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Research Paper On Homecoming Halls

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Competition of the Classes

Homecoming, a night that unites the four classes under the promise of good music, fun, and unforgettable memories. Homecoming is full of traditions, including homecoming halls--decorations placed across the halls of the school, the week prior to homecoming night. Behind the scenes of that eventful night, a great amount of work was placed into homecoming halls.

At Rockville High School, homecoming halls have been a tradition for a lengthy amount of time, SGA Coordinator Ms. Gross believes that the students:

“Continue [homecoming halls] because it brings the class together and it is an exciting time for all of the students involved.”

The choice of theme for homecoming halls is assigned to the seniors. At the end of the school year, the seniors choose the theme in order to work on the halls over the summer. The SGA President then goes to Wood Middle School to inform the rising freshmen of the theme. The rising seniors pick four different ideas within the theme to assign to each class. This year’s theme was superheroes, the freshmen were assigned, sophomores were assigned X-Men, juniors had Fantastic Four and seniors had Avengers. Over the span of a few weeks, detailed planning is done and then a plan is executed. As decided per class, meetings take place at a certain time within the four week span. …show more content…
They help plan the halls based off of our ideas and then buy supplies within our budget. The first meeting for sophomore halls took place in early September. After splitting into groups, we came up with ideas for our theme and then regrouped as a whole. Then, after thorough discussion of our ideas, we laid out a poster board with our

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