...review Name Course Institution Tutor Date Assignment two Module 3 Communication is everything when it comes to self concept. Self identity is brought about by three pillars, namely; the family, the peers and the friends. The kind of communication that is done by the family, the friends and the peers define own perception, and if an individual takes this seriously, it may impact positively or negatively on the life of the person. Johari window represents the knowledge of self, either from the heart or from other people. Generally, it emphasizes on the fact that a person knows himself or herself more than any other person. It acts like a tool or a technique for training oneself in terms of awareness, for personal development and generally how we are able to construct information. The Johari window represents the four components of self. These are, the open self, the blind self, the hidden self, and the unknown self. The open self represents the area of a person that is known to the individual and also known to the others. The blind self is the area that is not known to the person but other people know. The hidden self represent what a person is aware of but others do not known. The unknown self is the area neither known to the person/individual or the others. For self disclosure, one should have the inner drive to pursue what one wants, should have appropriateness to the kind of context that a person wants to disclose and have good timings...
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...Please explain with examples. (Points : 22) 3. (TCO 3) In determining a location for a convenience copying center, what kinds of secondary data should be available for each proposed location? (Points : 22) 4. (TCO 4) Provide examples where a product audit would be much more suitable. Provide examples where a Nielsen store audit would be more useful. (Points : 22) 5. (TCO 5) Explain the two types of consumer purchase panels. (Points : 22) 6. (TCO 6) Explain the observational method, both pros and cons. (Points : 22) 7. (TCO 7) Explain the practical problems encountered in using a sales response criterion for budgeting and evaluation purposes. (Points : 22) 8. (TCO 8) What is a disguised question and when is it normally used? (Points : 22) 9. (TCO 9) Define simple random sampling and systematic sampling, including an example of use. (Points : 22) 10. (TCO 10) Define penetration pricing. (Points : 22) MKTG 320 Week 8 Final Exam Purchase here https://sellfy.com/p/dgXT/ Product Description MKTG-320 Market Research Week 8 Final1. (TCO 1) Explain the of three types of marketing information. (Points : 22) 2. (TCO 2) The international marketing research process is more complex than that of a domestic research process. Please explain with examples. (Points : 22) 3. (TCO 3) In determining a location for a convenience copying center, what kinds of secondary data should be available for each proposed location? (Points : 22) 4. (TCO 4) Provide examples where a product...
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...enduring or permanent change of behavior that results from previous experience with certain stimuli and responses. Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning is also called instrumental conditioning, is a kind of learning in which an animal or human performs some behavior, and the following consequence (reward or punishment) increases or decreases the chance that an animal or human will again perform that same behavior. The law of effect states that behaviors followed by positive consequences are strengthened, while behaviors followed by negative consequences are weakened. Shaping is a procedure in which an experimenter successively reinforcers behaviors that lead up to or approximately the desired behavior. Note: There is an important difference between a reward and a reinforcer in operant conditioning. • A reward is something, which has value to the person giving the reward, but may not necessarily be of value to the person receiving the reward. • A reinforcer is something, which benefits the person receiving it, and so results in an increase of a certain type of behavior. Skinner identified three types of responses or operants that can follow behavior. Neutral operants: Responses from the environment that neither increase nor decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated. Reinforces are any event that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows. There are two kinds of reinforcers. 1. Positive reinforcers are favorable events or outcomes that are presented after the...
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...rowing up, my parents always told me that I wouldn’t know who I truly was or what I wanted until the age of 25. This assignment intrigued me because I thought maybe I would finally be able to compose an objective image of myself. I am currently 20 years old and planning to finish my MBA in 10 months. I still have almost no idea what I would like to pursue a career in. For this project, I solicited responses to create an image of my “best self.” I hope to learn from the responses and analyze what attributes are missing to create a great manager. The methods taken to solicit responses will be discussed followed by a full analysis of the responses leading to a view at my leadership strengths and recommendations for improvement. Summary of Methods To elicit...
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...including cognitive, educational, and social and developmental psychology (About.com, 2012)”. For knowing the role of what behavior play in learning, we need to see some of the history. From the very day we are born, to the day we die, we are always learning. Learning is a constant role in our lives. Many people think that learning happens only in school or some kind of training process. Some people say they do not enjoy learning new things or activities but yet they are capable of using all types of different technologies. Even the worst child who does not want to listen in class or participate in the learning experience will eventually learn something. The student tends to test the instructor with their behavior. If the teacher reacts by getting mad or by trying to force the student, sooner or later the student is learning that they can take control or the attention of the classroom by using their negative attitudes. Whether we like it or not, we are constantly and always learning. There are all types of research that shows that learning and behavior is very important, not only because we cannot change, but due to some kind of influence behavior that helps us understand how the different types of behaviors were learned in the first place. A large number...
