...Domains of Child and Youth care Practice within the Hospital Milieu: The domain of self is composed of our thoughts, feelings, and actions of our worldview (Stuart, 2013). The subdomains within self-include; reflective practice, boundaries, self-care and the use of self in interventions (Stuart, 2013). Reflective practice is heightened when practitioners apply learning, therefore can the practitioner apply learning to new scenarios (Stuart, 2013). Practitioners reflect on their professional learning, personal history, and the influence on their day to day relationships with team members and clients (Stuart, 2013). Self-care and self- reflection are crucial as it affects the client to ensure good quality care, as well as the practitioner’s well-being, related to burn out or stressful situations (Stuart, 2013). Emotional exhaustion refers to feelings of being emotionally and psychologically drained and over- extended by one’s work (Barford & Whelton, 2010). Boundaries are important because they involve ethical, and moral situations when dealing with a client helps to ensure a safe practice (Stuart, 2013). Boundaries are co-created, meaning that both the practitioner and the client work together to ensure that boundaries are understood and established (Stuart, 2013). In addition understand and be aware of how issues of caring, being personal, interpersonal separation, and touch are being presented and set clear boundaries (Stuart, 2013). Within interventions a practitioner must...
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