...•After reading "Resolving Ethical Business Challenges" (at the end of Chapter 2) on pages 54-55, answer the exercise questions on page 55. •Each answer should be between 100-200 words and supported by evidence in the case and/or ideas from the text or outside research. 1. What are the ethical and legal issues at stake in this scenario? The ethical issues would be not using a woman character to bring in more business. Plus if you have to buy credits to advance to different levels than that is an ethical issue as well. The legal issues would be making sure that the game is up to the right standards for every country that wants to buy the product. Like the internet is ready for the full nudity but only for purchase for adult users only and want it more lifelike. The U.S. market is not ready for the full nudity so that version needs to be toned down a bit so it will sell better. The Mexican market likes it if the violence was toned down a bit. The Taiwanese market wants more graphics in the violence and the nudity areas. 2. What are Karl’s options? Karl’s options to make the company, Bounce, a lot of money by making sure that everyone is aware of all the things that need to be changed for all the different types of markets. If Karl makes all the different changes than the company will be making lots of money due to making the changes to make the customers happy. The changes that need to be made are listed in the first question. This would make sure that no one gets laid off...
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...how the new economy had brought greater complexity to the business environment changing the ethical dimension and raising new ethical issues. It goes on to outline the varied dimension of the new economy like—Globalization, technology, assets, framework, recruiting and retaining the talent. These factors have brought so many changes and challenges to the company policies regards to their management practices, relationships in different domestic, international, multinational and global contents. So to establish an ethical infrastructure and integrate ethics in organization working we need to study the ethics in new economy keeping the consideration of those mentioned dimensions. ETHICAL DIMENSIONS Globalization The growing integration of economies and societies around the world has been one of the most hotly debated topics in international economies over the past few years. Many forces are driving globalization—Communication, improved infrastructure, technology, regulation, free trade and free movement of people. Rapid growth and poverty reduction in India, China and other countries that were poor 20 years ago, has been positive aspect of globalization. On the other hand, globalization has also generated significant international opposition over concerns that it has increased inequality and environmental degradation. Ethics, morality and globalization are connected with each other the ethical dimension of globalization is beginning to be debated world...
Words: 13267 - Pages: 54
...GE BANGLADESH Green Economy: A Revolution for Economic Movement in Bangladesh Review of Literature: Reaching in the 21st century, while the whole world is moving towards the merge of development, on the contrary deeply concerned about its sustainability as the way of this economy is traditional and hampered as well. The costs of fossil-fuel based brown economy on socio-economy and environment, known as the way of traditional, have been remarked all over the world. These concerned observations motive people to think of an alternative economic system which is called green economy or environment friendly economy. This thinking has been reflected in many literatures by many persons and organizations as follows: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), noted in 2008 “There is growing recognition that humanity faces a severe environmental emergency. Modern economies have been built on an unsustainable foundation. Activities ranging from agriculture and mining to manufacturing, services, and transportation rely on fossil fuels, generate copious amounts of pollution and waste, and undermine critical ecosystems, ecoservices, and life support while Green economy is one which ensures human and social wellbeing with reduced environmental risks and ecological scarcities.” In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. Practically speaking, a green economy is one whose growth in income and employment...
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...Study Guide for Henry’s Daughters (Without Graphics) Produced and distributed by the National Institute for Engineering Ethics Murdough Center for Engineering Professionalism Edward Whitacre College of Engineering Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas [pic] Copyright © 2010 Henry’s Daughters is designed to raise awareness of the ethical aspects of engineering work, advance knowledge and understanding of professional standards and public obligations and expectations, improve skills in moral reasoning, and strengthen personal dedication to exemplary conduct. Henry’s Daughters is dedicated to the memory of E. D. “Dave” Dorchester, P.E. Past President, National Institute for Engineering Ethics; Past President, Texas Society of Professional Engineers Past Chair, Texas Board of Professional Engineers; Distinguished Life Member, NIEE Executive Board Dave was highly influential in promoting NIEE and Murdough Center ethics programs. In 1989, he established the Professional Development Program of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers. As NIEE President, Dave worked with Dean Bill Marcy to bring NIEE to Texas Tech University. and E. Walter LeFevre, Ph.D., P.E. Past President, National Society of Professional Engineers; Fellow, National Society of Professional Engineers Past Director, Vice President and Fellow, ASCE; Past President, Arkansas Professional Engineers Board; Distinguished Life Member, NIEE Executive Board Walt was the longest standing...