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...Maturation * Not all change is accomplished through learning. Changes like an increase in height or the size of the brain are another kind of change controlled by a genetic blueprint. * is due to biology, not experience II. Classical Conditioning learning to elicit an involuntary reflex response to a stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces the reflex. Ivan Pavlov focused on observable, measurable behavior; worked with salivating dogs * Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) * unconditioned means “unlearned.” * ordinarily leads to the reflex response * Unconditioned response (UCR) * involuntary (reflex) response to a naturally occurring or unconditioned stimulus * Natural Stimulus (NS) * stimulus that has no effect on the desired response * the sight of the food dish itself became a stimulus for salivation before the food was given to the dogs. Every time they got food (to which they reflexively salivated), they saw the dish. It had no effect on salivation. * Conditioned stimulus (CS) * stimulus that becomes able to produce a learned reflex response by being paired with the original unconditioned stimulus. * After being paired with the food so many times, the dish came to produce the same salivation response * When a previously neutral stimulus, through repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus, begins to cause the same...
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...the events in it) cause our behaviour. Behaviourist believe that we learn or we are conditioned to behave the way we do and our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions. Types of Behavioural Conditioning The two ways in which we learn from the environment are through classical and operant conditioning. 1, Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is a type of associative learning method discovered by Ivan Pavlov. Classical conditioning occurs when two things commonly occur together, the appearance of one bring the other to mind or a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. It is where an animal or human learns to associate something new with something that naturally causes a response. That “new thing” then causes the same response by itself. For example, a dog start salivating when presented with meat. Then the meat was paired with a ringing bell so whenever the meat is shown a bell would ring. After presenting the dog with the pairing a number of times, the bell ring without showing the meat but the dog still salivate. In this example…. Meat (unconditioned stimulus) >> salivation (unconditioned response) Meat (unconditioned stimulus) + a ringing bell (conditioned stimulus) >> salivation (unconditioned response) A ringing bell (conditioned stimulus) >> salivation (conditioned response) | 2, Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through reinforcements and punishments...
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...The Cold War and U.S Diplomacy politic 300 07/31/2011 The Cold War Diplomacy When most people think of President Kennedy’s Diplomacy efforts, they will often refer to situations that were resolved using the doctrine of flexible response. This is when the military and White House planners implemented a policy that offered them a range of options to choose from: in dealing with a host of threats. These included: the increased use of conventional forces to small and large nuclear weapons. As, this was based on two main principals most notably: destroying the enemy’s ability to make retaliatory strikes against American interests and only attacking the cities along with other population centers as a last resort. (Cohen, 1986, pp. 55 – 56) This is significant, because this new approach was a dramatic shift that was embraced by many previous administrations. To fully understand how this doctrine was used to solve foreign policy issues requires examining: US diplomatic efforts during Kennedy’s time in office, the instances that this approach was utilized, the effects of these efforts on the US along with other countries and the advantages / disadvantages of this doctrine. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to how this approach was utilized by the Kennedy Administration to deal with a number of different challenges that they were facing. Summarize a Situation that Required US Diplomatic Efforts during the President’s...
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... The Organization of the Nervous System The Central Nervous System (CNS) o The nervous system consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system. o The central nervous system has two parts: the brain and the spinal cord. Both parts are encased in bone for protection and further protected from shocks by cerebrospinal fluid which circulates throughout the brain and the spinal cord. o The brain responds to information it receives from the rest of the body. Communication within the brain is two-way; (1) the brain receives and processes information and (2) then forwards the information with instructions on how to respond. o In the brain, a network of individual cells called neurons receives information and transmits it to the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a slender, roughly cylindrical rope of interconnected fibers, enclosed within the spinal column, that transmit information from sensory neurons to the brain and from the brain to motor neurons. o One function of the spinal cord is to collect information from the peripheral nervous system and transmit it to the brain and back again. o This two-way communication involves two kinds of neurons. o Sensory afferents receive electrochemical information from outlying neurons in the eyes, ears, and skin, and transmit it back up through the spinal cord to the brain. An afferent of any kind is a neuron that brings information into a structure. o Motor efferents transmit such information...
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...Corinth. One of his teaches read in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 as, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of services, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” Paul makes it clear the problem or question isn’t if spiritual gifts are real. Instead he focuses his teachings to explain that there are different kinds of spiritual gifts. There are more spiritual gifts than just the hot few the church focuses on. Spiritual gifts can range from teaching, giving, hospitality, wisdom, discernment, and many more. Some spiritual...
