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... Course Syllabus | | | |WEDNESDAY | | | |Downtown Campus | | | |6:00pm to 10:00pm | | | |School of Business | | | |QNT/351 | | | |Quantitative Analysis for Business | | | |Dr. Jacquelyn B. Frausto | | Copyright © 2013, 2012, 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course integrates applied business research and descriptive statistics. Students will learn to apply business research and descriptive statistics in making better business decisions. Other topics include examination of the role of statistics in research, statistical terminology...
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...QNT 351 Final Exam Guide (New) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Q1 The Director of Golf for a local course wants to study the number of rounds played by members on weekdays. He gathered the sample information shown below for 520 rounds. At the .05 significance level, is there a difference in the number of rounds played by day of the week? 2. An auditor for American Health Insurance reports that 20% of policyholders submit a claim during the year. 15 policyholders are selected randomly. What is the probability that at least 3 of them submitted a claim the previous year? 3. When a class interval is expressed as 100 up to 200, _________________________. 4. A coffee manufacturer is interested in whether the mean daily consumption of regular-coffee drinkers is less than that of decaffeinated-coffee drinkers. A random sample of 50 regular-coffee drinkers showed a mean of 4.35 cups per day, with a standard deviation of 1.2 cups per day. A sample of 40 decaffeinated coffee drinkers showed a mean of 5.84 cups per day, with a standard deviation of 1.36 cups per day. What is your computed z-statistic? 5. You perform a hypothesis test at the .05 level of significance. Your computed p-value turns out to .042. What is your decision about the hypothesis? 6. In a distribution, the second quartile corresponds with the __________. 7. The MacBurger restaurant chain claims that the waiting time of customers for service is normally distributed, with a mean of 3 minutes...
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...Current Events in Business Research RES/351 Current Events in Business Research Introduction: This paper will describe the business research process of an article that I have chosen that is close to the area of management within a business that I will be using. I have chosen the article “Optimal spares and preventive maintenance frequencies for constrained industrial systems” P. Lynch 2013, to assess the research process used. Also, I will be discussing how the research is solving the problem. Finally I will identify other potential applications using business research. The research Problem: This case study is about the spare parts for maintenance, and it tries to give an explanation thru research for how a genetic algorithm can be made to make a model of what types of spare parts you will need with an accurate inventory. I find this article very interesting because this is one my problems at work that I’m trying to tackle. And giving an analogical approach to resolve my issue could be useful. This will be a great chance to practice my new skills in research. The Research Process Used: The research used a problem definition to clearly examine the problems that the research will help avoid or correct. The research has an outlined proposal has to how the problem could be resolved by using the genetic algorithm. I feel that the research was performed with high ethical standards to achieve the final results. The limitations are clearly defined with the setup...
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...Current Events in Business Research RES/351 July 28, 2014 Annette West Current Events in Business Research For the purpose of this assignment I ended up going in two totally different directions. Initially I wanted to research “burn out” on the job as I personally feel it and I personally see it every day at work, but in the end I decided to research on a second issue at my place of employment and that is “working off the clock”. I began working for my current employer, the federal government, in 2009. Since that time I have noticed the common practice of the expectation of my fellow workers and myself, without specifically being asked, to perform our duties and not report our time that was in excess of eight hours per day. Most recently I was asked by our local Union to become a Union Stewart and since accepting that position I wanted to research as to why this is normal practice and how we can go about correcting this issue. In researching the University’s Electronic Reserve Readings I have decided to use a paper labeled “Working off the Clock and Its Impact.” To begin with I believe it is common knowledge that it is against federal law to allow any employee to work outside of their normal working hours without compensation. According to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) website “the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) prescribes standards for wages and overtime pay, which affect most private and public employment. The act is administered by the Wage and Hour Division....
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...head goes in the paper header on the same line as the page number. The words “Running head:” go only on the title page. 1 Creating Success: APA Sample Ima Student Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 351: Transitions in Professional Nursing Fall B, 2011 CREATING SUCCESS Running head is the short title with no more than 50 letters 2 Creating Success: APA Sample The full title goes here, centered, but not bold. Paragraph one is the introduction to the paper. It should begin with something that will grab the reader’s attention and provide a citation to support your opening sentence (Norwood, 2002). Next, support that opening sentence with discussion or explanation with one or multiple sentences which will make up the body of the introductory paragraph. The last sentence of the introduction should highlight areas to be covered in the paper. APA success requires knowledge of the format and skill in concise, clear written communication. Use an ampersand (&) to connect two authors from the same source in parentheses Preparing to Write A Level 1 heading is centered and bold A key to quality construction of a systematic approach to writing is developing an outline that includes all assignment criteria (Hacker & Jones, 2009). Once the outline is created, one can build support by identifying resources that are applicable to the outline topics. The outline with sources identified and evaluated provides a framework which should make writing the paper easy. Preparing...
