religious liberty” is a right of every men, however, tolerance is a concession coupled with an understand that “that the state still...
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...should be at least one half of one page in length and utilize APA format. 1. What is the difference between a moral judgment and an aesthetic judgment? · The difference between moral judgment and an aesthetic judgment is that moral judgment determines what is considered right or wrong based on one’s feelings, which is influenced mainly by religious beliefs and upbringing. Aesthetic judgment, on the other hand, judges the beauty and status of objects. 2. Define cultural relativism. · Cultural relativism is a theory that knowledge is related to the limited nature of mind and conditions of knowing. It focuses on what is considered right or wrong as judged by different cultures, and also focuses on the differences involving social mores, customs, religions, practices, moral codes, traditions, and attitudes from one culture to another. 3. Describe the problems with cultural relativism. In light of its problems, are there any valuable insights the theory brings to moral theorizing? · One problem with cultural relativism is that it may support intolerance for one’s culture, even though it is thought of being able to teach tolerance for other cultures. However, in light of its problems, cultural relativism can teach having respect for cultural values. 4. What is a moral saint? · A moral saint is defined as a person who is always, or almost always acting to improve the well-beings of others and society. They seek to...
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...This chapter focuses on various incidents of politics surrounding cultural pluralism and ethnic conflict that have occurred in least developed countries. (LDCs) Cultural pluralism refers to ethnic diversity. It’s defined as a condition in which many cultures co-exist within a society and maintain their cultural differences. It can also be called multiculturalism. Cultural pluralism seeks to overcome racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. Cultural pluralism has been closely linked to the growth of the middle class and the emergence of politicians who articulated nationalist or other ethnic aspirations while mobilizing workers and peasants behind that ideal. The fear of and hostility toward other ethnic groups are far older and often more entrenched than modern principles of tolerance or equality under the law. No matter how we may wish for it otherwise, we did not leave violence against outsiders behind us as our nations became modern and democratic. Ethnic minorities have been victimized for hundreds of years. One needs only look to the nineteenth-century frontier wars between White settlers and Native Americans in the United States and Chile. Ethnic Conflict Incidents In the early years of the twenty-first century (2000s), like the first decades of the twentieth century (1900s), much of the Third World suffered from ethnic, racial, and religious tensions periodically punctuated by outbreaks of brutality and carnage. When progress was made in one...
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...exploratory component of religion (Borg, 2013). There are some who will say that spirituality is meditation, being in tune with nature or talking to spirits, others will say that spirituality is being linked with something greater than them. This often involves seeking for the meaning of life. It can also be said that true spirituality comes from the Holy Spirit of God. As a result the person experiences emotions such as: love; joy; peace; kindness; goodness; faithfulness; gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5: 22-23). The importance of spirituality is that it shows people that there is more out there than our life on earth. Sociological Perspectives The spiritual and religious world has changed in recent years. Fewer people go to church and more consider themselves to be spiritual rather than religious (Lorimer, 2014). Spirituality can be linked with thoughts and emotions such as: love and compassion; forgiveness and...
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...Assess the usefulness of typologies in our understanding of religious organisations (33 marks) Religions are based upon very heterogenic principles and are structured in different ways, making them different of each other and therefore proving that they are not universal as some sociologists argue. Typologies within religious organisations have helped as to define religions and prove that they are based on religious pluralism and that they can be era-dependent, or in other ways can become outdated. Troeltsch was the first sociologist to divide religions into three different typologies; churches, sects and denominations, with very different characteristics and objectives. Troeltsch proved that some aspects of religions can be very different, like the background of members, the relationship to society or the tolerance towards other faiths and based upon this principles he divided each religion into one of his tree basic typologies. Troeltsch defines churches as large organisations with a universal appeal and defines Christianity and Islam as universalistic and as the main churches with a very close relationship with the state. Churches can have as mentioned a very close relationship with the state and the government, such as the Church of England, which has `monopolised´ the demands of the British society by becoming the predominant religion in the country. The Church of England has a very close relationship with the government, but also with the monarchy and therefore `jealously...
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...Final Project ETH/125 October 16, 2013 Final Project • What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past? During this class I found it interesting that I was noticing interracial couples more often. While I do not have a prejudice against this, this class opened my eyes to what is really out in the world. While I am very happy to see this I also know that as long as society chooses to label people and hold stereotypes as truths there will always be more to accomplish with regards to discrimination and prejudice. Learning about diversity also helped me to recognize discrimination and prejudice. It is our diversity that makes the United States such a great county. We need to protect this diversity and fight against discrimination and prejudice. I speak up now because of learning about how this country was founded on diversity. I wish to change the mentality of people as much as I can so they too can understand the diversity of the United States. • Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history? While I view myself as an American, I did learn about who I am. I was especially interested in my mother’s ancestry. I had a chance to talk to my mother about this. While much of my Great Grandfather’s history is lost we do know that he was married to a Alkonkin Indian Squaw. My mother an I have decided to do more research on her Grandfather...
