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Rlt2 Task 1

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Domains of Child and Youth care Practice within the Hospital Milieu: The domain of self is composed of our thoughts, feelings, and actions of our worldview (Stuart, 2013). The subdomains within self-include; reflective practice, boundaries, self-care and the use of self in interventions (Stuart, 2013). Reflective practice is heightened when practitioners apply learning, therefore can the practitioner apply learning to new scenarios (Stuart, 2013). Practitioners reflect on their professional learning, personal history, and the influence on their day to day relationships with team members and clients (Stuart, 2013). Self-care and self- reflection are crucial as it affects the client to ensure good quality care, as well as the practitioner’s …show more content…
The subdomains within professionalism include ethics, professional development, supervision, and diversity. Ethics follows a code of personal and professional behaviour, in addition making ethical decisions to determine the right decision within an ethical conflict (Stuart, 2013). Professional development is commitment to a life-long learning and professional development to ensure clients with change in their lives (Stuart, 2013). Maintaining a professional development plan that is regularly reviewed and based on reflection such as attending conferences (Stuart, 2013). In addition on going professional development requires a certification or membership within the organization (Stuart, 2013). The CYCP must follow an induction period of four weeks’ observing and meeting with other members of multi professional team as well as meeting with staff on other wards (Watson, 2004). Supervision provides support, education, and a safe setting, in order to establish world views and monitoring of the practice standard (Stuart, 2013). Practitioner’s must respect cultural differences and attend to differences and similarities, in addition be aware of what sets the groups apart from one another (Stuart, …show more content…
The four subdomains include life-space intervention, advocacy, group work, planned interventions, and intervention plans (Stuart, 2013). Effective use of the environment and daily activities experiences shared with a young person creates opportunities for growth and development (Stuart, 2013). Youth work aims to enable interventions, to reduce the experience of intrinsic power, respect for young people’s own perspectives and orientations, and encourage an engaged, responsible and active role for them (Payne & Dyson, 2009). As well as provide personal support, promoting the young people’s viewpoints, providing a diverse range of personal and social developmental opportunities, for promoting self-esteem and optimism (Watson, 2004). Group work provides opportunities for members to experience social developmental and to build on their existing strengths and competencies (Stuart, 2013). Group work, such as organised outings with inclusion of siblings, residential holidays, projects with groups of haemodialysis patients (kidney dialysis), and an establishment of a youth committee with young people having different chronic illnesses (Watson, 2004). Practitioners design activities, interactions and behaviour management method that’s supports these goals (Stuart, 2013). The practitioner integrates skills and the environment

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