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Riordan Manuacturing


Submitted By MacMac1010
Words 1071
Pages 5
Riordan Manufacturing

Riordan Manufacturing The HR department of Riordan Manufacturing has requested services in developing a “more sophisticated, state-of-the-art, information systems technology”. The current systems that they use have become a hassle and are outdated. They would like to take the separated tools and systems that they have and make one master system that will encompass all of their needs. We have been allotted six months to plan, analyze, design and implement a new system for Riordan Manufacturing. Let the Planning Begin
Identifying key stakeholders is one of the first tasks that we will undergo. The key stakeholders in Riordan Manufacturing are those who will undoubtedly help the project succeed. Whether it’s information or resources (i.e. finances), identifying the key stakeholders is highly essential to the project. The first choice is the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Hugh McCauley because he is solely responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company. He knows, or should know, what it takes for his employees to succeed and with their help, an effective system can be created. Next would be the financial planning manager and/or the Chief Financial Officer to discuss the funding of the project. Without knowing where the budget stands, we are unable to tell how much work we are able to put into this project. All administrative assistants and a certain percentage of those who would use the system on a daily basis would be chosen also. These employees are identified as key stakeholders because they will be the ones who ultimately control the system so they know what it is that they need to get the job done. Gathering information from this selection of employees allows me to understand the requirements of the system and the needs of the employees, while staying within the set

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