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Robert Hayden Research Paper

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During the second semester of college, the class has read poems with dynamic and exceptional themes. As the students ventured off into the different type of authors and poems. One author by the name of Robert E. Hayden caught a student’s attention with his heart-rending and thought-provoking words. Three of Hayden's have a similarity in theme. The first poem is called “The Whipping” and the second poem is named” Those Winter Sundays” and lastly, the third poem is named “Runagate Runagate”. Theses three poems all have the common theme of abuse.

To begin with, originally his named used to be Asa Bundy Sheffey. Robert Hayden was born in the year 1913 on August 4 in Detroit Michigan. He was abandoned by his parents and raised by foster parents.

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Businesesea a S Ddf Sdf Dsf a Df S

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