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Response Paper 5


Submitted By sawex
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Response paper 5
PRWORA (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation) Act of 1996 had three primary legislative goals: to reduce child poverty, dependency, illegitimacy and support marriage. The reform was effective in meeting the goals. Upon implementation of the welfare reform, the AFDC/TANF caseloads dropped by half. Though some believe that the decline was as a result of a sound economy, but without a previous economic boom; however, the majority believe that the decline in dependency was attributed to the welfare reform.
Welfare reform's reliance on deterrence and punishment to reduce the rolls tipped the financial and emotional balance of already vulnerable families. Request for more aid went up, and the women whose motherhood and fertility targeted by public debates, policy mandates and reproductive legislation were the same women who were accused of being a burden to the economy and punished by means of programs funded by the government, thus becoming subjected to violence, and crime related activities.
Most of the methods used to employ welfare reform worked or semi-worked for about a decade, but with the growing economy, it was no longer able to keep up with the demands of the future. A serious update is required to go along with the growing economical times. Ethically, one has to wonder if it is even possible to fix something that is clearly outdated or do we just start from scratch. If the intention is to decrease the deficit, this may be accomplished by not jumping first to cut the programs that helped the most at risk. The lowest 20 percent of the population is only getting approximately four percent of the entire revenue in the United States. To ask this class to contribute in a deficit reduction package that would requires them to give more than four percent of the entire load remains debatably unjust.

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