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...Unit 5 Intercultural Communication Overview. This unit focuses on the role of communication in the relationships of peoples and groups with different cultural, ethnic, religious or social backgrounds. It looks at both the cultural barriers to effective communication as well as to various ways those barriers can be overcome. This unit also addresses the concept of dialogue as the use of communication to achieve harmony, mutual understanding and respect among peoples and groups. Learning Outcomes: Students who complete Unit 5 will be able to: explain the role of ethnocentrism in intercultural communication discuss guidelines for effective intercultural and interreligious communication compare Arabic and English communication patterns demonstrate intercultural aspects of inter-religious communication Key Concepts for Unit 5 Definition and conceptualization of intercultural communication and overview of guidelines Overview of ethnocentrism and prejudice in communication Definition and conceptualization of dialogue as a model of communication ► Intercultural Communication Nations and people of the world are increasingly interconnected and mutually interdependent. Globally, most cities and countries are becoming more diverse internally, with citizens and residents of varying races, religions, ethnicities and national backgrounds. Meanwhile, greater the risk is associated with economic or political aloofness and social isolation. All of these social forces are fostering increasingly...
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...To what extent are there tensions between multiculturalism and liberalism? It initially appears that multiculturalism and liberalism are highly similar ideologies, championing the rights of minorities. Multiculturalism itself was inspired by liberalism due to such ideas. In addition to this, similarities exist in the multiculturalist and liberal support of principles such as equality, justice and pluralism. However, tensions between the ideologies exist, including the tension between the classical liberal promotion of the rights of the individual and the multiculturalist rights of a culture or ethnic group and the argument over essentialism and the nature of multiculturalism. Despite both multiculturalism and liberalism promoting the rights of minority groups and pluralist societies, tensions lie over the focus of this promotion. Classical liberals such as John Stuart Mill stress the importance of the individual, promoting the rights of the rights and sovereignty of all individuals, and therefore of ethnic minorities; “over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign”. On the other hand, multiculturalists promote the rights of cultures and ethnic groups, assuming that minorities adopt the will of their cultural community over individual self-centredness. Liberals argue that this threatens genuine liberty as cultures can continue to oppress individuals, evidenced in the issues such as forced marriages and the wearing of the burka. As Tariq Modood argues...
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...Final Project Kathleen Culbreth ETH/125 August 11, 2013 Kathryn Grant * * When you are able to see how other cultures live and interact, you learn that everyone is different. This knowledge has helped me to realize that the differences between cultures can be a significant factor in our lives. What I have learned in this course has helped me learn how diversity can promote more tolerance which in turn helps us to accept other cultures and their specific way of life. The point I am trying to make is that everyone is different because of the culture that they were raised in and that the differences can be helpful in strengthening the society in which we all live. It allows us to learn a new way of life which helps us grow closer to becoming a united society. If we accept and embrace the differences, we can no longer be blind to the reality of life and what is going on around us. I believe that if we use what we learn, it can increase a deeper tolerance which in turn should help decrease racism, prejudice and discrimination. The most important thing we need to do is to stop grouping people. When we place people into a certain group, this causes us to be divided. As long as we remain a nation divided, we will continue to see attacks by one group on another group instead of the solidarity that a united nation can bring. * * Although my race is Caucasian, my ethnicity is Irish/German/Polish. I could not find any information as to my ethnicity so I suppose...
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...William Rigney ETH 125 8/29/2013 Final Project Information about diversity in the United States that has helped me to better understand and relate to others in the past and today would be the events of 9/11. While I was serving in the Navy, we were assigned to escort and protect oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, ensuring safe passage from attacks by Iraqi forces. At the time, I did not look at Saddam Hussein as a radical Muslim, just as a dictator who was dead set on ruling his people and making them submit. After the attacks on the Twin Towers, I joined with other Americans, calling for a war on terrorism and the Muslims. I researched the Koran to see what all the hoopla was about and discovered that there are two acceptable versions, one that calls for a Jihad (holy war), and one that teaches peace among all people. I found that only a handful of Muslims are radical and believe in the Holy War, and that most want to live in peace with others. By learning this about the Muslims, I also learned that many whites in America are still biased toward other races and ethnicities. While some embrace the diversity on our country, there are still those that look down unapprovingly at other races. While I am proud of who I am, and my race, there are those that still embarrass me. According to projections by the U.S. Census Bureau, non-Hispanic whites could be a minority by 2043, due in part to the doubling of Hispanic and Asian populations. Races that are considered minorities...
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