...2012 Mrs. Barbara Nosal Article Review There are a number of resources available to the families that are affected by drug abuse within the family unit. Due to the very sensitive nature of dealing with drug addiction within the family there need to be options for parents, siblings, spouses, etc to guide them as they attempt to make sense of what is happening to their families. Not only does the drug abuser suffer because of their lifestyle choices but the family must deal with emotions such as: a sense of helplessness, lack of control, guilt, pity, sadness, and fear for their loved one. This paper will discuss the information received from just three online articles regarding options available to those suffering from the affects of drug abuse within the family. Article #1: Project Know. Understanding Addiction: Support Groups for Families of Addicts This article outlines the various options available to those dealing with drug addiction within the family unit. The article presents options such as Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, Gam-Anon, Co-Dependents Anonymous, and COSA. Each of these programs helps to provide a better understanding of addiction for family members and spouses of addicts. By allowing for meetings with others dealing with similar circumstances there is an increased support which is essential to the recovery process for both the family member and the addict. Often family members feel a sense of guilt falsely believing that they have contributed to the addiction somehow...
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...University of Abertay Dundee Guide to Harvard Referencing 2009 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4 What is Harvard referencing? .............................................................................. 4 What is the difference between a bibliography and a list of references? ........ 5 What is a bibliography? .................................................................................... 5 What is the reference list? ................................................................................ 5 Citing references in-text ....................................................................................... 6 How do I cite references in-text? ..................................................................... 6 General advice on in-text citation .................................................................... 6 Quoting directly from the book, journal or website ....................................... 7 Paraphrasing (rewriting what has been said in the book, journal or website) .............................................................................................................. 7 General advice on the reference list (and bibliography) ................................... 8 Referencing books ................................................................................................ 9 What information do I need to include? ................................
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...dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx Group Seminar Report cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq TOPIC:2 – CORPORATE SOCIAL wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio & ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdzxcvbnm STUDENT NAME MELISA SINGH ASHVINI SAHAYAM SHABINA FARNAAZ SHANEEL PRASAD KRITHNEEL SINGH TOTORIAL DAY / TIME TUTORS NAME GROUP MEMBERS STUDENT ID NUMBER S11066108 S11065177 S11065043 S11065627 S11065615 THURSDAY 8 – 10AM MISS FAZEENA HUSSAIN TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................................... 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 4 IMPORTANCE OF ACCOUNTING FOR SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ......... 5 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6 THEORETICAL UNDERPINNING .............................................................................................. 8 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 12 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ....................
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...Drug and Alcohol Review, (July 2005), 24, 369 – 385 Family interventions in the treatment of alcohol and drug problems ALEX G. COPELLO1, RICHARD D. B. VELLEMAN2 & LORNA J. TEMPLETON2 1 Birmingham and Solihull Substance Misuse Services and School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK and 2Mental Health Research and Development Unit, University of Bath, UK and Avon Witshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Abstract Alcohol and drug problems affect not only those using these substances but also family members of the substance user. In this review evidence of the negative impacts substance misuse may have upon families are examined, following which family-focused interventions are reviewed. Several family-focused interventions have been developed. They can be broadly grouped into three types: (1) working with family members to promote the entry and engagement of substance misusers into treatment; (2) joint involvement of family members and substance misusing relatives in the treatment of the latter; and (3) interventions responding to the needs of the family members in their own right. The evidence base for each of the three types is reviewed. Despite methodological weaknesses in this area, a number of conclusions can be advanced that support wider use of family focused interventions in routine practice. Future research needs to focus on (1) pragmatic trials that are more representative of routine clinical settings; (2) cost-effectiveness analyses, in terms of...