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...The ethical dimension of human resource management Human Resource Management Journal London 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Diana Winstanley Authors: Jean Woodall Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Pagination: 5-20 ISSN: 09545395 Subject Terms: Studies Human resource management Business ethics Classification Codes: 9175: Western Europe 9140: Statistical data 6100: Human resource planning 2400: Public relations Geographic Names: United Kingdom UK Abstract: The relative absence of debate about ethical issues within the area of human resource management is addressed. IT is argued that ethics is not about taking statements of morality at face value; it is a critical and challenging tool. The discussion starts with what should be familiar terrain: ethical arguments that uphold a managerialist position, such as ethical individualism, utilitarianism, and "Rawlsian" justice. Other theories are then introduced that broaden the field of ethical concern in an endeavor to be more socially inclusive: stakeholding and discourse theory. Copyright Eclipse Group Ltd. 2000 Full Text: Until very recently the field of business...
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...Week 3 Learning Team Assignment – Understanding Contract Law, Risk and Opportunities Cynthia M. Cervantes Myphuong Le Karl Limpin Laura Semmler Cezner Velez Business Law 531 University of Phoenix Dr. Maurice Rosano, MBAM, JD May 30, 2009 Contract Law in Private Enterprise Discuss the importance of contract law to the private market system. How does Contract law provides flexibility and precision in business dealings? Response: One of the most common legal transactions a business will be involved in is a contract. Contracts are governed by laws in the state where the contract is made. Sound business agreements will result with a basic understanding of contract law. Businesses must be able to rely on commitments in order to grow their business. Contract law also provides legally enforceable agreements in the event that a dispute arises. Contract law provides flexibility by allowing the formalized agreement between two or more parties to relate to any particular subject. Contracts can cover an extremely broad range of matters, including the sale of goods or real property, the terms of employment or of an independent contractor relationship, the settlement of a dispute and ownership of intellectual property developed as part of a work for hire. Contracts provide precision in their ability to be written to an exact specification. Sources of Contract Law (a) What is meant by the common law of contracts? (b) What is the UCC? Response:...
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...CUSTOMER SERVICE ORIENTATION Definition: Customer Service Orientation is an ability to see things from both the customer’s and the organization’s viewpoint and a willingness to consider both, even when they conflict, in coming to decisions. It is the desire to help or serve others, to meet their needs. It means focusing one’s efforts on discovering and meeting the consumer or client’s needs. “Customer” includes internal and external colleagues, clients, consumers, or anyone that the person is trying to help. This Means... This Doesn’t Mean... • being patient and polite with others • providing efficient but impersonal service • taking responsibility to resolve a client’s problem even if it goes beyond the normal demands of the job • washing your hands of a client’s problem by passing it on to someone else • discussing with the client his or her needs and satisfaction with service delivered • assuming the client will let you know if there is a problem • taking ownership for correcting client concerns • giving someone else the responsibility for a difficult client problem • questioning the clients to better understand their needs and their concerns • saying as little as possible so that you can get this call over • using your knowledge to think through what would be best for the client organization, and acting accordingly • doing what is faster and easiest for you • understanding the viewpoint and objectives of different customers and why these can, at times, conflict...
