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Research for Social Issues, Political Issues,


Submitted By penguinpong
Words 1894
Pages 8
Paper One Content Revision

36. Effective conflict reduction or resolution through diplomacy/intervention

Prevention diplomacy in Sudan

What: preventive diplomacy was a major focus of international efforts -- led for the United Nations by its peacekeeping mission -- to ensure the successful holding of the
Independence referendum for Southern Sudan in January 2011.

How: The Security Council was actively engaged in this international effort through its statements and visits to the country. The Secretary-General appointed a high-level panel that also encouraged actions and agreements to permit the smooth holding of the referendum.

Evaluation: In January 2011, three million people across Sudan and abroad went to the poll in a largely peaceful atmosphere, voting overwhelmingly for secession. While the situation in the region remains fragile with key challenges ahead, the absence of major violence around the referendum itself and the widespread acceptance of its outcome are considered a success for preventive diplomacy.

Central America

What: Armed conflicts

How: The United Nations was deeply involved in the search for peace in Central America, whose armed conflicts were brought to end in the 1990s. UN observers monitored the 1990 elections in Nicaragua. UN envoys helped forge landmark peace agreements in El Salvador and Guatemala, and in both countries UN field missions managed by the Department of Political Affairs verified the implementation of the accords.

Evaluation: It is difficult to completely eradicate this conflict in Central America, however, it has helped to ease the tensions of this conflict.


What: Singapore race riot 1964

How: The Singapore government intervene by making numerous arrests under the Internal Security Act (ISA), for those involved in subversion and rioters who were members of secret societies.

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