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...arvInformation Services Academic Skills Know-how Harvard Reference examples The Harvard referencing system is the most frequently used style at Staffordshire and is also known as the Author-Date style. It emphasises the name of the creator of a piece of information and the date of publication, with the list of references in alphabetical order at the end of your piece of work. Some Faculties or subject areas use a different style of referencing, so you should check your module handbook for confirmation of what style is required by your tutor for a particular assignment. This guide provides examples of how a wide range of information sources should be referenced according to the Harvard style, including the order of the elements and punctuation used. For each source there are examples of how to cite within the text and how to write your list of references. If you cannot find the type of information you wish to reference included in this document please contact us at ask@staffs.ac.uk. Punctuation when using Harvard Punctuation can vary when using Harvard. Hence you might find that some Harvard references will have complete full stops after each part of the reference and some may not. The generally accepted rule when using Harvard is to be consistent with your style and use of punctuation throughout your assignment. References used: Harvard formats used in this document have been based on the following texts which can be found in the Library: BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE...
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...Information Services Academic Skills Know-how Harvard Reference examples Referencing is done in order to: Demonstrate the evidence and research that you have undertaken to complete and support your ideas and to give appropriate credit to those sources and authors. Enable the reader to consult the same materials that you have used. The Harvard referencing system is the most frequently used style at Staffordshire and is also known as the Author-Date style. It emphasises the name of the creator of a piece of information and the date of publication, with the list of references in alphabetical order at the end of your piece of work. Some Faculties or subject areas use a different style of referencing, so you should check your module handbook for confirmation of what style is required by your tutor for a particular assignment. This guide provides examples of how a wide range of information sources should be referenced according to the Harvard style, including the order of the elements and possible punctuation to be used. For each source there are examples of how to cite within the text and how to write your list of references. If you cannot find the type of information you wish to reference included in this document please contact us at ask@staffs.ac.uk. Punctuation when using Harvard Harvard does not dictate any particular style of punctuation. Hence you might find that some Harvard references will have complete full stops after each part of the...
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...Resource Paper 24th day of February PSYC. 308 Introduction The two organizations I have chosen are as followed, Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA), and Recovering Couples Anonymous (RCA). Before research, the writer believed all of the categories would fall under a program called Sexual Addictions Anonymous. The writer had no idea there were meetings that specialized for certain addictions. The following paper will be formatted to answer questions regarding the nature, places, purpose, nearest location, and latest news from the organization. Who Attends the Meetings Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA), has two sets of meetings ones that are open, and ones that are closed. An open meeting does not require the person to identify as a sexual compulsive person. The closed meetings require the person to not necessarily identify as a sexual compulsive person but meet the following criteria. “A "closed" meeting allows attendance and participation only by SCA members or those who think they might qualify for membership. Remember, the Third Tradition states that, "The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop having compulsive sex.” (SCA Recovery Org.) Recovering Couples Anonymous (RCA), the meeting are open to anyone, however they do require a commitment from both parties in the couple. “The only requirement for membership is a desire to remain committed to each other and to develop new intimacy. Our primary purpose is to stay committed...
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...CHAPTER II HISTORY OF ADVERTISING - - AN OVERVIEW This chapter is devoted to give an overview of the history of advertising in general, in lndia and in Kerala. Section I of this chapter makes a brief review of the history of advertising in general. Section II gives a resume' of the history of advertising in lndia while Section Ill gives a brief account of the history of advertising in Kerala. SECTION - I ORIGIN OF ADVERTISING The origins of advertising lie thousands of years in the past. One of the first known methods of advertising was an outdoor display, usually an eyecatching sign painted on the wall of a building. Archaeologists have uncovered many such signs, notably in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii. An outdoor advertisement excavated in Rome offers property for rent, and one found painted on a wall in Pompeii calls the attention of travellers to a tavern situated in another town. As much as some three thousand years ago Papyrus sheets were used in Thebes in Egypt for announcing the reward for return of runaway slaves .The first advertisement was somewhat in the form of stenciled inscriptions. which were found on earthen bricks prepared by the Babylonians 1 Prepared by BeeHive Digital Concepts Cochin for Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam about three thousand years before Christ. The bricks carry the name of the temple in which they were used and the name of the king who built it, just as a modern public building which contains a corner stone...