Words: 22003 - Pages: 89
...Business Ethics (Supplementary Lecture Notes) Mr. Joel C. Porras “Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actios, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, they beconme your destiny.” ANONYMOUS Preliminary Notions: A. Etymological: The word ethics comes from the Greek word “ethos” ,meaning : custom, a habitual way of acting character, a meaning that the Latin terms “mos” , “moris” also connote. Among the Greeks , “ethics” meant what concerns human conduct/human action. B. Descriptive: Largely a concern of cultural anthropologists and sociologists. Its task is to describe how some person, members of a culture or society address all sorts of moral issues, what customs they have, and so, how they are accustomed to behave. C. Met-ethics: Concerns itself with the meanings of moral terms: like good and bad, right and wrong, duties and rights, etc. Hence the concern is with the understanding of the use of these terms, their logical forms and the objects to which they refer. Sometimes the concern of meta-ethicist is even more fundamental: What is the possibility of moral philosophy. D. Normative: Ethics is normative, not in the way that logic is, namely. With regard to the correctness of our thinking, but with regard to the goodness of our living, the right orientation of our existence. It is a practical science, not simply because it treats human action,...
Words: 17119 - Pages: 69
...Chapter 01 Globalization Answer Key True / False Questions 1. As a result of globalization, we have been moving toward a world in which national economies are (p. 7) relatively self-contained entities. FALSE Over the past three decades a fundamental shift has been occurring in the world economy. We have been moving away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 01-01 Understand what is meant by the term globalization. Topic: Introduction 2. By offering the same basic product worldwide, firms help to create a global market. TRUE Consumer products such as Citigroup credit cards, Coca-Cola soft drinks, video games, McDonald’s hamburgers, Starbucks coffee, and IKEA furniture are frequently held up as prototypical examples of this trend. The firms that produce these products are more than just benefactors of this trend; they are also facilitators of it. By offering the same basic product worldwide, they help to create a global market. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 01-01 Understand what is meant by the term globalization. Topic: What Is Globalization? 3. A company has to be the size of a multinational giant to facilitate, and benefit from, the globalization of markets. FALSE A company does not have to be the size of multinational giants to facilitate, and benefit from, the ...
Words: 87342 - Pages: 350
...Lincoln High School IB History Internal Assessment Student Handbook Table of Contents What is the History IA? Planning Your Historical Investigation Examples of Types of Investigations Examples of Research Questions Choice of Topic 20th Century History of the Americas Alternative The Written Account & Assessment Criteria A. Plan of the Investigation B. Summary of Evidence C. Evaluation of Sources D. Analysis E. Conclusion F. Sources and Word Limit Sample History IAs 1Trotsky and the Russian Civil War 2US in Chile 3Women in the French Revolution 4PreWWI Alliances 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 1 2 2 3 4 10 16 Information in this guide is gathered from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to: The IB History Course Guide, Oxford’s IB Skills and Practice, IBOCC, and anecdotal experience. What is the History IA? The History IA is your chance to explore a period, theme, or event in history that you are interested in. For full IB Candidates, it also serves as 20% of your final History Grade. The final paper will be assessed by your teacher, with a sampling sent off to IB for score moderation. The History IA asks you to use the full range of skills you have been taught in class. In particular: ● knowledge and understanding ● application and interpretation ● synthesis and evaluation...
Words: 14314 - Pages: 58
...mTELECOURSE STUDY GUIDE FOR The Examined Life FOURTH EDITION author J. P. White Chair, Department of Philosophy Santa Barbara City College contributing author Manuel Velasquez Professor of Philosophy Santa Clara University This Telecourse Study Guide for The Examined Life is part of a collegelevel introduction to philosophy telecourse developed in conjunction with the video series The Examined Life, and the text Philosophy: A Text with Readings, tenth edition, by Manuel Velasquez, The Charles Dirksen Professor, Santa Clara University. The television series The Examined Life was designed and produced by INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, Netherlands Educational Broadcasting Corporation (TELEAC/NOT), and Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) Copyright © 2007, 2005, 2002, 1999 by INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, 150 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 300, Pasadena, California 91105-1937. ISBN: 0-495-10302-0 Contents Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Lesson One — What is Philosophy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Words: 78103 - Pages: 313
...UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI : : CHENNAI 600 025 REGULATIONS - 2009 CURRICULUM I TO IV SEMESTERS (FULL TIME) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) SEMESTER – I |Code No. |Course Title |L |T |P |C | |BA9101 |Statistics for Management |3 |1 |0 |4 | |BA9102 |Economic Analysis for Business |4 |0 |0 |4 | |BA9103 |Total Quality Management |3 |0 |0 |3 | |BA9104 |Organizational Behaviour |3 |0 |0 |3 | |BA9105 |Communication Skills |3 |0 |0 |3 | |BA9106 |Accounting for Management |3 |1 |0 |4 | |BA9107 |Legal Aspects of Business |3 |0 |0 |3 | |BA9108 |Seminar I – Management Concept |0 |0 |2 |1 | | |Total | | | |25...
