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Wright Brothers Legacy

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The Wright brothers are known as some of the greatest innovators of all time. Throughout history, humankind has been fascinated with the thought of flying. It was something believed to be impossible until the Wright brothers invented the first successful airplane. They had a dream that they were determined to make come true, and one day it did. For that dream to come true, they had to overcome other obstacles and pursue other ideas first. How did the Wright brothers make the dream of flight possible? What drove their ambition? Wilbur and Orville Wright achieved something others failed to do in the past. The Wright brothers will forever have a legacy because of their innovative skills. Keep reading to learn how these two inventors took humanity …show more content…
At the time his family was living near Millville, Indiana. He was the third child born to Milton Wright and Susan Koerner. Orville was born a couple of years later in 1871 when the family lived in Ohio. Growing up their parents encouraged them to pursue intellectual interests. They had two libraries located in their house. Having a large selection of books on hand kept them consistently reading and learning while not attending school. Although their parents were hard on all the children, the house was full of unconditional love. The father was a Bishop and would often travel. When he returned home from a trip, he would bring back small gifts for the kids. When the boys turned into young men, they decided to form a business together, 'Wright and Wright Printers.' The print shop was originally only Orville and a friend at the time, but when they had an altercation, they had an agreement set. The print shop was now the Wright brothers; it began publishing articles in 1888. During this time Wilbur and Orville wrote, edited and published 52 issues of “The West Side News" and 78 issues of “The Evening Item," two weekly articles available in the newspaper. That is not including the hundreds of job orders they printed. The business was good while it lasted. However, they eventually had to sell it in

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