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Reusability of Codes


Submitted By richen5
Words 428
Pages 2
Assignment week 1


Submitted by: Gbigbi Jonathan Richards

Subject: Reusability of codes

Date: June 3, 2013

Reusability of codes

Reusability In other words, we should be able to use instances of the same component in different systems. This isn't always possible. Sometimes a component needs to provide additional services or the implementation of a provided service needs to be altered slightly. A well designed component should anticipate these modifications by providing hooks that allow users to extend or alter functionality without modifying the internal structure of the component. There are several principles that help us create reusable components. Components should be general, abstract, and not too smart. Procedural programming modules and objects are similar in that they use most of the same commands to execute their functions and store their data but also are very different. Procedural modules are easier to use for small specific programs that perform specialized functions. Objects are better used for more general operations that show a need for more complex and reusable functions that may require security and hidden code to avoid any corruption or mistakes. Both options permit private and local variables to be declared but modules can use data separate from the module where an object has its within itself and can be accessed only through its own methods when it is called upon by the program around it. A procedural programming is a module, function, or procedure designed for a specific purpose and performs only that one task. For outside programmers looking in these are relatively easy to follow and decipher when looked into. Procedural programming modules are most often written in the order they are intended to be executed with the exception of

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