...d.moore Composition II Professor Research Paper Proposal General Topic: Lack of Money Narrowed Topic: Wage Gap/Working Poor Rationale for Research: My main goal is to inform my audience about the wage gap that lies in the way of moving up the financial latter. The wage gap has been statistically proven to affect many races, genders, and wealth class, yet no one is aware of it. The wage gap has hindered the working poor, whom are looking to move forward. Many times people are aware of this situation, but have no idea whom to see to prevent the repetition of this act. Sources: Article: “The Gender Wage Gap: An Explanation of Men's Elevated Wage Entitlement” is an article on why men have avoided the wage gap or worked through it. Article: “The Working Poor” explains the increasing differentiation of incomes and how the scale of relative poverty has increased. Many people have become poorer relative to more successful groups and fundamentally new opportunities. Book: The Wage Gap, gives various perspectives on controversial issues related to the wage gap gathered in one book of essays. Book: Understanding the gender gap: an economic history of American women, is data from the US Census, city directories and other sources to examine the differences between men and women in the US labor force and to survey the economic history of American women Book: The working poor: invisible in America goes into the lives of the factory workers, the store clerks, those with student...
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...How did the company learn about and respond to these opportunities? Answer the same questions for USAToday.com. By conducting research and analysis Gannett determined that there were two trends/opportunities that he could take advantage of; one was that an increasingly short attention span among a generation nurtured on television and the other was that there was a growing hunger for more information. With this information Gannet made the newspaper’s primary mission to provide more news in less time. Research suggested that this paper should target achievement-oriented men in professional and management positions who were heavy newspaper readers and frequent travelers. Unlike the other companies/competitors who targeted upper America, Gannett’s company would target middle America- young, well-educated Americans who were on the move and cared about the news and current events. Gannett listened to what the readers wanted and ensured that USA Today would market just that. With this information in hand, Gannett capitalized on it by putting together a team of news, advertising, and production personnel staff from his daily news who developed, edited, published and tested different prototypes. From those prototypes three 40-page versions were sent out to about 5,000 professional people along with a response card for feedback. Marketplace feedback showed that readers liked the prototypes so the Board of Directors voted unanimously to launch the paper starting in the Washington...
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...Research project: The relationship between: the annual growth rate of GDP per capita and the public expenditure in Latin America. F29 F33 F43 O19 My goal for this research project is to examine the relationships that exists in between the annual growth rate per capita and public expenditure in Latin America. What I wanted to see is if a higher growth rate of GDP meant that a higher percentage was spent in the public sector. Data was gathered from the ECLAC, The World Bank and also the International Monetary Fund. Introduction The reason I was very attracted in this research is because as someone born in South America and lately Latin America has been doing better than before, and visiting South America the past year I have seen how infrastructure has improved lately so I was very interested in seeing how big of a role public expenditure plays in countries that are developing. Expenditure on welfare, health and education are an essential part of what governments do to enhance the quality of life of their citizens and the human capital base of their societies. My focus on public and social expenditure in Latin America is mainly guided by the concern of how Governments utilizes existing policies and seeing how these theories and policies have helped increase Latin America’s GDP. In Latin America we find a great variation in social policy regimes; ranging from Uruguay and Argentina, where a large majority of the population is covered by social policy and has decent...
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...A Diverse America This paper focuses on the question “How can people be made more accepting of diversity?” The paper is organized into five sections: What I Knew, What I Want to Know, Literature Review, My Search, and the Conclusion. The sections What I Knew and What I Want to Know provide background knowledge on why this topic is one of personal importance and why I fell others should see its importance as well. The two sections also address what subjects will be spoken of and researched in the paper. The Literature Review is divided into three sections: What is Diversity, How Does Diversity Affect Individuals, and How Can Acceptance of Diversity be Promoted. Each of these sections provides research on their respective questions, mostly focusing on religious and racial diversity. The My Search section contains information from a personal Interview with Dominik Unger, a previous political refugee. Finally, the conclusion contains personal...
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...English 205 Research Project-Spring 2014 Assignment (adapted from Ways of Reading, AW 1) One way to work on Patricia Nelson Limerick’s essay, “Haunted America”, is to take the challenge and write history—to write the kind of history, that is, that takes into account the problems she defines, the problems of myth, point of view, fixed ideas, simple narrative selective storytelling, misery. You are not a professional historian, you are probably not using this text in a history course, and you don’t have the time to produce a carefully researched history, one that covers all the bases, but you can think of this as an exercise in history writing, a mini-history, a place to start. Consider the following as a place to start: Go to your college library or, perhaps, the local historical society, and find two or three first-person accounts of a single event, ideally accounts from different perspectives. Or, if these are not available, look to the work of historians, but historians taking different positions on a single event. (This does not have to be a history of the American West.) Even if you work with published historians, try to include original documents and accounts in your essay. The more varied the accounts, the better. Then, working with these texts as your primary sources, write a history, one that you can offer as a response to “Haunted America.” Suggestions for writing: Stage the work out into several drafts, writing first from one position or point...
