...Marketing Research, 7/E (Burns/Bush) Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Industry 1) Which of the following professional organizations is devoted to improving the quality of the marketing research industry and to ensuring the future of the marketing research profession? A) AMA (American Marketing Association) B) MRA (Marketing Research Association) C) QRCA (Q Research Council & Association) D) AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research) E) CASRO (Council of American Survey Research Organizations) Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Objective: 1 Question type: Concept Course LO: Define the nature and role of marketing research 2) The marketing research industry has a certification program for marketing researchers, and this certification program is hosted by: A) American Marketing Association. B) Research Certification Board. C) Marketing Research Corporation. D) Marketing Research Association. E) Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors. Answer: D Difficulty: Easy Objective: 1 Question type: Concept Course LO: Define the nature and role of marketing research 3) What did the Marketing Research Association do in 2005 that changed the credentialing of marketing research professionals? A) They brought a lawsuit against several practitioners who were not qualified to practice marketing research. B) They required all practitioners to take a test on qualitative research methods. C) They created the Professional Researcher Certification...
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...The Research Process Sequence of steps in busieness research Formulate Problem • Decision Problem • Research problem Dermine Research Design • Explorative research • Descriptive research • Cusal research Dermine data Collection Method • Secondary Data • Primary data Design data Collection Forms • Quantitative Data • Qualitative Data Design Sample and Collect data • Sample Frame and sample • Probability versus nonprobability sample Analyze and Interpret Data • Editing/Quality assurance of data • Coding • Tabulation • Data Analysis Prepare the Research Report (proposal) • Structure • Scientific Reqirements/Theory/Models • Literature Confer Exhibit 3.1, page 50 Decision Problem and Research Problem Drivers for problem formulation: 1. Unaticipated change, basically in the environment of the focal firm (suppliers,competitors, customers) 2. Planned change (estimation, effects, outcome) 3. Serendipity (random ideas or information) Differetn Problem Levels: 1) Individual orientation, PSYCHOLOGY 2) Individual-individual, SOSIAL PSYCHOLOGY 3) Individual and group, ORGANIZATION THEORY, ORGANIZATION PSYCHOLOGY 4) Group/department, ORGANIZATION SOCIOLOGY 5) Inter-group, ORGANIZATION...
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...Business Systems Research Vol. 3 No.1. / June 2012 The impact of liquidity on the capital structure: a case study of Croatian firms Nataša Šarlija Faculty of Economics, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia Martina Harc Institute for Scientific and Art Research Work, Croatian Academy of Science and Art, Osijek, Croatia Background: Previous studies have shown that in some countries, liquid assets increased leverage while in other countries liquid firms were more frequently financed by their own capital and therefore were less leveraged. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of liquidity on the capital structure of Croatian firms. Methods/Approach: Pearson correlation coefficient is applied to the test on the relationship between liquidity ratios and debt ratios, the share of retained earnings to capital and liquidity ratios and the relationship between the structure of current assets and leverage. Results: A survey has been conducted on a sample of 1058 Croatian firms. There are statistically significant correlations between liquidity ratios and leverage ratios. Also, there are statistically significant correlations between leverage ratios and the structure of current assets. The relationship between liquidity ratios and the short-term leverage is stronger than between liquidity ratios and the long-term leverage. Conclusions: The more liquid assets firms have, the less they are leveraged. Longterm leveraged firms are more liquid...
