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Research Paper On Dont Touch Me

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Don’t Touch Me! Did you know that 89,000 women in the United States were raped in 2008? Rape is a serious crime in which one person has sexual intercourse with another without that person’s consent. “Although all 50 states now criminalize spousal rape, many states still categorize spousal rape as lesser offenses then those ostensibly committed by strangers”(Husband and Wife). A person is married does not mean he should not be punished as severely as someone who rapes a stranger. A rape by a husband of his wife might be subject to prosecution as an assault. Common law put many restrictions on a husband and wife when crimes occurred between. In court it would be hard to prove the husband guilty because he is married and to him it …show more content…
Rape is rape whether it was a stranger or a spouse that raped someone. It does not matter about your background or about how your marriage is going. Whether the couple are married or are a single spouse, you still have the same rights. If the spouse had an abusive past, he should still get the same punishment as a stranger would. If a husband is accused of raping his spouse, it can sometimes be subject
Vance 2 to assault or even in some cases murder. At one time the husband was allowed to have sexual relations without his wife’s consent, but for many years courts supported an exception against this law (Husband and Wife). I think the husband should get the same punishment as a stranger- because the husband could be abusing his wife. It could possibly be more fearful when the husband is the suspect because he could do what he wants to the wife everyday throughout the day
The husband has more access to the victim than a stranger would, therefore he could hurt her more then he already has. If the rapist were her husband, he would feel as if he did not get caught, then he would be able to do it …show more content…
A husband being blamed for rape can be mistaken as out of anger on the wife’s behalf or just false information. Rape is a sexual assault without permission; it goes for anyone and doesn’t make it more innocent just because the rape was by your spouse. The husband should go to jail so the victimized wife will not have to face him everyday. In a recent case in Australia, a wife called police to report that her husband raped her. “He is accused of walking back into the bedroom later that afternoon and saying "you're a bitch, you are not my wife" and "you are an

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