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Rmg Sector in Bangladesh


Submitted By asifshohel
Words 2590
Pages 11

Background of the study: * We are doing this assignment for completing the principals of management courses in the BBA department. * We are doing this report so that we can analysis the readymade garment (RMG) sector of Bangladesh and find out the problems and remedies of this sector.

Objectives of the study:
The main objectives of this report are * To gain knowledge about the industrial unrest in the readymade garments industry of Bangladesh. * To identify the problems of RMG sector of Bangladesh. * To analysis the problems of this sector. * To fine out the remedies that could solve the problems of RMG sector. * To gain in-depth knowledge about the readymade garments industry of Bangladesh.

Data collection method:
This assignment has been completed by taking information from different relevant sources. This assignment also consists of a significant amount of data obtained from some secondary sources. For the secondary data, we have taken some information from the internet. We also collect information from various industries’ web sites.

Limitation of the study:
Though our study is based on secondary data, there is a possibility of getting fake information. This study is weak in some points. The notable ones are as under: * This report has been made basis only on the secondary data. * The survey was conducted in a very short time so we were not able to collect more information. * This survey made on crisis situation of Bangladesh, so it was difficult to collect samples. * Lack of experience in this field.

Analysis Technique & Report Writing:
In preparing this report, we approached according to the following procedure: * Select the topic * Collect information from different sources * Sorting information * Analysis and evaluation of the information * Report writing and

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