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...purpose of this dissertation was to identify in the present economic conditions of the country, the target customer for such real estate sector. In order to conduct the research, a mixed research methodology is adopted deploying both qualitative research as well as quantitative research. Relevant research instruments were chosen, and 10 respondents were interviewed for the qualitative research and 300 individuals were undertaken in the quantitative research methodology. It was found that indeed the middle class with their high aspiration levels, and disposable income were the ideal target for real estate. However, in order to further attract the target customers, a host of suggestions are made. This dissertation is created through thorough referencing from academic journals, books, reports, newspaper articles etc. This paper would also be immensely helpful for students aiming to understand a clear picture of the real estate sector of Mumbai on ways to maintain its growth. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 5 Background 5 India’s Real Estate Sector 6 Real Estate Housing in Mumbai 8 A Brief History 9 Present condition of the Mumbai Real Estate Market 9 Brief look at the future of Mumbai Real Estate 10 Concept of Affordable Housing 13 Key Players 14 Problem Statement 15 Purpose 15 Research Objectives 15 Dissertation Structure 16 Conceptual Framework 17 Literature Review 19...
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...ALCOHOLISM IN AMERICAN FAMILIES Introduction America is becoming a nation of alcoholics. Harford (2006) assert that in the contemporary American society alcoholism affect 1 in every 3 people. With the increasing pressure of life, many people have turned to alcohol to relieve their daily stress leading to uncontrolled alcoholism in the society. As the basic unit of the society the family has been affected in the same way increased breakdown of families and neglect of children by alcoholic parents. Alcoholism has run deep in American families and children have been affected in a particular way. This paper will research on alcoholism and the effects it has on the life of the family. It will first define alcoholism and then look at how alcoholism runs in American families. Later it will look at children of alcoholics. What is alcoholism? According to Harford (2006) Alcoholism can be defined as drinking of alcohol to an extent that it interference with individual physical and mental health and their ability to perform their duties and responsibility and to live with the rest to the society and family members. Alcoholism is a disease condition which result from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverage. According to Silverstein (1990) there are three distinct features which are used to diagnose the condition according to American Psychiatrist Association. The three criteria include: i) Physiological problem including hand tremors or blackouts ii) Psychological problem...
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...Return to contents 1 Contents Page Introduction 1 1.1 1.2 General information about citation Style More than one citation from the same author in the same year 1.3 1.4 Quotations and page numbers Citing references for items you have not actually read 1.5 1.6 2 3 3.1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Issues associated with dates Multiple authors (et al. or and others) The Harvard system: style options Books Electronic books Journal articles Newspaper articles Websites Theses and dissertations Blogs and wikis Social networking sites Personal communications Conference proceedings Maps Audiovisual resources Visual resources Performance Parliamentary information Legal references Standards and patents Market research reports Further support and help 3 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 16 18 23 24 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 34 38 39 42 44 45 45 Return to contents 2 Introduction Welcome to the 9th edition of Citing References This guide has developed into a resource that offers recommendations and practical examples for intext citation and referencing using the Harvard system. Accurate citation and references are both cornerstones of good academic writing and you will be directed by your tutors to adopt the style used by your particular course or module. If you need advice about what method to use, contact your tutor. There are many methods of citation and this guide outlines aspects of the Harvard system guidelines given in BS ISO 690 (British Standards Institution...
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...Robinson, 1997). Polygyny has been defined as “the marriage of a man to two or more women at the same time” (Moorehead, 1991: 311), or the “practice of plural marriage” (Altman and Ginat, 1996: 3). The term polygamy has also been used synonymously with polygyny, although it could also be used to encompass polyandry (Welch and Glick, 1981). Polyandry refers to the marriage of one woman to two or more husbands, while polygynandry contemplates a situation in which two or more women are simultaneously married to two or more men (Al-Krenawi, Graham, and Slonim-Nevo, 2002). Polygynandry has also been used to refer to group marriage (Anon., 2004). The term informal polygamy has been used to describe relationships characterized by the simultaneous existence of a legal marriage of one man to one woman and an affair with a second woman that has become a stable feature of the family structure (Rivett and Street, 1993). In contrast, polyamory refers to “group marriage” or the existence of one or more sexual 27 28 • Multi-Bonding: Polygamy, Polygyny, Polyamory relationships inside or outside of marriage (Munson and Stelboum, 1999). The incidence of polygamy, used here to refer to bonded relationships between one man and multiple women or one woman and multiple men entered into in a legal or religious context, has been shown to vary across cultures. Researchers have found that in Africa, the incidence of polygamy...