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...Current Events in Business Research Tamara Channel RES/351 March 2, 2015 Professor John Rudin Current Events in Business Research Thorough and appropriate research is essential to the success of a business. Business research is defined as an organized effort to plan, acquire, analyze and disseminate information and insights to the people who make the decisions to assemble the organization to perform the proper actions that will result in fully maximizing its performance (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Some companies choose to outsource some of the call center operations. Companies who use outsourcing tend to route their high level or grandfather customers with the agents of the in-house operations and route the lower level customers to an outsourcing company. Business research process starts with an overview of the industry or market. Opportunities for the business in the market can be assessed during this phase. The research then includes collecting information that will assist in determining customer product and service needs. An analysis can be run to govern the course the company should take. The testing phase includes, directing numerous tests that can deliver pertinent information to forecast customer behavior. The final step includes the decision or implementation of the actual idea (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). This paper will discuss the research study on call center outsourcing. Identify the Research Problem and the Research Method Used ...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |School of Business | | |RES/351 Version 1 | | |Business Research | Copyright © 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course evaluates the process of conducting business research for improving decision making within an organization. Students will learn to apply an understanding of commonly employed business research techniques to improve a situation, solve a problem, or change a process. Other topics include problem framing, data collection, data analysis, and data presentation. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning...
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...Ethical Research Guidelines Dwayne Clemons RES/351 October 12, 2015 Univerisity of Phoenix Ethical Research Guidelines Gillai, Porteous, Rammohan, and Lee (2013) aim to link the relationship between responsible supply chain procedure and performance. Numerous multinational firms face the challenge of poor employment standards, environmental protection, and health and safety standards despite companies’ continued investment in audits, supply chains, and other practices to help tackle the problems. The article researches the most effective responsible supply chain practices that will aid in alleviating these issues. Furthermore, it elaborates on three key categories of reliable supply chain procedures. The first is management systems where leadership, guidelines, and policies are the foundations of a viable supply chain. The second category is visibility techniques that assist firms to find problems in the supply chain by giving data on supplier performance and practices. Lastly, it is response practice whereby actions are taken to respond or prevent potential issues from growing into major complications. The research findings show a clear link between certain social and environmental responsibility practices and improved social, operational and environmental performance (Gillai, Porteous, Rammohan, & Lee, 2013). However, some practices had an indirect relationship or no correlation with...
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...Week 5 Learning Team; Conduct Research Part I, II, and III RES/351 April 22, 2013 Week 5 Learning Team; Conduct Research Part I, II, and III Introduction Best Buy is one of America’s most recognized stores, but may be the last in a dying breed of brick and mortar electronic retailers. Technology is the product which Best Buy built its products on (smart phones, tablets, laptops, computers, navigation systems, automobile sound systems, large screen televisions, wireless connections), but may also be one of the reasons the company is restructuring. “Best Buy Co., Inc. today confirmed that it has, as part of its Renew Blue transformation efforts, eliminated approximately $150 million in costs, including an approximate 400 person reduction in employee headcount at its headquarters” (VonWalter, 2013). One measure of the restructuring effort is to research the Best Buy client base to determine what is working well, and what could be improved upon. Research Problem and Purpose The purpose of this paper is not to answer the best practices for a Best Buy restructure, but to facilitate an approach to understating a demographic of Best Buys’ customer base.. The portable communications industry (laptops, tablets, smart phones) infiltrated business communities and societies around the globe in the 1990s. The technological advances associated with these devices have affected almost every aspect of daily life; social media, news media, entertainment...
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...Introduction The telecommunications industry is ever evolving and Global Communications has failed to adapt. An industry that was characterized by local monopolies in the 1980s has seen a shift in recent years towards the global market (Cansfiled 2007). In recent years excess competition has led to a decrease in over 50% of Global Communications stock. Questionable decision making and internal communication have forced leadership to a decision of outsourcing call centers to foreign countries and a push through new products towards globalization. This paper attempts identify: The issues and opportunities that all Global Communications stakeholders face, the gap that needs to be bridged, and the end state visions the company will adopt to reinvent itself. Issue and Opportunity Identification Global Communications is faced with increased industry competition and their stock value has depreciated over 50 % during the past three years. Global faces a great deal of competition in local and international long distance services. Cable companies have stepped in and provided robust portfolio of products to consumers at the cost of market share for Global communications. The result of this increased competition and the rise in call center costs have caused management to devise an aggressive plan to address these issues. This plan calls for outsourcing of call centers to foreign countries and a move towards the global market, offering consumer and businesses, a well rounded...
