...ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers THE VISION FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING IN 2025 BASED ON THE SUMMIT ON THE FUTURE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING June 21 – 22, 2006 Prepared by the Task Committee to Plan a Summit on the The Future of the Civil Engineering Profession January 5, 2007 (Final draft prepared by TC) Contents Executive Summary ...................................................... 1 2006: Status, Concerns, and Opportunities in the Civil Engineering Profession ..................................... 3 Issues and Trends ................................................. 3 New Pressures....................................................... 4 Career Appeal........................................................ 5 Future Directions.................................................... 5 Why a Summit? ............................................................. 7 The Vision for Civil Engineering .................................. 9 Vision ..................................................................... 9 Profile of the 2025 Civil Engineer......................... 10 2025: The Civil Engineer’s World............................... 13 A Sustainable World ............................................ 14 Research and Development................................. 16 Managing Risk ..................................................... 18 Master Innovators and Integrators ....................... 19 Reform in the Preparation of Engineers ............... 20 What Next?.....................
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...of accelerating wages ........................ 7 Connecting to Generation Y ........................................................ 8 Characteristics of Generation Y ................................................... 8 New strategies aligning with the needs of Generation Y ............. 9 Shortcomings of current approaches to managing talent ......... 10 The Develop-Deploy-Connect talent management model .......... 11 What Does the Develop-Deploy-Connect Model Mean for Manufacturing Firms?................................................................. 12 Designing organizational roles ................................................... 12 Improving work environments ................................................... 13 Transforming rewards ................................................................ 13 Communicating continuously...
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...CHAPTER 19 Fraud Awareness Auditing LEARNING OBJECTIVES | | | | | | |Review Checkpoints |Exercises Problems |Cases | | | | | | |1. Define and explain the differences among several kinds of fraud, |1, 2, 3 |45, 46 | | |errors, irregularities, and illegal acts that might occur in an | | | | |organization. | | | | | | | | | |2. Explain the various auditing standards regarding external, internal, |4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | | | |and governmental auditors' responsibilities with respect to detecting | | | | |and reporting errors, irregularities, and illegal...
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...The Shell Global Scenarios to 2025 The future business environment: trends, trade-offs and choices © Shell International Limited (SIL), 2005. Permission should be sought from SIL before any part of this publication is reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any other means. Agreement will normally be given, provided that the source is acknowledged. The information contained in this publication is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate although the forward looking statements herein are by their nature subject to risk factors which may affect the outcome of the matters covered. Opinions from independent experts are presented as their own views in separate inserts with their approval. None of Shell International The companies in which Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c. directly or indirectly own investments are separate and distinct entities. The expressions “Royal Dutch/Shell Group” and “Group” are used to refer to the companies of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group as a whole. The words “Shell”, “we”, “us” and “our” are used in some places to refer to the Group and in others to an individual Shell company or companies where no particular purpose is served by identifying the specific company or companies. Limited, its affiliates and their respective officers, employees and agents represents the accuracy or completeness of the information set forth herein and none of the foregoing shall be liable for...
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...management, and the role of ethical consumption in business. The fashion industry offers a compelling case study for exploring business sustainability issues. In the fashion industry, as in many industries, success requires highly developed sourcing, design, manufacturing, and marketing chains. Increasingly, success also means incorporating sustainability in resource and labor management, as firms realize that long-term corporate survival will depend on new ways of doing business. Climate change, resource challenges, new technologies and dramatic shifts in the global economy are already impacting the industry. The nexus of these concerns allows students to explore sustainability challenges while providing a framework for discussing new business models and management techniques for the future. Given its enormous reach and connection to important business topics ranging from climate change to social networking, the fashion industry’s practices provide broadly-relevant lessons for future business leaders in all fields as they focus on ways to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive sustainable outcomes for businesses,...
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...UET, Mechatronics and Control Engineering Department Water Crisis of Pakistan Submitted to: Mr. Rauf Akhtar Submitted By: Muhammad Rzi Abbas (2006-MCT-38) 5/23/2008 1 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION I authorize Mr. Muhammad Rzi Abbas to research on “Water Crisis of Pakistan”. Mr. Rauf Akhtar 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTEL Pakistan is being surrounded by almost all types of problems and difficulties nowadays. Everyone is speaking on different issues Pakistan is facing but I chose the Water Crisis which is a grave threat to Pakistan yet hidden from the eyes of most of the residents of Pakistan. To study this hanging sword I chose to write a report on the topic “Water Crisis of Pakistan”. In this report I have explained the past, present and future problems which Pakistan unfortunately had to face regarding water resources and utilization. Let me assure you that the reader will study this report with interest and will get a complete knowledge about the water sector problems which Pakistan is either facing right now or will have to face in the future. Muhammad Rzi Abbas 3 Table of Contents Letter of Authorization………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Letter of Transmittal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……3 Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..4 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….6 Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 First Portion Chapter...
