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Submitted By psychemai
Words 659
Pages 3
Chapter 6

1. What is strategy? What is strategic planning?

a. List the reasons a company would have if it wants to operate internationally.

b. List the seven steps in the strategic management process.

2. What is environmental scanning? What areas are most commonly focused in environmental scanning?

a. What is the difference between environmental scanning at the multinational level and the regional level?

b. Describe the various sources of information that are available to managers.

3. What is a SWOT analysis? How is it used in strategic planning?

a. What are the two levels of strategic alternatives that a firm must consider when competing internationally?

b. Compare and contrast globalization and regionalization.

4. Describe the strategies of globalization and regionalization. When can each strategy be used most effectively?

Chapter 7
1. What is global alliance and why should a company seek a global alliance over other forms of market entry?

a. What motivates a company to develop a cross-border alliance?
b. Briefly explain FIVE (5) challenges in implementing global alliances?

2. What is the "dual nature" of strategic alliances?

a. What are the benefits of outsourcing abroad? What should firms do when implementing a global sourcing strategy?

3. What is international joint venture control? Why is it important?

a. Describe the process of knowledge management in international joint ventures.

b. What are some of the complexities of managing and implementing a global alliance? How can e-commerce enablers assist the process?

4. Name FOUR(4) methods and briefly explain how can firms increase the likelihood of forming a successful global alliance?

Chapter 08 1. What are the major variables that should be taken into account when designing a firm's organizational structure?

a. List FIVE (5)the typical ways in

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