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...Introduction TSP (Travelling salesman problem) is an optimization problem that it is difficult to solve using classical methods. Different Genetic Algorithm (GA) have been right to solve the TSP each with advantages and disadvantages (Davis, 2005) In this research paper, I highlight a new algorithm by merging different genetic Algorithm results to the better solution for TSP. In amalgam algorithm, appropriateness of algorithm and traveled distance for TSP has been considered. Results obtained suggest that it does not quickly establish in the local optimum and enjoys a good speed for an inclusive answer (Fogel, 2010). New methods such as GAs, refrigeration algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, and ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) to solve TSP problem, in recent past have been suggested. Both ACO and GAs is centered on repetitive (Goldenberg, 2005) ACO system was unfilled for the first time by Dorigoat al. to solve TSP. In ACO algorithms, people work together to find the solution. In collective intelligence algorithms, it uses the real life of creatures without putting in consideration the complex mechanisms in run their day to day life in all aspects as best as possible. GA is an iterative procedure that contains a population of individuals or chromosomes. Coding of randomly or heuristic by a string of symbols as a gene in possible solution is done. All possible solution in this search space is examined. When search space is large, GAs usually are used. People can select an...
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...ARJ/ST 2007‐07‐09 1 Employability in working life: Graduates’ expectations and possibilities after graduation Airi Rovio‐Johansson and Stefan Tengblad Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI), School of Business. Economics and Law at Göteborg University Airi.Rovio‐Johansson@gri.gu.se Stefan Tengblad@gri.gu.se th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Paper presented at the 19 August 9‐11, Bergen, Norway. Abstract The aim of the study is to investigate graduates’ strategies and attitudes towards employability and career development, and to construct a tentative model of employability by identifying inherent factors. Four theoretical perspectives have been used to discuss the concept employability and the empirical results, i.e., the Human capital theory perspective, Institutional theory perspective, Critical theory perspective, and Actor theory perspective. The research project takes its point of departure in changes of the European and the Swedish labour market during recent years and the ongoing restructuring of Higher Education in Europe. A fundamental principle underlying these movements is the formulation of “Employability” as a thesis that aims at making the European Union the most dynamic and productive Higher Education Area and labour market. A higher degree of “employability” is attainable if the relation between the employee and the employer depend more on market based contracts limited in time, and where the employees are willing to take a higher...
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...USING THE EARNED VALUE COST MANAGEMENT REPORT TO EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATE AT COMPLETION David S. Christensen, Ph.D. College of Business Southern Utah University 351 West, Center Street Cedar City, UT 84720 Phone: (435)865-8058 Email: Christensend@suu.edu Published in Acquisition Review Quarterly (Summer 1999) BIOGRAPHY David S. Christensen is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. After receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska in 1987, he joined the faculty at the Air Force Institute of Technology, where he taught undergraduate and graduate courses in earned value cost management for over ten years. David is a CPA, CMA, CGFM, and CCE/A, and is active in several professional associations, including the Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis, the American Accounting Association, and the Institute of Management Accounting. Presently, David serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Cost Analysis. He has published extensively in the area of earned value cost management in Acquisition Review Quarterly, Project Management Journal, National Contract Management Journal, Journal of Parametrics, National Estimator, and the Journal of Cost Analysis. 2 USING THE EARNED VALUE COST MANAGEMENT REPORT TO EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATE AT COMPLETION ABSTRACT The earned value cost management report is a valuable management tool for project managers. Its long association with earned value management...
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...INFORMS Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Multiattribute Utility Theory: Recent Accomplishments and What Lies Ahead Author(s): Jyrki Wallenius, Peter C. Fishburn, Stanley Zionts, James S. Dyer, Ralph E. Steuer and Kalyanmoy Deb Source: Management Science, Vol. 54, No. 7 (Jul., 2008), pp. 1336-1349 Published by: INFORMS Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20122479 Accessed: 15-10-2015 13:28 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. INFORMS is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Management Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:28:04 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SCIENCE MANAGEMENT WjEE. Vol. 54, No. 7, July 2008, 1336-1349 pp. DOI io.l287/nmsc.l070.0838 ISSN 0025-19091EISSN1526-55011081540711336@2008 INFORMS Criteria Decision Making, Multiattribute Multiple Utility Theory: Recent Accomplishments and What Lies Ahead School Helsinki Jyrki Wallenius of...
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