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...a person’s reaction time during two situations (when the person is preoccupied or focused on a thing). The experiment was made out of an Experimenter and a Subject and it was partitioned into two parts. The subject is requested to do forty five trials in both section one and section two. Amid the first part, the subject is asked to do free association while assessing twelve seconds on his mind, without looking the timer. On the second piece of the experiment, the subject was again asked to perform forty five trials but for this time, there is no free association included and he is just focused on the timer. This experiment was carried out the other way around however the experimenter just performed 10 trials. II. Introduction The speed with which a response is made to a stimulus, is technically known as ‘Reaction Time’. It is the period between the onset of a stimulus and beginning of the responses. Reaction time being one of the classical experiments of any psychological laboratory has proved as a sensitive measure of the readiness of an organism to response to change in the environment. The amount of such readiness or preparedness varies both with the nature of the stimulus situation and the state of the organism, its attitudes, mode and states of mind. There are 3 kinds of reaction. The first kind of reaction time is the Simple Reaction Time (SRT). In a simple reaction time, the subject is involved on only one stimulus and one response. The...
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...people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. Stress can be good or bad. Sometimes, stress is helpful, providing people with the extra energy or alertness they need. Stress could give a runner the edge he or she needs to persevere in a marathon, for example. This good kind of stress is called eustress. Unfortunately, stress is often not helpful and can even be harmful when not managed effectively. Stress could make a salesperson buckle under the pressure while trying to make a sales pitch at an important business meeting, for example. Moreover, stress can increase the risk of developing health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and anxiety disorders. This bad kind of stress is called distress, the kind of stress that people usually are referring to when they use the word stress. A convenient way to think about stress is in terms of stressors and stress responses. Stressors are events that threaten or challenge people. They are the sources of stress, such as having to make decisions, getting married, and natural disasters. Stress responses are psychological, physiological, and behavioral reactions to stressors. Anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and muscle tension are all examples of stress responses. The connection between stressors and stress responses, however, is not as straight forward as it may seem. Mediating processes, for instance, stand in between stressors and stress responses. Whether stressors lead to stress responses depends on...
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...The students will be asked to match the suitable “responses” related to the “stimulus”. Teachers are required to give “more options” (choices) than “premises” also the choices must be shorter than the “premises” in creating matching items questions. Productive response items refer to the capabilities of the learners to produce the answers than choosing or selecting. (Writing and speaking) can be accounted as “Productive response items”. Fill-in, short-response, and task items are all mentioned in Productive response items. Fill-in items are about filling the blanks with a word or phrase that missing in the sentence. The answers should be clear and short. In addition, the blank should be come after the sentence. Short-response items deal with the short answer with a short sentence or phrase. The questions should be constructed in a way that only one correct answer should be required and also the item must be clear and the teacher should avoid giving unnecessary information that is not related to the...
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...Communication is a critical skill for every profession--including nursing. For this week, write a post describing the kind of written and oral communication that you do at work. How much of your typical work day is occupied with speaking and writing? What kinds of documents do you compose? Recall a time when you experienced a problem at work as a result of poor communication. What were the causes of and possible remedies for the problem? How do you think studying technical writing would help you in your current and future work? To show that you’ve done the required reading, the postings require that you summarize, quote, or paraphrase at least a few key ideas from the reading in your response. Make sure you cite your sources using in-text citations and an entry on the references page. Respond thoughtfully to the above prompts in a primary response. Then, write two secondary responses, each to a different classmate's post. Your discussion postings will be graded, and your grade will be determined by the quality of posts. All discussion posts should be carefully structured with a beginning, a middle, and an end; they should also employ complete, grammatical sentences that form coherent and cohesive paragraphs. They must address the question(s) and be on topic; they must reflect that you have done the required reading. When you agree or disagree with a classmate, the reading, or lesson materials, state and support your agreement or disagreement. Moreover, all posts should...
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...Sex pheromones in Lysmata shrimps Rui Yang BIO4995 Undergraduate Research Advisor: Dr. Junda Lin July 30, 2010 Introduction Many crustaceans species, such as crabs (Ryan 1966; Gleeson 1980; Seifert 1982; Hardege et al. 2002; Kamio et al. 2002), lobsters (Atema 1984 for a review), and crayfish (Ameyaw-Akumn and Hazlett 1975; Tierney et al. 1984), copulate with the females using chemical compounds as sex attractants. Pheromones as a kind of chemical signals are widespread in aquatic species. To communicate and mate, sex pheromones that emitted by male or female become the most important chemical messages and are also used in mate choice. Sex pheromones are classified two types: distance pheromones and contact pheromones. As a kind of water-borne (aquatic species) or volatile (terrestrial species) chemical, distance pheromones can take effect within a certain range in water or in air Chang et al. 2007, Lim and Greenfield 2008). Kamio et al. (2002) found that post-molt females can release a water-borne pheromone, which is different from pre-molt females. Unlike distance pheromones, contact pheromones are insoluble and coat the female’s body (Kamiguchi 1972, Bauer 1979, Borowsky 1991, Zhang and Lin 2006). In many animals, pheromones are detected by specialized receptor organs, such as vomeronasal systems of vertebrates (Halpern and Martinez-Marcos 2003). But crustaceans sense chemicals through an organ called cuticular sensilla. Antennules, as the first part of antennae, have...
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