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Robert Frank Essay

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The Story of Robert Frank Robert Frank, born November 9, 1924 son of a wealthy Jewish man grew up in Switzerland under influence of the Nazi regime. He turned to photography as a distraction from the real world which contained his overbearing father and mother. The influence of oppression is evident throughout his work especially later in his photographic career. His photographic career was jumpstarted in Zurich, Switzerland as a commercial photographer in the form of an intern to Herman Segesser. He perfected his craft of portrait and landscape photographs through intense repetition. He ventured to the United States in 1947, although he did not attend a formal college or university for photography or filmmaking (Coddaire). His first job …show more content…
In the middle of his career at the New York Times, he ventured into filmmaking. His films did not carry the same qualities that his photographs did, most of his films were documentaries that seemed fully planned out rather than his freelance ideas about photography. His most famous film was a documentary where he followed the Rolling Stones on tour (“Robert Frank”). Making his return to still photography in 1973, he turned to mainly portrait photography because of the impact that the biographies he made during his filmmaking days. In his later work, he wanted to make a statement and tell a story about that person being photographed. He also used the technique of using multiple photos and text underneath the photos to tell the story if the picture did not suffice (“Robert Frank”). In the mid-1980’s Frank’s filmmaking work took off even though he was finished producing and directing films. He was featured in film festivals throughout the country and in museums throughout the world. He is the recipient of many awards from photography to filmmaking.
One of Frank’s most memorable and inspirational quotes is “The eye should learn to listen before it looks”. Which means that the person looking at the photograph should understand the circumstances of the photo and what the goal for the photo was, not what could or should be corrected. Robert Frank is still alive at the age of

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