Coming out of the silence
After the horrifying events that happened over the weekend in charolettesville va president trump stayed relatively quiet causing most americans to question where he stands. The reasoning for his silence he claims was that he wanted to "make sure unlike most politians that what he said was correct." Trump then came out to say that the hate groups will be punished for the death of Heather Heyer and the many others who were also injured. He also said during his press conference that BOTH sides are to blame.
Trumps views on BLM Vs. Alt-Right
I would like to take a step back and have everyone remember the outrage president trump had over groups such as BLM and proceeded to tell the media how disgusting it was for them…show more content… This is what trump has had to say about BLM in past interviews "I think theyre trouble, I think theyre looking for trouble. I looked at a couple of people who were interviewed from the group. I saw them with hate coming down the street...I think its disgraceful the way theyre being catered to by the democrats."
Now let's compare that to some of the comments Trump made these past few days regarding the marches and the events in charolettesville, VA.
When trump was asked if he believed that the alt right were behind these attacks he fired back with "Define Alt-Right for me, Go ahead define alt-right...and what about the alt-left that came charging at the as you say Alt-right, do they have any semblance of