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Research Paper On Kitten

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When a kitten is born, it is hard to believe that one of these helpless little pink things will become a graceful and powerful hunter. However, within a year, that tiny kitten will be a mature cat.

Since kittens are born blind and are completely dependent on their mothers, it is no surprise that their first stage involves little more than eating and growing. However, once your kitten's eyes open, he will begin to explore the world around him. By the time he is four weeks old, he will be romping shakily about with his siblings. He can begin to learn to use the litter box and should start to become socialized. In the wild, a kitten's mother will start to supplement his diet with dead mice or other small prey. You may prefer to give him some soft kitten food or some dry food softened in water. …show more content…
If he is indoors, he will venture into other rooms, while a feral kitten will begin to follow his mother when she goes to hang out with the rest of the local cat colony. While the kitten's mother may still bring him mice, they are no longer already dead. The kitten begins to develop his hunting abilities. Eight week old kittens are usually completely weaned and ready to go to a new home.

Over the next several months, kittens will continue to grow fairly quickly. They need to receive a series of vaccinations so that they stay strong and healthy. They will begin to learn how to coexist with their families and will learn which behaviors are allowed. Your kitten should learn his name and a few simple commands. Also, if you have a long haired cat, it is important to get him used to the grooming process now, even if he doesn't actually have a coat that needs to be brushed

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