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Right to Carry


Submitted By FMFDoc1965
Words 616
Pages 3
U.S. citizens not possessing a criminal record shall be permitted to carry a concealed weapon. COMM/215: Essentials of College Writing

U.S. citizens not possessing a criminal record shall be permitted to carry a concealed weapon.
U.S. citizens carrying a concealed weapon may prevent acts of violence to other citizens, are less likely to become victims of criminal violence, and prevent acts of terrorism.
Even though concealed weapons are reported to cause accidental deaths and injuries, U.S. citizens not possessing a criminal record shall be permitted to carry a concealed weapon because may prevent acts of violence to other citizens and less likely to become victims of criminal violence.
Concealed weapons are reported to cause accidental deaths and injuries. Americans own an estimated 270 million firearms – approximately 90 guns for every 100 people. In 2007, guns were the cause of the unintentional deaths of 613 people. From 2001 through 2007, more than 4,900 people in the United States died from unintentional shootings. More than 1,750 victims of unintentional shootings between 2001 and 2007 were under 25. In comparison, motor vehicle accidents across the United States have caused 42,031 deaths in 2008, that is 13.9 deaths per 100,000 people and yet continue to license thousands of citizens every day in this country. Another interesting fact about concealed weapons causing accidental deaths and injuries is medical mistakes kill 400,000 people per year, that is the equivalent of almost three fully loaded Boeing 747 jet crashes per day or about 286 times the rate of accidental firearm deaths. This translates into one in six doctors causing an accidental death, and one in 56,666 gun owners doing the same.
Even though concealed weapons are reported to cause accidental deaths and injuries, US citizens not having a criminal record should be

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