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...Of the 815 million people suffering from chronic hunger, 98 percent live in the developing world. Unlike famines that receive emergency-aid, chronic hunger is a silent, invisible, day-after-day condition. Feeding America came out with a campaign called Stories of Hidden Hunger this campaign exposes the truth about hidden hunger -- the everyday people who experience hunger and the reality of their struggles -- in the United States with the goal of moving people from apathy to empathy. Even through all of this they are still trying to find a way to end the hunger problem and they are still trying to get more food for the people who need...
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...BANKING STRATEGIES Case Study: Product Innovation at Bank of America By Cindy Murray What financial institutions can learn from inventions and innovations in other industries. owhere is innovation more essential to survival than in the banking industry. In the payments domain, for example, nonbank competitors less constrained by bank regulations and therefore more agile are changing the banking industry’s grip on the public perception of banks as the only trusted brand for holding and moving money. However, innovation is challenging for banks. Many products, like payments, are a commodity. A vast number of products and a complex infrastructure require continual upgrades to keep apace with technology advancements and comply with evolving regulations and security requirements. This article describes how Bank of America fosters a culture of innovation. Pivotal to an innovative culture is the direct engagement of clients in the innovation process. We highlight some of the ways that Bank of America achieves this. But first we’ll look at the role of innovation process in building brand loyalty. N Build Brand Equity Through Progressive Transformation Change can occur by redefining a problem or redefining a solution. According to Robert Sternberg, a leading creativity expert,1 creativity is the ability to redefine a problem. Innovation can be viewed as the ability to redefine a solution. Successful innovation is a process over time—one that typically happens in increments rather...
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...recruited by several national corporations. One of those corporations was New Gen Health Sciences. New Gen manufactures and sells various vitamins, health foods, and health supplements; it was recently featured in Fortune Magazine as one of the fastest growing companies in America. Benji was invited to attend a weekend-long “Get to Know Us” event at New Gen’s headquarters in Seattle, WA, with all expenses paid by New Gen, an invitation that he agreed to accept. While sitting in the Richmond, VA, airport, awaiting his flight to Seattle, Benji decided to do some online research about New Gen. Most of the articles touted the great financials the company was producing. One article talked about how New Gen sent researchers around the world in search of new beneficial health resources. Another article contained an interview with New Gen’s founder and CEO talking about his “mission” to create a healthier America and about his company’s industry-leading ethics code. Another article, however, mentioned how the founder and CEO had a pattern of starting new businesses, building them up and then, selling them at a huge profit before moving on to something else. There was also another article that talked about how New Gen was a big contributor to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and various “progressive” causes. Benji also came across a “gripe site” that accused New Gen of various questionable business practices such as: forced purchase; tie-in agreements with their distributors that...
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...Jacob Baker ECON 210 Microeconomics Economics Research Paper Abstract: This paper will look at the work market for truck drivers in the United States. The effects of a shortage and/or surplus of drivers and how the work market effects the country's economy, and the workers way of life will be broken down. This paper will look at how adding more jobs to this career also effects the supply and demand of goods, problems of finding qualified workers, and the chances of an individual getting a job with others competing for the same job. Trucking in the United States Introduction It is widely known that logistics is the life blood of anything major. The logistics and transportation industry in the United States itself equates for $1.33 trillion in 2012, and represented 8.5% of annual gross domestic product.(SelectUSA) From major military operations, to the factory floor; aircraft, trains and trucks are relied upon to bring food, medicine, and building supplies to the people that require them. But many of the logistical options out there have limitations. Airplanes cant land at your local grocery store, and building railroads to every store is incredibly costly and inefficient. Trucking and it's effects That is where the trucking industry comes into play. According to The American Trucking Associations reports, in 2012 alone, trucks moved 9.4 billion tons of freight or 68.5% of all freight tonnage transported domestically, and collected $642 billion...
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...merica Corporation. Assessment of the external environment of the financial services sector; an internal/external assessment of B of A.; a strategy assessment; and recommendations to the Bank of America on how to maintain and strenghen its competitive position. Paper Introduction: strategic Management analysis bank of america Introduction The report presents the findings of a strategic management analysis ofBank of America Corporation a financial services company that participatesin most facets of the financial services sector Bank of America is anationwide financial services company in the United States and the companyis the country's third largest banking company when measure by totalassets behind CitiGroup in first place and J P Morgan Chase in secondplace Hoover's Inc This report begins with an assessment of the external Text of the Paper: The entire text of the paper is shown below. However, the text is somewhat scrambled. We want to give you as much information as we possibly can about our papers and essays, but we cannot give them away for free. In the text below you will find that while disordered, many of the phrases are essentially intact. From this text you will be able to get a solid sense of the writing style, the concepts addressed, and the sources used in the research paper. Reliability in Service|.2 |3 |.6 |4 |.8 |3 |.6 ||Delivery | | | | | | | ||2. 8 |4 |.32 ||customer acquisition system | | | ||6. High-level of consumer awareness|.1 |4 |.4 ||3. Strong and...