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...firm’s innovation. They argue that knowledge leveraged from customer clusters can help the firm develop innovations. The authors specifically concentrate on the effect of a firm’s geographical proximity and diversity of customer clusters on innovation outcomes. In addition to showing the importance of customer cluster proximity on firm innovation, they explore the effect of customer cluster heterogeneity on innovation in an international marketing environment. They test the theoretical model using multicountry data (N = 288) drawn from the U.K. innovation survey implemented by the Economic and Social Research Council, which collected the data across five European countries. Theoretical constructs operate largely as hypothesized and explain a substantial proportion of the variation in the different innovation outcomes tested. Keywords: radical innovation, customer cluster, cluster heterogeneity, proximity, innovation speed I nnovation is frequently acknowledged as the source of organizational renewal and growth, the primary source of competitive advantage (Porter 1990), and central to marketing strategy (Varadarajan and Jayachandran 1999). Because innovation is linked to superior financial performance and survival ability of firms (Agarwal, Cockburn, and McHale 2006), creating and managing innovations is critical for firms to achieve sustained competitive advantage (Porter 1990). For firms competing in a global marketplace, innovations play an increasingly vital role in achieving...
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...Internationalisation and the Smaller Firm: A Review of Contemporary Empirical Research Author(s): Nicole E. Coviello and Andrew McAuley Reviewed work(s): Source: MIR: Management International Review, Vol. 39, No. 3 (1999 3rd Quarter), pp. 223-256 Published by: Springer Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40835788 . Accessed: 19/01/2013 08:47 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to MIR: Management International Review. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 08:47:56 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions mir vol. 39, 1999/3, 223-256 pp. mir - ^^ · Management International Review © Gabler Verlag1999 Nicole Ε. Coviello/Andrew McAuley and the Smaller Firm: Internationalisation A Review of ContemporaryEmpirical Research1 Abstract ■ Thispaperreviews assessesrecent and research theinternationalon empirical inthecontext Foreign isation smaller of of ...
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...08 Fall 08 Fall Comparison of Family Firms and Non-family Firms Comparison of Family Firms and Non-family Firms Name: Poe Ei Phyu Professor name: Dr. Alexander Pulte Course Title: Research and Writing Assignment: Research Proposal Name: Poe Ei Phyu Professor name: Dr. Alexander Pulte Course Title: Research and Writing Assignment: Research Proposal Research Proposal Comparison of Family and Non-family businesses The aims of the research This research aims to study differences in family businesses and non-family businesses. Moreover, to find the evidence, which shows differences in management systems, performances, growth and characteristics of the family and non-family firms. This research will compare the productivity of family businesses and professionally run businesses in Yangon, Myanmar. Myanmar has many successful family businesses. After this research, I will get the knowledge of what are the differences in family and non-family firms in Myanmar and how different is that. Background to the research I believe that there are two types of business, professionally run business and family owned businesses. A firm is classified as a family firm when a family possesses the majority of shares and non-family firms are firms that do not perceive themselves as family firms, and in which a family do not own the majority of shares. Differences between family business and non-family business are never been explained adequately. This case...
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...MISSION STATEMENTS OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FIRMS: A CONTENT ANALYSIS Refika BAKO LU Marmara University, Turkey Bige A KUN Marmara University, Turkey ABSTRACT A well-designed mission statement is essential for formulating, implementing and evaluating business strategy. However the role of the mission statement in the strategic management of business firms has not been sufficiently highlighted in the research literature. The importance of mission statements to the effective strategic management of business organizations is well documented in the literature but it is quite surprising that minimal attention has been paid to the role of mission statements of socially responsible organizations. This paper attempts to fill this gap in the literature. It focuses on the socially responsible firms, which are listed in the Business Ethics' 100 Best Corporate Citizens Index, by selecting the firms whose mission statements could be seen clearly from their corporate websites. The mission statements are then analyzed to determine their components and the differences between the firms. Keywords: Mission Statement, social responsibility, content analysis It becomes apparent when appraising the some definitions of the mission concept is regarded as multidimensional concept by virtually all authors. Further, variations in conceptualization and the specific words used notwithstanding, it is possible to identify common elements that underlie most definitions of the concept. In contemporary...