Words: 17609 - Pages: 71
...Enron and World Finance A Case Study in Ethics Edited by Paul H. Dembinski, Carole Lager, Andrew Cornford and Jean-Michel Bonvin Enron and World Finance Also by Observatoire de la Finance From Bretton Woods to Basel Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, no. 21, Spring 2005 Ethics of Taxation and Banking Secrecy Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, no. 12, Autumn 2002 Will the Euro Shape Europe? Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, no. 9, Winter 2001–2 Dommen, E. (ed.) Debt Beyond Contract Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, Supplement no. 2, 2001 Bonvin, J.-M. Debt and the Jubilee: Pacing the Economy Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, Supplement no. 1, 1999 Dembinski, P. H. (leading contributor) Economic and Financial Globalization: What the Numbers Say United Nations, Geneva, 2003 Enron and World Finance A Case Study in Ethics Edited by Paul H. Dembinski Carole Lager Andrew Cornford and Jean-Michel Bonvin in association with the Observatoire de la Finance Selection, editorial matter and Chapters 1, 2 and 16 © Observatoire de la Finance Remaining chapters © contributors 2006 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence ...
Words: 118357 - Pages: 474
...Enron and World Finance A Case Study in Ethics Edited by Paul H. Dembinski, Carole Lager, Andrew Cornford and Jean-Michel Bonvin Enron and World Finance Also by Observatoire de la Finance From Bretton Woods to Basel Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, no. 21, Spring 2005 Ethics of Taxation and Banking Secrecy Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, no. 12, Autumn 2002 Will the Euro Shape Europe? Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, no. 9, Winter 2001–2 Dommen, E. (ed.) Debt Beyond Contract Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, Supplement no. 2, 2001 Bonvin, J.-M. Debt and the Jubilee: Pacing the Economy Finance & the Common Good/Bien Commun, Supplement no. 1, 1999 Dembinski, P. H. (leading contributor) Economic and Financial Globalization: What the Numbers Say United Nations, Geneva, 2003 Enron and World Finance A Case Study in Ethics Edited by Paul H. Dembinski Carole Lager Andrew Cornford and Jean-Michel Bonvin in association with the Observatoire de la Finance Selection, editorial matter and Chapters 1, 2 and 16 © Observatoire de la Finance Remaining chapters © contributors 2006 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying...
Words: 118358 - Pages: 474
...BUSINESS ETHICS BY SHAW TEST BANK A+ Graded Tutorial Available At: http://hwsoloutions.com/?product=business-ethics-by-shaw-test-bank Visit Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Business Ethics by Shaw Test Bank, Business Ethics by Shaw – Test Bank A+ Graded Chapter 1—The Nature of Morality MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following characteristics distinguishes moral standards from other sorts of standards? a. moral standards are purely optional b. moral standards take priority over other standards, including self-interest c. moral standards cannot be justified by reasons d. moral standards must be set or validated by some authoritative body 2. Choose the statement that gives the most accurate description of etiquette: a. the rules of etiquette are a fundamental branch of morality b. conformity with the rules of etiquette is sufficient for moral conduct c. etiquette refers to a special code of social behavior or courtesy d. the rules of etiquette are backed by statutory law 3. Our relationship with the law is best described by which of the following? a. To a significant extent, law codifies a society’s customs, norms, and moral values. b. The law is a completely adequate guide to the moral standards that we should follow. c. The law makes all immoral conduct illegal. d. Violating the law is always immoral. 4. Which of the following is not one of the four basic kinds of law? a. statutes b. constitutional...
Words: 21479 - Pages: 86