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Research Paper On Women's Rights Convention

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Women Rights

Upon attending the women rights convention, I gained a load of knowledge of the current situation that we women are experiencing and what should be done to put a stop to the unfairness women are experiencing. The first of the women rights conventions was held in the United States, and for the last two days debates have been held on the rights and freedoms of women. Held in Seneca Falls, New York the convention was organized by several women who are involved in both the temperance movement and the abolition. The meetings mission is to bring attention to the unjust treatment women are experiencing, and to help put a stop to it. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton called this meeting to address and discuss the unfair treatment and …show more content…
“Two of the convention’s organizers, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, met at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840. The other delegates had voted to exclude women before the convention started and required them to sit in a sectioned-off area. At the time, Mott was in her mid-forties and a Quaker minister, feminist, and abolitionist. Stanton, a young bride and active abolitionist, admired Mott and the two became friends. At one point during the convention, they discussed the possibility of a women’s rights convention.” (“Seneca Falls Convention”) On July 14, 1848 Elizabeth Stanton, Lucretia Mott, alongside Ann McClintock and Jane Hunt “decided that it was time "to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman" publicly—in just five days time. They publicized the convention mainly by word of mouth, although they did place a small notice in the local paper. They knew it would be a comparatively small convention, but as Mott told Stanton, "It will be a start."” (“Seneca Falls Convention”) The first draft of the Declaration of Sentiments was written, and on the days of the convention it was

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