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Responsibilities of the Different Levels of Government in the Uk


Submitted By jordan12321
Words 737
Pages 3
P1 Responsibilities of the different levels of government in the UK * Local * National * European

My local council Tameside Metropolitan Borough are responsible for things such as council tax, Planning, Heath and social care, schools and learning, libraries, birth& marriage &death, Transport and recycling. They keep these facilities running so that members of the council and public can use them.
Tameside are responsible to tell the public information about transport and their local area, For example: if a bus time has changed they will have the responsibility to let people know the change that has happened. Another responsibility is that Tameside Metropolitan Borough has bins and recycling. They ensure that the local bins are getting emptied and that recycling products are in the right bins so they can be recycled.
Tameside Metropolitans Borough is responsible for birth, marriage and death. When someone has been born or died they will have to be registered to get a certificate. This is also the same when people have been married. This is to prove that they have been married, born or died.
Tameside council are responsible for health and social. The things they deal with are things like adoption service. They deal with people that either can’t have babies or are just interested in adopting. They look to see if the people that have signed up to adopt a child are suitable for the process.
Tameside council are also responsible for planning conservation areas. They make sure they show that the history is well shown to the public. They show the public interesting things about well-known people over many years. They are also responsible for holding elections and votes.

Tameside council are responsible for schools and pupils learning. The roles they have to do is make sure that everyone in the school is getting the education they

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