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...TOPIC: Gap Analysis of Retail Supply Chain between India and Developed Nations INTRODUCTION IMPORTANCE OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: ← Supply chain management is a topic of importance among the logistic managers and researchers because it is a Consider with a competitive edge. Supply chain management deals with the management of materials, information and financial flows in a net work consisting of suppliers, manufactures, distributes and customers. ← The supply chain management is logistics aspect of a value delivery chain. It comprises all of the parties that participate in the retail logistics process: Manufacturers, wholesalers, Third Party Specialists like Shippers, Order Fulfilment House etc. and the Retailer. Here, logistics is the total process of planning, implementing and coordinating the physical movement of merchandise from manufacturer to retailer to customer in the most timely, effective and cost efficient manner possible. ← Supply chain enables an organized retailer to move or store products more effectively, efficient logistics management not only prevents needless movement of goods, vehicles transferring products back and forth; but also frees up storage space for more productive use. SOME DEFENITIONS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers (Harland, 1996). Supply chain...
Words: 4975 - Pages: 20
...social issue. So, what is Social Mobility? First, let’s go to its technical or dictionary definition. Social mobility is the movement of people from one social class or economic level to another (“Social Mobility”, Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd Edition). This term is widely used both in Sociology and Economics. It usually refers to vertical movement or moving up or down in rank. For example, if a soldier becomes a sergeant from a corporal, that would be vertical movement. However, it may also refer to horizontal movement or moving from one rank to another of the same social level. Example of this would be a principal who resigns from one school to become the principal of another school. With this definition in mind, we can see that Social Mobility is “movement”. The technical definition doesn’t restrict about the direction – whether you move up or down or just within what’s mentioned before as horizontal movement. Social Mobility is a term used in the objective comparison of economic or social states. Looking at the events around us, we can see that people care more about upward movement. When people talk about Social Mobility, they are likely referring to progress or development. Everyone wants to move up. Like what we commonly see in families. Almost everyone gives importance to good education. Parents keep reminding their children to be good in their studies so they can have good jobs. People want the opportunity to move up. People believe that progress is something...
Words: 1311 - Pages: 6
...My grandmother gave it to me and let me read it. It really caught me off guard; I just wasn’t expecting to find something big like this. I think it’s pretty cool. “All I knew about what was going on in Russia was what I gleaned from the news. And the news, of course, is mostly focused on politics and catastrophic events, such as the Kursk submarine sinking and terrorist attacks. For that reason, I wanted to keep this blog as apolitical as possible, and as focused on the ordinary lives of ordinary people as I could make it. I wanted to know how Russians were really living -- not just how their politicians and oligarchs were faring.” This came straight from one of the posts in the blogs paper. His overall mission was to find and see what life in Russian really was like years later. Russia was really suffering in poverty after my great-great-grandfather passed away. His family all wanted to have a fresh start, so moving to America sounded like a good idea. After living in America for a couple of years, my grandfather wanted to go back and visit Russia for the last time. While visiting, he has created a blog that explains how life changed to the better after poverty. Overall, he has visited 12 cities, all materially improved. The scientists at Lake Baikal were enjoying increased funding for research, and traveling abroad more often. The Jewish community of Birobidzhan had a brand new synagogue and rabbi. Former sales...
Words: 420 - Pages: 2
...together” for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. These are all examples of a rhetorical artifact that fits within a political-slogan-type genre. For my second paper, I will be analyzing Barack Obama’s slogan from his 2008 campaign. His slogan is as follows: “Change We Can Believe In” (Obama 2008). I believe this slogan follows the proper guidelines and structure of the many political slogans that have come before...
Words: 1851 - Pages: 8
...Join now! Login Support Other Term Papers and Free Essays Browse Papers Business / Timbuk2 Case Study Timbuk2 Case Study Term Papers Timbuk2 Case Study and over other 20 000+ free term papers, essays and research papers examples are available on the website! Autor: santhanam.vikram 09 December 2013 Tags: Words: 723 | Pages: 3 Views: 86 Read Full Essay Join Now! CASE STUDY: TIMBUK2 1.) Consider the two categories of products that Timbuk2 makes and sells. For the custom messenger bag, what are the key competitive dimensions that are driving sales? Are their competitive priorities different for the new laptop bags sourced in China? Some of the competitive advantage which are the key factors of Timbuk2 bags are:- Quality Durable Reliable Not prone to defects Custom made bags for each of the customers The quick delivery of bags The rave review which the company gets for its bags i.e. it basically carries a good name in the market For its laptop bags, even though they are manufactured in china, the designing is done in San Francisco. so the exclusivity remains Cost effective manufacture of laptop bags in china Being able to adopt to changes in demand and fashion By manufacturing the bags in china the company saved the manufacturing cost but lost their niche of manufacturing and selling in America itself. The general perception of it being a Chinese product led to customers felling little...
Words: 564 - Pages: 3