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...The Learning Business Research Report BX2174: Research & Decision-Making for Business KARAN LAKHANPAL Student Number: 12908897 QIN YANG Student Number: 12653971 Lecturer: Dr Andre Kuah Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................ 2 2. BACKGROUND TO THE BUSINESS DECISION OR PROBLEM .............................................. 3 3. THE SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES TO BE ADDRESSED .............................................. 5 4. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE METHODS ...................................................................... 6 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................... 8 6. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE BUSINESS DECISION OR PROBLEM ........................................... 10 7. ETHICAL ISSUES .................................................................................................... 11 8. REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 13 9. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 14 The Learning Business Research Report | Campus: 10. 1 CHECKLIST OF ASSESSMENT CRITERIA .................................................................. 18 The Learning Business Research Report 1. Executive Summary ...
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...Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods In Environmental Accounting Research Evangeline Elijido-Ten Faculty of Business and Enterprise, Swinburne University of Technology Address for correspondence: Faculty of Business and Enterprise Swinburne University of Technology John Street, Hawthorn Victoria, Australia 3122 Phone: +61 3 9214 4471 Fax: +61 3 9819 2117 E-mail: eelijidoten@swin.edu.au 1 Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods In Environmental Accounting Research Abstract Purpose: To explore how the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods can enhance a study on the environmental reporting decisions made by Malaysian companies using the emergent stakeholder theory. Methodology/approach: The paper provides an illustration of how the descriptive, exploratory and explanatory type of research is entrenched with the objectives of the research and how the combination of quantitative (statistical regression and weighting/mean ranking) and qualitative (archival analysis, qualitative interviews) methods may enhance accounting research not only from results that corroborate. Findings: The three-fold objective of this study, corresponding to its three phases, illustrates that combining qualitative and quantitative methods involves considerations at each phase of the investigation. The research design shows that when the researcher work with different types of data within the same project, the way data is used varies according...
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...International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 51 (2010) © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2010 http://www.eurojournals.com/finance.htm Critical Internal and External Factors that affect Firms Strategic Planning Kay Dora Abd Ghani Faculty of Civil Engineerings, University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia E-mail: kaydora@perlis.uitm.edu.my Surina Nayan Academy of Language Studies, University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia E-mail: surinana@perlis.uitm.edu.my Sheikh Ahmad Izaddin Sheikh Mohd Ghazali Faculty of Applied Science, University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia E-mail: sheikhahmadizaddin@nsembilan.uitm.edu.my Latisha Asmaak Shafie Academy of Language Studies, University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia E-mail: ciklatisha@perlis.uitm.edu.my Suhaimi Nayan UniKL Malaysian Spanish Institute, Malaysia E-mail: suhaimin@msi.unikl.edu.my Abstract Every firm that involves in business activity has its own strategy to operate its daily business. Strategic planning is the important element in every firm strategic management. There are various methods and techniques that can be employed in order to implement strategic planning and one of them is by using the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis refers to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors of an organization and opportunities and threats are the external factors. This is a study on critical internal and external factors that affect the strategic planning of land developers in...
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...Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 2, August, 2010 2010-023X Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Research Framework Zhang Yi Fei and Che Ruhana Isa becoming more and more popular [3-7] ABC aims to provide accurate costing information to managers to allocate activity costs to products and services by applying cost drivers [8]. Academics who advocate ABC, such as, Cooper and Kaplan [9], and Swenson [10] argue that it provides more accurate cost data needed to make appropriate strategic decisions about product mix, sourcing, pricing, process improvement, and evaluation of business process performance. These claims have led many firms to adopt ABC systems [8]. The benefits of ABC and its positive impact on firm’s performance motivated a numerous studies which examined various aspects of ABC. Among such studies are McGowan [11] who assessed the integrity of ABC success, Innes and Mitchell [4, 12] and Yanren [13] who conducted research on factors affecting ABC adoption, and Shield [3], Shields and McEwen [14], Gosselin [15] and Baired et al.[16, 17]who concentrated on factors influencing ABC success especially at the implementation stage. However, there is mounting evidence that suggests most of firms are experiencing problems in implementing ABC and, in some extreme cases, ABC implementation is not successful [3], which later resulted in abandoning the ABC systems altogether [15]. Questions arise as to why ABC implementation is successful in certain...
