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Republican Debate


Submitted By bmarchone
Words 399
Pages 2
Republican Debate Essay The Republican Party has debates to allow the people to choose who they want to run for their party. The debate was held at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday, August 6th at 9:00 pm. The candidates involved in the debate were Trump, Bush, Walker, Huckabee, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Christie, and Kasich. The stage was set up putting the two major candidates (Trump and Bush) in the center to help ensue more involved debates between the two parties. Although I did not want him to particularly win the debate, I believe that Donald Trump related best to the people in the audience. Although Jeb Bush was at the head of the polls towards the beginning of the run for candidacy, Donald Trump’s sense of raw anger in our country helped him relate to the American people much easier. The first question given to all the candidates was whether or not they would back up the nominee was not them, Trump was the only candidate to say that he would not. Early in the debate Trump was asked about his crude comment on women. He stated that he didn't have time for “total political correctness”, and that the statements were only about Rosie O’Donnell. He did apologize and explained that he had always said nice things about her but he threatened to be less cordial with his responses if she were going to continue replying in such a rude manner. Although I may not agree with most of Trump’s views on immigration and basic factors of life he does appeal to the average persons sense of anger with the U.S. government. If I could make any suggestions, I would tell him to rethink the laws he wants to pass on illegal immigration because majority of people in our border states are immigrants. The only reason people come over here is to make a better life for their families which is what every American wants to do. In the next debate I would suggest that Trump discuss in detail how he would attack the issues on debt in our country. Also, how he would truly handle ISIS, because the way he speaks about current issues is the way that the average person would. With anger, while he should try to talk about it in a way that a professional candidate would.

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