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Richard Sezler Abortion

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It seems as though women have forgotten all about their other options with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Over time, abortion has been put on a pedestal so high that it seems like the only way to handle these important pregnancy situations. Fredrica Matthew-Green stated 20 years ago someone told her that if the names of all the lost babies were inscribed on a wall, like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the wall would have to stretch for 50 miles. It’s 20 years later now and that wall would have to stretch twice as far. But, no names could be written on it; those babies had no names (When Abortion Suddenly Stopped Making Sense) When abortion was legalized, it was thought to be a rare case. They never imagined it would be taken this far and …show more content…
An article in the Esquire magazine in 1976 called “ What I Saw at the Abortion” by author Richard Sezler changed the thoughts of many. It is a story about the time he watched an abortion happen when in training to perform the same surgeries himself. “Selzer described seeing the patient, 19 weeks pregnant, laying on her back on the table. The doctor performing the procedure inserted a syringe into the woman’s abdomen and injected her womb with a prostaglandin solution, which would bring on contractions and cause a miscarriage. (a method that isn’t used anymore, because too often a baby survived the procedure – chemically burned and disfigured, they cling to life.) After injecting the hormone into the patient’s room, the doctor left the syringe standing upright on her belly. Then, Selzer wrote, “... it is the hub of the needle that is in the woman’s belly that has jerked. First to one side. Then to the other side. Once more and waffles, tugged like a fishing line nibbled buy a sunfish.“ he realized he was seeing the fetus’s desperate fight for life” (Green 3). The baby had no voice, the baby was not born. The only thing that poor fetus could do was be scared and fight for its last breath that was taken away from it by its mother. Selzer watched as the syringe slowed down to a complete stop meaning the child was dead. He never again wanted to watch an abortion or perform an abortion. His previous thoughts about abortion had forever been changed. “Whatever else is said in abortions defense, the vision of that other defense will not vanish from my eyes. And it has happened that you cannot reason with me now. For what can language do against the truth of what I saw?” (Green 3). The truth of abortion is that it is murder, and it is extreme violence against humanity. To kill one's own son or daughter because they simply do not want it or can not afford it is

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