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Research Article Analysis


Submitted By mcguire358
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Research Article Analysis
The research article Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapons permit holders informs its reader of just how many people on average have conceal and carry weapons permits in New Orleans, along with some of the reasons these people feel it necessary to carry a weapon on their person or in their vehicle almost every day and every waking hour of their lives. Is it just because they want to exercise their second amendment rights, or because crime in their city has got them scared for their well being?
The purpose of the reasearch articale Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapons permit holders is to inform about the right to carry laws and the underlying motavations of individuals to obtain concealed weapons permits (CCW). It was also evident that there was no set social class of individuals that obtained the concealed carry weapons permits. Also to determine if concealed carry laws will decrease violent crime or what effect conceal carry laws will have on violent crime rate of New Orleans and how effects residents perception of crime.
The questions of the research article Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapons permit holders are: Does concealed carry laws actually decrease the amount of violent crime? Moreover, who are the permit holders?
The design of this study administered a survey to permit holders in New Orleans. All the permit holders were sent additional mailers if the first received no response. They analyzed the data based on the geographic area of the responders and the amount of crime for that are. They are examining individual factors for carrying a concealed weapon. This survey conducted from November 2000 through January 2001 asked the permit holders what they thought about the crime in their area, if they had ever been a victim of a crime, socio-demographic, and how often the carried their concealed weapon. To get a comparison group for the study the research team conducted a telephone survey of adult New Orleans in March 2001. Citizens that agreed to take the phone survey were asked, first if they possessed conceal and carry permit, the people were asked the same questions as conceal and carry permit holders, with the exception of the questions regarding conceal and carry habits. The phone survey only got 261 (28.7%) people to respond were the mailer that was sent out to the conceal and carry permit holders got 415 (35.2%) responses, for a total of 676 citizens of New Orleans taking part in this research advancer.
Among the citizens of New Orleans, 63% of the concealed carry permit holders and 48% of the non-permit holders perceived the risk of crime in their city was above the national average. Yet both groups rated their personal neighborhoods to be less likely to be a victim of crime compared to other neighborhoods in New Orleans.
This research article Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapons permit holders is a quantitative design. The information obtain from the participating citizens of New Orleans were given a percent or numerical value. For example, In comparison to the rest of the USA, would you say that the crime rate in New Orleans is?
Much lower than the national average 2.2% permit holders 6.3% non-permit holders
Somewhat lower than national average 12.5% permit holders 17.2% non-permit holders
About the same 22.5% permit holders 27.7% non-permit holders
Somewhat above the national average 31.8%, permit holders 34.5% non-permit holders
Mush higher than the national average 31.1% permit holders 13.5% non-permit holders
Results from the research article Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapons permit holders are that between the two groups non-permit holders and conceal and carry weapons permit holders, violent crime rates are near the same. Out of all the citizens of New Orleans that were surveyed the highest percent 29.2% of the concealed carry weapons permit holders are between the ages of 46-55, 24.4% are between the ages of 56-65, and 19.0% are over 65. This leaves 16.6% of the concealed and carries weapons permit holders between the ages of 36-45, 10.4% between the ages of 26-35, and .05% between the ages of 18-25. Although, in the state of Louisiana residents must be 21 years old to apply for, conceal and carry weapons permit. Out of all the 365 days of the years conceal and carry weapons permit holders carry their weapon on their person on average 193 day, compared to the 263 days of the year that they leave their weapon in their motor vehicles. From all the concealed carry permit holders questioned 88% responded that a very important reason for getting conceal and carry weapons permit was for protection from violent crime. And 59% responded that the most important reason for getting conceal and carry weapons permit was for protection from violent crime, 65% said they got their conceal and carry permit for protection while traveling, 45% responded their reason is for home or property protection. While a divers 33% responded the conceal carry weapons permit was for business protection. The percentage of residents in New Orleans over the age of 21 years-of-age that posses conceal and carry weapons permit is only 0.36%. Along with the official state conceal and carry weapons permit license database, demographic makeup of conceal and carry weapons permit holders of New Orleans, 86% are male and 62% are white. Research done by the author of Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapons permit holders and their team came up with close to the same numbers, 86% males and 63% white.
The authors conclusion explains that even thought the research study shows that conceal and carry weapons permits are ease to obtain, the fact that a person has a firearm, does not deter and or reduce the violent crimes in their areas. Furthermore, there is little to no information that allowing citizens legally to carry firearms upon their person has increased vigilante or Wild West effects on the violent crime problems in New Orleans. With-in the past fourteen years in the state of Louisiana less than 3% of conceal and carry weapons permit that have been issued, have been revoked or suspended. For the years of 2007 and 2008 there were no accidents or deaths involving conceal and carry weapons permit holders reported in the state of Louisiana.
In my opinion, the research study may have been done differently, by using a different method to reach non-permit holders. Telephone surveys are least reliable forms of surveys, the non-permit holder could respond differently to a mailed survey form than talking to a person on the other end of the telephone line. I believe that the tone of a person’s voice can persuade another person to agree with them or make one way of thinking sound more appealing than another thinks. Where if the non-permit citizens of New Orleans, were given the chance to answer a mail survey, I believe they would have gotten more people to respond to the survey and had more information for their research project.
In closing this research article discovered that just because people have right to get conceal and carry weapons permit, less than I had thought actually have them. Furthermore, the crime rate has not made a dramatic change with lawmakers allowing privet citizen the right and ability to apply for and receive conceal and carry weapons permits.

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