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Reporting Person Case

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On 02/20/18 at 1105, Reporting Person (RP) was working with operations safe streets (OSS). Dover PD Officer Johnson noticed Larry Benson (03/16/88), (a person known to OSS Officers from previous cases) leaving Royal Farms 293 S Saulsbury Rd, Dover, DE 19901 operating a blue Volvo DE registration# 230513.
DPD Johnson conducted a Deljis inquiry and confirmed that Larry Benson’s driver license was suspended. Mr. Benson’s wife, Makia Benson (DOB 03/31/1991), was sitting in the passenger seat. Mrs. Benson’s license was also suspended.
SPO Porter, DPD Rankin and RP was traveling north on Saulsbry Road in front of Mr. Benson’s vehicle. OSS (SPO Stagg and DPD Johnson) were behind Mr. Benson’s vehicle. DPD Johnson turned on emergency lights and …show more content…
Benson was being removed from the vehicle, Mrs. Benson put her hands in her purse to pull out her cell phone and recorded the incident. Due to Mrs. Benson being disorderly, DPD Johnson instructed RP to remove Ms. Benson from the vehicle. RP placed his hands in the window to unlock the passenger side door. However, Ms. Benson slapped RP’s hands away and refused to open the door. SPO Porter and RP were able to get the door open and remove Ms. Benson from the vehicle. Mrs. Benson began to kick and scream upon removing her from the vehicle. She attempted numerous of times to fall down. At one point, Mrs. Benson pulled herself away from SPO Porter, falling to the ground in front of other vehicles and accusing SPO Porter and RP for making her fall down.
RP stopped traffic while SPO Porter picked Ms. Benson off the ground because she was attempting to lie down on the road to prevent from being handcuffed. Once SPO Porter picked her up, SPO Porter instructed PO to put handcuffs on Mrs. Benson. RP placed the handcuffs on Ms. Benson and she continued to become disorderly by yelling, “I hate you pigs” and “fuck you cops.” SPO Porter and RP placed Ms. Benson in the backseat of the car. Mr. Benson was detained and placed in another

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