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...(cf. Robinson, 1997). Polygyny has been defined as “the marriage of a man to two or more women at the same time” (Moorehead, 1991: 311), or the “practice of plural marriage” (Altman and Ginat, 1996: 3). The term polygamy has also been used synonymously with polygyny, although it could also be used to encompass polyandry (Welch and Glick, 1981). Polyandry refers to the marriage of one woman to two or more husbands, while polygynandry contemplates a situation in which two or more women are simultaneously married to two or more men (Al-Krenawi, Graham, and Slonim-Nevo, 2002). Polygynandry has also been used to refer to group marriage (Anon., 2004). The term informal polygamy has been used to describe relationships characterized by the simultaneous existence of a legal marriage of one man to one woman and an affair with a second woman that has become a stable feature of the family structure (Rivett and Street, 1993). In contrast, polyamory refers to “group marriage” or the existence of one or more sexual 27 28 • Multi-Bonding: Polygamy, Polygyny, Polyamory relationships inside or outside of marriage (Munson and Stelboum, 1999). The incidence of polygamy, used here to refer to bonded relationships between one man and multiple women or one woman and multiple men entered into in a legal or religious context, has been shown to vary across cultures. Researchers have found that in Africa, the incidence of polygamy tends to be higher in the...
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...Research Plan I. Title: Research plan to an area in UK which has potential to become gentrified. II. Investigators Kaie-Liis Asu III. Introduction and goal of the Project This research will be concentrating on using gentrification indicators as a framework to examine and analyse changes to predict the gentrification within community neighbourhoods, to find a solution for an investment company to find an area, which has a potential to become gentrified. The objectives of this programme is to establish and point out the factors influencing gentrification within any town in the world, in this case in United Kingdom, that may be going through gentrification process – changes that result when wealthier people acquire or rent property in low income and working class communities (Grant, 2003). The research needs to be carried out to establish what factors cause gentrification, to examine demographic shifts, how to control gentrification etc...There are two wider areas with main issues that we need to be concentrating, when researching gentrification: Production-supply of 'gentrifiable' property; the workings of housing and land markets; spatial flows of capital and the 'rent-gap'; role of public and private finance; 'uneven development' (Slater, 2000). Consumption- The characteristics of the 'pool of gentrifiers'; 'new middle-class' ideology; consumer demand and consumption practices; (counter) cultural politics; the roles of race, gender and sexuality; education, occupational...
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...What is a research paper? The research paper is a presentation in a well organized discussion of the opinions, conclusions or information derived from extensive study and investigation of the work of others. Other Names 1. Term paper – refers to a project that summarizes or demonstrates mastery of the work of a term or semester 2. Report – refers to a thorough records or description of the results of first hand experiences or reading in primary sources 3. Thesis – commonly refers to a substantial research project for the master’s or undergraduate paper 4. Dissertation – research paper submitted by a candidate for the doctoral degree 5. Reading paper 6. Library paper Purposes of research paper 1. To learn to use the library efficiently 2. To develop habits of purposeful reading and note taking 3. To learn to organize the information taken from various sources and develop into a unified composition Steps in research writing 1. Step one- select your subject area – must be guided by your interest and curiosity; check on different sources – reference books, card catalog, periodical indexes, and electronic sources like the internet 2. Step two – make your working bibliography Bibliography – formal list of books, articles and other sources from which the materials of your paper are drawn. Proper bibliographic forms Book by one author Padilla, Cabrina (2015) Enriching Oral Communication Skills. Quezon City: Abiva Publishing...
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