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...ACC 704 BBUSINESS ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE TRIMESTER 3 2014 Major Group Assignment NAME | ID | RATU LEPANI VAKACEGU | 2007001708 | EMA MARAMA | 2013114712 | KOLOFIU TALEI KANAWALE | 2013112448 | ROSALIA RADUVA | 2012000295 | Topic: Social Accounting & Ethical Governance Abstract Social accounting and ethical governance is becoming a concern in Fiji businesses nowadays. This assignment will outline how Bank of the South Pacific deals with social accounting and transparency and ethical governance. Firstly, it will consider the social accounting factors which is the ‘Go Green’ event. Secondly, it will consider how transparency is Bank of the South Pacific and thirdly, it will consider ways in which Bank of the South Pacific can maintain ethical standards. Finally, some recommendations will be drawn as to how to improve social accounting, transparency and ethical governance at Bank of the South Pacific. Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to study as to how businesses in Fiji work towards social accounting and transparency and ethical governance. The business to be studied for this research is Bank of the South Pacific. Bank of the South Pacific is one of the largest and most successful banking organisations in the South Pacific. Bank of the South Pacific has its largest branch in Papua New Guinea and is represented in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Niue as well. Some of the services provided by Bank of the South Pacific include BSP Telephone...
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...Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training A Case Study of Scotland. Geno Trapaidze The Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management University of Strathclyde A thesis submitted in part of the requirements for the degree of MSc in International Hospitality Management September, 2007. ABSTRACT 1 The purpose of this study is to examine the role of education and training and its impact on labour supply to the Scotland hospitality and tourism industry; what are the current issues are there? And how those issues can be minimised? Its also seeks to identify the relation between the customer satisfaction and the service employees via service quality for maintain the growth of the hospitality and tourism industry. It also tries to identify the current labour market issues of the hospitality and tourism sector in Scotland, and how these issues can be minimised. Research will be conducted through five individual interviews. This research should help the hospitality and tourism managers/employers understand the importance of retaining staff. Also it will aim to make educational institutions aware of the gap between the content and the design of their hospitality and tourism courses/degree programmes in relation to industry demand, as highlighted in relation to current labour market issues such as staff turnover rate, retention problems, and the image of the hospitality and tourism industry in Scotland. Key words: Service quality, staff turnover, poor image...
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...learn about Walmart’s expectations and guides the firm in making its purchasing decisions. The company has built energy-efficient stores and retrofitted others, and it offers reusable shopping bags made of recycled materials. Although Walmart doesn’t disclose financial details on the green initiative, it says the program is already saving money and resources, and it projects billions in savings over time.1 Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Hear the True Story of how today’s managers do the right thing. Listen to what Derrick and Elaine have to say. “Ethics are crucial in the property management business. We are obligated to abide by fair housing laws in our dayto-day operations. Not only do we have an obligation as a company but also a social obligation to make sure our vendors and contractors are aware of these practices.” “The very nature and mission of my project is that of social responsibility. We are trying to do our part to help out developing countries in a way that an agricultural library is best equipped to do. Good workplace ethics translates into a better product for our subscribers. The better I and my employees perform, the better our product and the most useful it is to the end users, thus furthering the idea of social responsibility.” — Elaine Guidero, Library Manager — Derrick Hawthorne, Property Manager bat37233_ch03_050-071.indd 50 11/11/09 11:01:08 AM Confirming Pages WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ●● learning OBJECTIVES ...
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...learn about Walmart’s expectations and guides the firm in making its purchasing decisions. The company has built energy-efficient stores and retrofitted others, and it offers reusable shopping bags made of recycled materials. Although Walmart doesn’t disclose financial details on the green initiative, it says the program is already saving money and resources, and it projects billions in savings over time.1 Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Hear the True Story of how today’s managers do the right thing. Listen to what Derrick and Elaine have to say. “Ethics are crucial in the property management business. We are obligated to abide by fair housing laws in our dayto-day operations. Not only do we have an obligation as a company but also a social obligation to make sure our vendors and contractors are aware of these practices.” “The very nature and mission of my project is that of social responsibility. We are trying to do our part to help out developing countries in a way that an agricultural library is best equipped to do. Good workplace ethics translates into a better product for our subscribers. The better I and my employees perform, the better our product and the most useful it is to the end users, thus furthering the idea of social responsibility.” — Elaine Guidero, Library Manager — Derrick Hawthorne, Property Manager bat37233_ch03_050-071.indd 50 11/11/09 11:01:08 AM Confirming Pages WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ●● learning OBJECTIVES ...
