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Siemens H&R


Submitted By Philipp1989
Words 313
Pages 2
Training & Development
Commercial relevance of human resource management

A company’s business environment is characterized by increasing market globalization, further strengthening of the situation of the competition as well as increasing technological complexity. Due to this economic change, the commercial relevance of human resource management steadily increases because companies have to adapt their organizational structures, having a direct impact on the working environment of their employees. Therefore, today, companies need a flexible and well-trained workforce to handle the economic challenges. Especially companies with international operations are concerned with the rapid development of global markets. Siemens for example, a leading high tech firm and one of the most innovative companies in the world, is present in over 190 countries and employs more than 360.000 people. Siemens designs and manufactures products and services for industrial customer and end consumers. To keep its world leading position and to achieve its business objectives, Siemens needs highly skilled IT and business employees. Hence, Siemens developed a particular training and development strategy, monitored by an excellent human resource management to increase the horizontal and vertical qualification of its workforce. Training programs are developed for specific business divisions or individual employees to extend skills and to teach new skills. Siemens distinguishes between “on the job training” and “off the job training”, to accomplish internal and external knowledge transfer. Furthermore, the company implemented three development programs in 2005 to secure its succession plan by helping its employees to extend their abilities for a long-term career at Siemens. The training and development strategy of Siemens is an important reason for the success of such a global company.

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