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...3 & 4. Research question and objective. Our first challenge was finding an interrelated theme for family business, that wasn’t too obvious or researched too much already, as we actually want to fill a small knowledge gap with this research. Therefore we choose innovation, because there is a lot of controversy to it about the innovativeness of family businesses. Also, innovation intrigues us very much, as it often determines the succeeding or failing of a company. After brainstorming we came up with the following research question: “How can we explain that family businesses, in comparison to non-family businesses, tend to be more innovative than is often assumed?” This question allows us to investigate the strengths of family businesses and...
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...------------------------------------------------- This study argues that patents explain the extent of innovation between incumbent firms and new entrants in the hearing aid industry. In the year 1953 the transistor was introduced to the hearing aid industry, the knowledge behind the transistor was free of charge and open to every firm. This had a huge impact on the innovative activity of incumbent firms and new entrant in the hearing aid industry. 1. Introduction Inventions throughout the history prove their economic value each and every time (Maclaurin, 1953). In the year 1920 a scientist named Earl C. Hansen invents and patents the first vacuum tube hearing aid. The vacuum tubes are very big of size, which made it not easy to carry. With the arrival of the transistor invented by the American firm Bell Labs in 1948 it was possible to minimize the size, it requires much less energy input, and it was more durable in application of the hearing aid (Nelson, 1962). In the early 1950’s the transistor hearing aids were introduced, at the same time they also began replacing the vacuum tube hearings aids. The smaller transistor size and the lower battery voltage requirements made it possible to have a remarkable miniaturization in hearing devices. In 1956 Bell labs was forced to license the patent of transistors free of charge. This resulted to free access to the architectural invention for all firms in the hearing aid industry. There are different kinds of innovations. Incremental...
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...Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 6e (Malhotra) Chapter 2 Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach 1) Problem definition is the most important step in the marketing research project. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 36 LO : 1 2) Better communication and more involvement in problem definition are the most frequently mentioned ways of improving the usefulness of research. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 37 LO : 2 3) The organizational status of the researcher or the research department may make it easy to reach the key DM in the early stages of the project. Answer: FALSE Diff: 3 Page Ref: 37-39 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 4) The problem audit provides a useful framework for interacting with the researcher and identifying the underlying causes of the problem. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 38-39 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 5) DMs tend to focus on symptoms rather than causes. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 39 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 6) "The DM and the researcher must interact continually rather than sporadically" is an explanation of one of the 7 Cs known as continuity. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 40 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 7) The purpose of interviewing experts is to help define the marketing research problem rather than to develop a conclusive solution. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 40 AACSB: Communication LO : 2 8) Analysis of available secondary data is a non-essential step in the problem definition process...
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...Final Assignment (Term Paper) : Research Focus and Methodologies for Understanding Innovation in Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Course : Qualitative Case Study Research Faculty : Prof. Rajen Gupta, MDI Submitted by : Davinder Singh, EFPM (2011) Research Focus and Methodologies for Understanding Innovation in Small - Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Introduction Innovation is a product, service, or process that is new or perceived as new by its developers and provides increased value to user and organization (Van de Ven, 1986). The ability of an organization to innovate is increasingly being considered as the most important factor for competitive advantage (Tidd et al., 2001). Importance has been laid on building innovative organizations and the management of the innovation process with the organizations. This is increasingly being considered important for small-medium enterprises (SMEs) and has been researched from multiple perspectives. The aim of this paper is to discuss, the areas of innovation in SMEs which are focus of recent studies, and the various research methodologies utilized for these studies. The importance to study innovation in SMEs is discussed in the succeeding section. This is followed with discussion on research studies undertaken in this field in the recent past. The difference in the ontological perspective and the consequent use of different research methodologies has been discussed using construct of ‘knowledge’ as illustration. Innovation...
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