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...National University of Modern Languages Institute of Business & Finance Department of Accounts & Finance Lahore Campus Final Thesis on CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND EMPLOYEE BEHAVIOUR SUBMITTED BY: STUDENT NAME Roll No. BS (Accounts& Finance) Honors Session from ----- to -------- Thesis Report on Computer Marketing Company National University of Modern Languages Faculty of Management and Science It is hereby certified that the report has been thoroughly and carefully read and recommend to the Faculty of Management and Science for acceptance of final thesis report by name & registration #. Session (August-13 to July-14) Morning.In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.S. (Accounting and Finance) of National University of Modern Languages Lahore. Date: 16-Oct-14 Supervisor name: Supervisor Signature: Plane Member Name: Plane Member Signature: Head of Department: Letter of Transmittal Head of Accounting & Finance Department, National University of Modern Languages, IBF Campus, Lahore. Dear Sir/Madam; It is to present you the thesis report which is executed at Computer Marketing Company as required by the university as a degree requirement for B.S. (Accounting and Finance) program. This report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines issued by the department. It is the result of my first professional experience. This is a partial...
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...| Business Leadership and Human Values Seminar2 CreditsBU 131.601.F5Summer Session 2016Wednesdays 1:30-4:30pm -- June 8 – July 27 Harbor East Room 230 | Instructor Rick Milter, Ph.D. Contact Information Phone Number: 410.234.9422 milter@jhu.edu Office Hours Typically before class session or by appointment. Required Learning Materials This course is a series of thematic conversations about human values and your responsibilities as an emerging/aspiring business leader. There is no traditional textbook, but there is much reading. You are required to read The Moral Compass: Leadership for a Free World, a workbook by Lindsay Thompson available online as a PDF in Course Documents. You will find details about required learning materials in the Bibliography and Theme Briefs sections of the Syllabus. Course Description and Overview This course explores ethical leadership as a framework for enterprise value creation in a complex environment of competing economic and moral claims. Students examine the intrinsic ethical challenges of leadership and the concept of a moral compass as a foundation for responding effectively to the ethical challenges of corporate citizenship and value creation in a competitive global economy. (2 credits) Syllabus Table of Contents Page Topic 2 Bibliography & Learning Resources 6 Calendar, Seminar Structure, Theme Briefs, Content 42 Seminar Preparation Toolkit 48 Learning Objectives, Graded Assignments...
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...Biomimicry L. Nicole Doucette, Kim Fields, Tanner Funk, Anthony J. Gallela DeVry University LAS 432: Tech, Culture, and Society March 2013 Session Prof. Colleen Mallory Table of Contents ~ Prepared by L. N. Doucette Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 ~prepared by K. Fields Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 ~ prepared by A. J. Gallela What is Biomimicry ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 5 ~ prepared by T. Funk History ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 ~ prepared by T. Funk Political Influence -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 13 ~ prepared by K. Fields Legal Influence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 16 ~ prepared by K. Fields Economic Questions and Considerations --------------------------------------------- Page 18 ~ prepared by A. J. Gallela Psychological Considerations ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 21 ~ Prepared by K. Fields Biomimicry Cultural Context and Media Influence ---------------------------------Page 24 ~ prepared by A. J. Gallela Sociological Effects -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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...Learning Objectives Chapter 1 1 Distinguish between business and not-for-profit organizations. 2 Identify and describe the factors of production. 3 Describe the private enterprise system, including basic rights and entrepreneurship. 4 Identify the six eras of business, and explain how the relationship era—including alliances, technology, and environmental concerns—influences contemporary business. 5 Explain how today’s business workforce and the nature of work itself is changing. 6 Identify the skills and attributes managers need to lead businesses in the 21st century. 7 Outline the characteristics that make a company admired by the business community. iStockphoto The Changing Face of Business S nuggie: The Break-out Blanket Hit I f the first thing you do when preparing to curl up with a good textbook like this one is to reach for your Snuggie, you have plenty of company. Sales of the funky blanket with sleeves were expected to reach as high as 20 million units in just the second year the cozy accessory was available. Combined with the 5 million blankets sold in the first year, that volume will bring the value of total retail sales of the Snuggie to more than $300 million. That’s a respectable profit for an inexpensive product whose unique design and ungainly shape have made it the butt of YouTube parodies and late-night talkshow jokes. It means Allstar Marketing Group, which markets the Snuggie, is obviously doing something ...
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...use our Emerald for Authors service. Information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Additional help for authors is available for Emerald subscribers. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information. About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com With over forty years' experience, Emerald Group Publishing is a leading independent publisher of global research with impact in business, society, public policy and education. In total, Emerald publishes over 275 journals and more than 130 book series, as well as an extensive range of online products and services. Emerald is both COUNTER 3 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation. *Related content and download information correct at time of download. Global competition 2021: key capabilities for emerging opportunities Armen Ovanessoff and Mark Purdy Armen Ovanessoff is a senior research fellow with the Accenture Institute for High Performance...
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